Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 95 Natal Supernatural Powers: Impermanence Heavenly Demon Body

Chapter 95 Natal Supernatural Powers: Impermanence Heavenly Demon Body (sixth watch, please subscribe)

In fact.

Xiao Feng, Hong Qigong, and Wang Datong should have already arrived in Xianyang.

The reason for the delay.

It was because they discovered the identity of this young master, who was actually Tian Luohou's son.

Acting in a sneaky way, and deliberately not letting the guards follow, he came to the market town alone, which attracted the attention of Xiao Feng and the others.

Xiao Feng and the three of them guessed that this young master came here, at this point in time, most likely he wanted to make trouble during the grand court meeting.

No, at this moment, the four of them heard a conversation.

Everything is clear.

The three of Xiao Feng showed up without any scruples.

"Who are you?"

The four of them all felt the extremely dangerous aura from the three of Xiao Feng.

After all, they are all just messengers, and the strongest young master is only at the fourth level of the Purple Mansion.

It's just that in their respective forces, their status is quite high.

"Kill your people!"

Xiao Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

Time to take the six dragons!

With a random palm, the dragon shadow roared, and in an instant, the four of them were blasted to death.

"Let's go, let's go back to Xianyang and report to His Majesty."

Following Xiao Feng's order, the three of them left Qiqi Yukong.

"Ding, Xiao Feng, Hong Qigong, and Wang Datong successfully uncovered the conspiracy of the four parties of Tian Luohou, the White Lotus Sect, the Qisha Demon Palace, and the Golden Horde, and beheaded the higher-ranking figures in the four forces. Together, we plundered a small amount of luck."

"Ding, the exercise feedback is too complicated, and it evolved into a group of innate pure Yang Qi."

"Ding, the innate pure yang qi is innately compatible with the "Nine Suns Divine Art", and it is fused with the "Nine Suns Divine Art" by itself."

"Ding, after your "Nine Suns Divine Art" has successfully integrated a group of innate pure Yang Qi, you have successfully found a way to advance to the king rank. The current completion rate is [-]%, and "Nine Suns Divine Art" is eager to integrate More innate pure yang energy."

"Ding, your "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" has quick eyesight and quick hands, and once again swallowed all the luck."

"Ding, many exercises, the Heavenly Destiny Emperor Body together violently beat the "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art"."

"Ding, your "Impermanence Demon Art" is full of tears. Under the bullying, you refined all your luck and advanced No. 13."

"Ding, your "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" is in the process of being continuously beaten, leading the natal supernatural power: the real body of the demon to advance successfully, and transformed into the king-level natal supernatural power: the body of the impermanent demon."

[Impermanence Heavenly Demon Body: King-rank top-grade natal supernatural power, an advanced version of Heavenly Demon Real Body, advantage: extremely resistant to beating]

Inside the True Dragon Hall, Ying Xi sipped the wine carefully.

This is a special version of Yi Zui Chong Xiao obtained from Zhuge Yuanming, and it tastes really good.

After some probing, Yingxi has already obtained some useful information.

At least, the Zhuge family's current attitude towards him is relatively close because of Zhuge Liang's relationship.

That's enough.

In the future, as his power becomes stronger and stronger.

He believed that the Zhuge family would make a wise choice.

Jiangnan Road, Xu'an City, Headquarters of the Beggar Clan.

"Vice Chief Guo, according to the investigation by the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall, recently, the major families in Jiangnan Dao are secretly gathering in Changlong City."

"It seems to be planning something. Many spies from my Beggar Clan have been killed in Changlong City."

"Yesterday, I, Elder Xu of the beggar gang, went to Changlong City. Just now, my life card was broken. Thinking about it, I'm afraid he's already dead."

Wu Qingfeng reported to Guo Jing, who was above the main seat, with a sad face.

It has to be said that he is now considered as big as a bucket.

It seems that since the Xingzilin last time, the Beggar Clan has been caught in endless disputes.

And, every time, the enemies you provoke are not easy.

This time, his intuition told him that if he didn't handle the matter of Changlong City properly, his Beggar Clan would fall into a situation beyond redemption.

"Changlong City?"

Guo Jing tapped lightly on the table with his knuckles.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "During this period of time, first tighten the power of the Beggar Gang. I will go to Changlong City myself to see what's going on."

The Elder Xu mentioned by Wu Qingfeng, Guo Jing knew, was an elder of the Nine Pockets of the Beggar Clan, a Grandmaster of the Purple Mansion.

Now he died in Changlong City.

From all over the beggar gang, it seems that apart from him, there is no one more suitable to visit Changlong City.

"Guo deputy gang leader, why don't you wait a little longer?"

Hearing that Guo Jing was going in person, Wu Qingfeng panicked.

For one thing, once Guo Jing leaves, the headquarters of the Beggar Clan will no longer be guarded by strong men.

Once a strong enemy strikes, the consequences will be disastrous.

Second, he was even more worried that if Guo Jing made a mistake in Changlong City, it would be a huge loss to the Beggar Gang.

Based on these two points, Wu Qingfeng didn't want Guo Jing to take this trip in person.

"I can't wait. The entire Jiangnan Road, all the major families are moving. This movement is not simple."

"If we don't find out the truth, how can our beggar gang be safe?"

Guo Jing shook his head, his tone was quite firm.

As he said, now, after Cang Yanhou and his minions have been completely exterminated, the entire Jiangnan Road, in fact, is dominated by the Beggar Clan.

But, it is a pity that the beggar gang now, except for Guo Jing and Xiao Feng who went to Xianyang, there is no one who can carry the banner.

This directly led to the fact that although the Beggar Gang is known as the largest force in Jiangnan Road, it does not have the strength to control the entire Jiangnan Road.

This time, in Jiangnan Dao, the major families gathered together, Guo Jing knew very well that if one of them was not handled well, the beggar gang might face another crisis.

Only then did he decide to go to Changlong City himself, if possible, he would kill the crisis in the bud.


Hearing this, Wu Qingfeng couldn't help sighing deeply, and stopped talking.

Leizhou, Black Wood Cliff.

The headquarters of the Sun Moon God Religion.

A secret room.

A terrifying aura suddenly swept out.

The coercion crushed the entire Blackwood Cliff!
Overbearing and terrifying!
"You said, my daughter Dongfang Bubai has appeared?"

Senran's voice sounded in the secret room.


Immediately, in the secret room, a figure was sweating profusely, knelt down on the ground, and said extremely respectfully: "Don't dare to lie to the leader."

"My subordinates just got the information. Miss is currently in Yunzhou, Xiangxi Road, Baigu Mountain Range."

"Not only that, Miss has swept the entire Xiangxi Taoist martial arts forest during this time, destroyed the Huntian League, killed Yue Busan, the vice-chairman of the Heroes Association, and monk Guanghui of Shaolin Temple."

"Right now, it is said that the Heroes' Association and the Shaolin Temple are clamoring to send masters to hunt down Miss."

Under the coercion of the leader Dongfang Wentian, even though he was the Zuoshi of the Sun Moon God Sect, he could only crawl like a dog, not even daring to lift his head.

"Hmph, Shaolin Temple, Heroes Association, dare to touch my daughter?"

"You immediately contact the other demons in the Nine Hells, and tell them that the sun is approaching, and my leader invites them to launch a war between righteousness and demons together."


[Six more, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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