Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 93 The Undefeated Demon Physique, the Empty Cicada's True Intent, and the Eastern Invin

Chapter 93 The Undefeated Demon Physique, the Empty Cicada's True Intent, and the Eastern Invincible Entrance

"Ding, while all the exercises, including the Heavenly Destiny Emperor Body, are watching the excitement, "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" decisively swallows all luck."

"Ding, after being baptized with a lot of luck, the "Impermanence Heaven Demon Art" has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has successfully advanced to the tenth level."

"Ding, "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" swallowed luck twice in a row, causing public outrage. All the exercises and the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body shared the same hatred, and beat "Impermanent Heavenly Demon Art" violently."

"Ding, during the struggle, "Impermanence Demon Art" shouted: 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi."

"Ding, "Impermanence Demon Art" has been beaten even harder."

"Ding, in order to reward Meng Xinghun for his great achievements, the gang panel specially gave Meng Xinghun a great reward."

"Ding, Meng Xinghun has been promoted to the Ninth Layer of the Cave Heaven after receiving a large amount of aura flushing."

In the True Dragon Hall, with the rise of "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art", for a while, there was a sense of demon power in the hall.

If outsiders find out, they will inevitably slander Ying Xi as a devil and denounce Ying Xi in various ways.

It's a pity that in the True Dragon Palace, almost no one can spy on Yingxi from the outside.

"Your Majesty, outside the Xuanwu Gate, there is a woman named Nangong Qingyin sneakily. She said that she is your new maid, and she has something to report to you."

Shangguan Haitang stepped into the True Dragon Hall skillfully, and bowed to Yingxi to report.

"Bring her to see me."

Ying Xi didn't think much about it either.

Anyway, with the blessing of the dog-licking halo, he doesn't have to worry about Nangong Qingyin plotting against him.

He guessed that something happened in Yanshui residence.

"Slave and servants meet your majesty."

Not long after, Nangong Qingyin entered the True Dragon Hall under the leadership of Shangguan Haitang.

Entering the Daqin Imperial Palace for the first time, Nangong Qingyin's heart was undoubtedly very shocked.

In the depths of his heart, Yingxi was placed in a higher position.

"Wai Li, tell me, what happened that made you anxious to see me?"

Ying Xi looked at Nangong Qingyin who was just a big gift when they met, waved his hands casually, and asked directly.

"Return to Your Majesty, Nangong Hao has come to Xianyang."

"This time, he didn't come to deal with me, but conspired with others to deal with you at the Great Court."

Nangong Qingyin hurriedly said with a hint of worry.

Nangong Hao is obviously stronger than her in Yanshui Residence, and the power he can mobilize is also stronger.

If Nangong Hao joins forces with others to deal with Ying Xi, it will definitely cause Ying Xi a lot of trouble.

Of course, in comparison, the reason why she focused on coming here was to get rid of the relationship, to prove that it was Nan Gonghao who decided to deal with Yingxi.

It's not her or the entire Yanshuiju's decision.

She always has a premonition that those who fight against Yingxi will be wiped out sooner or later.

"Do you know who he is conspiring with?"

Ying Xi asked calmly.

As early as when she decided to start the Great Court Meeting, Ying Xi had already made mental preparations.

When forces from all sides make trouble, he will break it with all his might.

It also happened to take this opportunity to tell the people in the world that the rise of the Great Qin Dynasty is unstoppable, and those who stand in the way have only a dead end!
Therefore, Yingxi's mood did not fluctuate much at this time.

"Return to Your Majesty, the servant has not found out yet."

Nangong Qingyin said with a guilty expression.

"Forget it, Shangguan Haitang, let Zhu Wushi pay attention to Nangonghao."

"Nangong Qingyin, I want you to cooperate with Hulong Villa to find out who Nangong Hao is conspiring with and what is the content of the conspiracy as quickly as possible?"

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles.

Before the Great Court Meeting, as long as there are clues, Yingxi will investigate to the end.


Hearing this, Shangguan Haitang and Nangong Qingyin bowed and took orders to leave.

Yunzhou, Xiangxi Road, Baigu Mountains.

Dongfang Bubai did not choose to lead people away from the Bone Mountains after slaughtering those righteous people.

She always felt that there was a huge secret hidden in the Bone Mountain Range.

She also wanted to find out.

The last time she stepped out of the White Bone Mountain Range was because of the message from the Tenth Elder of the Demon Sect, otherwise, she should still be exploring in the White Bone Mountain Range at this time.

Now, after cleaning the battlefield, after the Tenth Elder of the Demon Sect and all the elite disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect have fully recovered their strength, she ordered the Tenth Elder of the Demon Sect to lead their people to hide nearby.

But I want to enter the White Bone Mountain Range again, and continue to seek the secrets in the White Bone Mountain Range.

"Amitabha, you devils wantonly slaughter righteous people, yet you still dare to stay here ostentatiously, it is simply unreasonable."

"Today, I will represent the common people in the world and kill you demons."

At this moment, an old monk came from a distance with dozens of monks.

As the old monk shouted, his pupils were full of murderous intent.

"Old monk, are you looking for death too?"

Dongfang Bubai glanced at the old monk playfully, but didn't take the old monk too seriously.

Although, this old monk is already in the realm of dharma.

However, from Dongfang Bubai's point of view, a Dharma Aspect Realm level 99, and a Dharma Aspect Realm promoted with [-] caves, is not very strong.

With her current strength of 250 caves, she may not be able to kill this old monk.

"This is my Shaolin Temple, Master Guanghui, how dare the devil be presumptuous?"

Behind the old monk, there are a group of monks, most of them are masters of the Purple Mansion, and a few have one or two caves, but they are only small characters in the second and third levels of the cave.

Master Guanghui, an eminent monk of the Shaolin Temple's Guangzi generation, is deeply supported by Shaolin.At this moment, when they heard Dongfang Bubai's disdain, they were all furious and wished they could swallow Dongfang Bubai alive.

"You are the big devil, Dongfang Bubai, right?"

"If you advance to the realm of Dharma, I can't help you if I can't say it today."

"Unfortunately, you are not in the realm of Faxiang. Today, I want to slay demons!"

Master Guanghui said coldly, thinking to himself that he could easily suppress Dongfang Bubai by virtue of his realm advantage.

"Faxiangjing, is it difficult?"


With a stern smile, Dongfang Bubai's face was full of mockery.

Originally, she planned to enter the White Bone Mountain Range and make a breakthrough.

But now, in order to solve Guanghui, an eyesore monk, more quickly.

She decided to make a breakthrough!

"Invincible Demon Physique, Ning!"

With a deep shout, Dongfang Bubai's body surface seemed to have a layer of terrifying magic condensed, turning into a tyrannical physique, with the power to suppress everything.

"Ding, Dongfang Bubai has successfully condensed the supernatural power of life: the invincible demon body!"

[Invincible Devil Physique: Heaven-rank top-grade natal supernatural power, formed by Dongfang Invincible with his own will]

"Kongchan's true meaning, now!"

"Ding, Dongfang is invincible in the Sunflower Treasure, comprehend the supernatural power of life: the true meaning of the empty cicada."

[Empty Cicada's True Intent: Heaven-ranked top-grade natal supernatural powers, with the blessing of Empty Cicada's True Intent, the power of fingering martial arts can be doubled]

"Inscribed with supernatural powers, the state of the law, broken!"


[Four more, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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