Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 94 Devouring the "Marrow Washing Sutra"

Chapter 94 Devouring the "Marrow Washing Sutra" (Fifth Watch, please subscribe)

"Ding, when Dongfang Bubai succeeded in breaking through, with the help of the rich aura of heaven and earth, he engraved his natal supernatural powers: the invincible demon body and the true meaning of the empty cicada on its 250 caves."

In an instant, Dongfang Invincible broke through and entered the Dharma phase!
The terrifying aura, in an instant, made the entire entrance of the White Bone Mountain Range shrouded in magic.

Take a breath.

"No, it's impossible!"

Breaking through before the battle, what kind of amazing genius is this?

Why, the world has never heard of the name of Dongfang Invincible before?

Master Guanghui was shocked for a moment.

"Come on!"

After being shocked, Guanghui shouted loudly, and he also walked away first.

Today's Dongfang Invincible has the power to crush him just because of his aura.

How dare he confront Dongfang Bubai.

All the words of killing demons are regarded as farting at this moment.

At the same time, Guanghui felt even more regretful.

If he had known earlier, he would not have come to this muddy water.

Why did he have to have a brain twitch and decide to come to slay demons as soon as he heard someone say it?
Guanghui swears that if he can leave safely today.

He had to chop up the person who instigated him to come here to slay the demon and feed it to the dogs before he could vent his anger.


Dongfang Bubai smiled.

At some point in his hand, there was already an extra handful of ice needles!
The ice needles were like a celestial girl scattering flowers, piercing the necks of many monks in an instant.

Especially that Guanghui, who was taken care of by Dongfang Bubai, the back of his heart and the back of his head were pierced with ice needles!
A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Guanghui looked back and struggled to raise his hand, as if he wanted to say something to Dongfang Bubai.

However, it's a pity that he couldn't say a word in the end, and fell to the ground without a sound.


Seeing that all the monks died.

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help snorting coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "The ten elders of the Demon Cult listen to the order. You immediately break up into pieces and hide in the vicinity as ordinary people. Don't draw others' attention."

This time Shaolin Guanghui attacked, fortunately she had not entered the Bone Mountain Range yet.

If she went in, she might not have time to come back to help the ten elders of the Demon Sect.

At that time, with Guanghui's strength, the ten elders of the Devil's Sect may be in danger.

Needless to say, those elite disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect.

In order to avoid danger, she ordered the next time.


After the ten elders of the Devil's Sect took the order, they immediately began to make arrangements.

"Ding, Dongfang Bubai forcefully killed Guanghui, the supreme master of the Shaolin Dharma Realm, which greatly dampened Shaolin's spirit. The Buddhist panel took the opportunity to plunder 5.00% of Shaolin Temple's luck."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback from the Shaolin Temple exercises, the top-ranked "Marrow Washing Sutra"."

[Washing Marrow Sutra: Heaven-level top-grade exercises, unknown changes have occurred, Buddhist top-level exercises, and the exercises are divided into nine layers]

"Ding, feeling the breath of the same Buddhist technique, "Wake Up Nerves" took advantage of the "Washing Marrow Sutra"'s foothold, and a tiger pounced on it, trying to devour the "Washing Marrow Sutra."

"Ding, under the crisis of life and death in the "Washing Sutra", shout out: Be brave, not afraid of difficulties!"

"Ding, "Awakening the Nerve" smiled disdainfully. In the face of great strength, everything is gaudy. After a while, "Awakening the Nerve" successfully devoured the "Marrow Washing Sutra."

"Ding, after devouring the "Marrow Washing Sutra", the completion rate of "Wake Up Nerve" to advance to the king level has increased to 60.00%. "Wake Up Nerve" is eager to devour more Buddhist exercises."

"Ding, while many exercises and the Emperor's Body of Destiny are watching the lively fighting among Buddhist exercises, "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" has a weak body and a strong mind, and once again swallowed all the luck."

"Ding, after being baptized with a lot of luck, the "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" has advanced by leaps and bounds, and successfully advanced to the No.12 level."

Xianyang, deep in Zuixiao Tower.

In a small courtyard like a paradise.

Ying Xi shook the mountain and sea fan lightly, in a trance, like a real fairy in the world, transcendent and refined.

Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Yuanming were separated from each other, and their attitudes were quite respectful.

This time, Yingxi was also invited by Zhuge Liang to come and taste the drunkenness of this Zuixiaolou.

It is said that this is the Yizuichongxiao specially made by the Zhuge family in Nanyang, and its quality is much higher than the Yizuichongxiao sold in Zuishiaolou.

Of course, Yingxi's coming here, in fact, has a deeper purpose.

That is, use Zhuge Liang as the medium to lay a foundation for the future subjugation of the Nanyang Zhuge clan.

Outside Xianyang City, in a lively market town.

At this moment, Xiao Feng, Hong Qigong, and Wang Datong are drinking wine in a small tavern.

However, all three of them glanced vaguely at a box on the second floor of the tavern, as if they were watching someone.

Suddenly, the door of that box opened.

Inside, a young man with gloomy eyes stepped out slowly, and after going downstairs, his figure flickered, and he hurried towards the south.


Seeing this, Xiao Feng let out a deep drink, and the three of them joined hands and followed that young master quietly.

Soon, the three of them followed the young master to an abandoned temple.

inside the temple.

After Brother Young Master arrived, he said in a deep voice, "Everyone, show up quickly when you arrive."

"Master Young Master, don't worry, I'll just wait."

When the voice fell, three figures fell.

"Stop talking nonsense, the Great Dynasty is coming, are you all ready?"

Brother Gongzi didn't intend to talk too much with them, and he just got to the point when he opened his mouth.

"My White Lotus Sect has secretly integrated the White Dragon Mansion. On the day of the Great Court Meeting, I will be able to integrate a large army to fight to Xianyang, and give the Qin Emperor a big surprise."

A man in white yelled out coldly. Judging from his voice, he presumably came from the White Lotus Sect.

"The warriors of our Golden Horde have already assembled in the Red Dragon Mansion. On the day of the Great Court Meeting, they will completely crush the Great Qin Palace."

One person, with fierce eyes and a naked upper body, obviously came from the Golden Horde Khanate in the Western Regions.

"What about you? I heard that an elder from your Qisha Demon Palace was killed by Emperor Qin in the Azure Dragon Mansion. Didn't the Emperor Qin discover something?"

Brother Young Master glanced at the last figure in black, and asked with some distrust.

"Don't worry, the death of that elder will not affect the overall situation. As for the Qinglong Mansion, our Qisha Demon Palace has collected enough demon energy. A large number of private soldiers from various families have been corroded by the demon energy and can be used by my Demon Palace at any time. "

The black-clothed figure actually came from the Palace of the Seven Demons.

It sounds like the elder of the Demon Palace of the Seven Demons appeared in Qinglong Mansion not simply because he was lured by Tianji Pavilion, Qinglonghui, and Liushamen.

Even the elder probably doesn't know about the secret operations hidden in the Seven Evil Demon Palace.

"Very well, on the day of the great court meeting, my father Tian Luohou will also make a move."

But it turns out that this young master is the son of Tian Luohou.

"Since that's the case, let's make an appointment on the date of the Great Court Assembly and work together."

"it is good!"

After reaching an agreement, the four wanted to leave one after another.

"You guys are leaving now? Don't you want to chat more?"

At this moment, a heroic voice sounded, causing the pupils of the four to shrink suddenly.


[Fifth watch, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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