Chapter 97

"Ding, this time, before the "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" can be used, many exercises are used together, stepping on the "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art", so that he will never have the opportunity to monopolize his luck again."

"Ding, the Mandate of Heaven is attacking forcefully, swallowing all luck."

"Ding, the "Nine Yin Scriptures" saw that many kung fu techniques had a way to advance to the king rank, but he didn't. He was so anxious that he showed his courtesies to the Heaven's Mandate Emperor Body, and he didn't want to face it."

"Ding, the Emperor of Destiny has been served by the "Nine Yin Scriptures", not only rewarding all the luck to the "Nine Yin Scriptures", but also helping the "Nine Yin Scriptures" to find progress with a ray of destiny. The road to the royal rank."

"Ding, the "Nine Yin Manual" has been scoured by the power of luck and guided by the power of fate. It has successfully found a way to advance to the king rank. It is currently [-]% complete."

Great Qin Imperial Palace, inside the True Dragon Hall.

Ying Xi felt that he was not far away from entering the second level of Dongtian.

As long as he calms down and practice hard.

Of course, although he is still in the first level of the cave, his combat power is completely different from when he was promoted to the first level of the cave.

"Your Majesty, Nangong Qingyin asks to see you."

Just at this time, Shangguan Haitang came into the palace to report.

"Let her in."

Ying Xi nodded slightly.

She expected in her heart that if nothing unexpected happened, Nangong Qingyin should have found out who Nangong Hao was colluding with.


Soon, under the leadership of Shangguan Haitang, Nangong Qingyin stepped into the True Dragon Palace.

"Slave and servants meet your majesty."

He saluted Ying Xi respectfully.

Nangong Qingyin still looked like a dog licking, almost prostrate on the ground.

"Wai Li, tell me, have you found out who Nan Gonghao is colluding with?"

Ying Xi didn't want to waste time, so he asked straight to the point.

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

"According to the joint investigation of the servant girl and the spies of Hulong Villa."

"I found out that Nangong Hao should have reached an agreement with Dongshan Hou, and it seems that he wants to attack you on the day of the Great Court Assembly."

After Nangong Qingyin finished speaking, she gritted her teeth again, and said with a look of willingness to die: "Your Majesty, the reason why Nangong Hao came to deal with you should be because there was a traitor by my side, and Nangong Hao learned that I and you There is a connection."

"The servant has executed the traitor to death, please Your Majesty to punish the servant."

"Marquis of Dongshan?"

Ying Xi still had an impression of Dongshanhou. Li Wenfu seemed to be here for Dongshanhou last time.

Whispering to himself, he didn't pay too much attention to what Nangong Qingyin said next.

After all, in his opinion, it is quite normal for Nangong Qingyin to have traitors around her.

He also has no intention of punishing Nangong Qingyin for this.

"Ding, the maid panel thinks that Nangong Qingyin is too useless, and she can't even manage her own subordinates well."

"Ding, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, the maid panel decided to personally take action to expand the scope of the dog-licking halo."

"Ding, from today onwards, all the servants of your maid will also be brought under the halo of dog licking."

Good guy!
Ying Xi didn't expect that the maid panel could play like this.

With such an expansion of the dog licking halo, at least Nangong Qingyin will be much more stable.

Her subordinates will be completely monolithic, and it will become impossible for Nangong Hao to obtain any information from Nangong Qingyin's subordinates.

At the same time, it is conceivable that the operational efficiency of Nangong Qingyin's subordinates will be more than a notch higher than now.

"You go down first, and continue to pay close attention to Nangong Hao's movements."

He waved his hand to signal Nangong Qingyin to step back.


Hearing this, Nangong Qingyin let out a long sigh of relief when he reached the time.

Withdrew gratefully.

Right now.

Daqin Heavenly Prison, but an unexpected guest suddenly broke into it!
A supreme master of the Faxiang Realm!
The whole body exudes a Taoist atmosphere.

Thinking about it, if there is no accident, it should come from the Taiyi Palace.

"Xuan Shuang, Jian Xuan, where are you?"

"The old man came to rescue you?"

A loud shout shook the entire Heavenly Hell.

Sure enough, the person who came to rescue Xuanshuang and Jianxuan should be a strong man from the Taiyi Palace.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in our Great Qin Heavenly Prison?"

In an instant, one hundred prison guards, ten judges, and one judge stood in front of this person.

In fact, they immediately sensed that someone had broken into Heavenly Hell.

Therefore, they were able to come and stop this person in such a timely manner.

"Hmph, old man, Taiyi Palace, Xuanxin!"

With a heavy hum, the aura of the first level of the Xuan Xin Dharma Aspect Realm spread out immediately.

The judges of heaven, the judges in charge, and the executioners all felt great pressure.

Xuan Xin was very angry.

He had been retreating and breaking through the Faxiang Realm before, and just after breaking through the Faxiang Realm and leaving the customs, he heard that his friend Xuanshuang and his promising junior Jianxuan were imprisoned in the Great Qin Heavenly Prison.

It was also because of this that he would directly break into the Great Qin Heavenly Prison to save people, and he also thought about destroying the Great Qin Heavenly Prison and entering the Great Qin Imperial Palace to vent his anger.

Otherwise, it is impossible to relieve the anger in his heart.

"Ding, Xuanxin's aura awakened the Heavenly Prison, and the Heavenly Prison was instantly furious. He just took a nap, and someone dared to break into the Heavenly Prison?"

"Ding, Heavenly Prison has decided to let this mysterious heart perish in Heavenly Prison forever and be tortured."

"Ding, Heavenly Prison felt that he was too low-key before. In order to ensure that such lunatics no longer break into Heavenly Prison at will, Heavenly Prison decided to expand its power."

"Ding, the heavenly prison is in the cycle of reincarnation, and successfully summoned [-] heavenly prison guards, [-] heavenly prison judges, nine heavenly prison judges, and one heavenly prison guard."

[Heavenly Prison Guardian: In ancient times, a powerful messenger guarding a heavenly court]

[Heavenly Hell Guardian Envoy: The Initial Realm—Nine Layers of the Cave Sky]

"Ding, Heavenly Hell has opened a new feature."

【Heavenly Prison—the most terrifying prison in the world】

[Characteristic [-]: Heavenly Hell Coercion—Heavenly Hell has a radius of ten miles, directly suppressing the enemy by a large realm, currently the highest can suppress the ninth level of the Faxiang Realm]

That is to say, once the coercion of the Heavenly Prison comes out, the Ninth Layer of the Faxiang Realm will come, and it can only exert the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Cave Heaven.

"what happened?"

The coercion of heaven descended, and in an instant, Xuanxin's momentum plummeted.

Only the strength of Dongtian No. [-] is left.

When the time came, Xuan panicked.

"Those who trespass in the heavenly hell will die a terrible death!"

"Today, this envoy will drive you into the depths of the heavenly prison, and the time of your torture—eternal life!"

The Heavenly Prison Guardian appeared, and Xuanxin was astonished with just one sword, piercing through his dantian.

Immediately, Xuan Xin didn't have time to say anything, and was thrown into the depths of the heavenly prison.

A hundred prison guards showed ferocious smiles and stepped towards the depths of the prison.

Xuan Xin, they must 'entertain' well!

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(End of this chapter)

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