Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 98 Guo Jing Breaks into the Realm of the Dharma, Synchronizing Left and Right Fights

Chapter 98 Guo Jing Breaks into the Realm of the Dharma, Synchronizing Left and Right Fights
The title of this chapter is "Nine Suns Cooking the Sea Jue, Awakening of the Poison Dao Panel". Due to the confusion of the pre-release chapters, it has been revised, and I hope you will be sympathetic~
"Ding, Xuan Xin was thrown into the depths of Heavenly Prison, and Heavenly Prison will strip off the "Pure Yang True Kung Fu" he cultivated, and will dedicate it to you together with his cultivation comprehension."

[Pure Yang True Kung Fu: Heaven-rank top-grade kung fu, one of the top kung fu in the Taiyi Palace, the kung fu is divided into nine levels]

"Ding, when your "Nine Suns Divine Art" sees "Pure Yang True Art" and its cultivation insights, it is as if it has seen delicacies from mountains and seas. It can't wait to stretch out its evil hands, trying to devour them."

"Ding, "Pure Yang True Art" resisted desperately, but failed, and was finally swallowed by "Nine Yang Divine Art"."

"Ding, after your "Nine Suns Divine Kung Fu" successfully devoured "Pure Yang True Kung Fu" and its comprehension, it successfully completed the advanced stage and transformed into a king-ranked top-grade kung fu "Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue"."

[Nine Suns Cooking the Sea Jue: King-level top-grade kung fu method, advanced from "Nine Suns Divine Kungfu", the kung fu method is divided into thirteen levels, practiced to the No.13 level, it can have the power of burning mountains and boiling seas]

"Ding, your "Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue", relying on the foundation of "Nine Suns Divine Art", can only break through to the fourth stage. "Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue" is eager to get the luck to wash away and make a leap forward .”

As soon as the Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue came out, the inside of the True Dragon Palace was immediately covered by a burst of scorching hot breath.

"Your Majesty, your maid Yu Muling is asking to see you."

Shangguan Haitang stepped into the True Dragon Hall with the aura of refining the sun, and she had the illusion of being steamed within just one breath.

"Yu Muling? Let her in."

Ever since he gained the halo of licking dogs, Yingxi also asked his maids to come out of Jiaohuafang and stay in the Maids' Hall next to the True Dragon Hall, waiting for his summons and being ready to serve him at any time.

"Slave and servants meet your majesty."

After Yu Muling entered the palace, Yingxi had already withdrawn the power of Jiuyang's cooking formula, otherwise, Yingxi was really afraid that if she was not careful, she would really boil Shangguan Haitang.

After all, Shangguan Haitang, the temporary messenger by his side, felt more comfortable to use than Cao Zhengchun.

"Get up, tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Ying Xi glanced at Yu Muling and asked aloud.

"Your Majesty, there is a message in the palace that the palace gate competition once every ten years is about to start again."

"There is a message in the palace that I want to go back to participate in the big competition, and the maidservant has come to ask His Majesty's opinion."

Yu Muling's attitude was very respectful.

What he said was very clear, whether she wanted to go back to participate in the palace competition was up to Yingxi to decide.

"I'm ready."

"However, don't embarrass me, go!"

Waving his hand, Ying Xi said nonchalantly.

To him, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

"The servant will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations."

Hearing this, Yu Muling unconsciously clenched her fists.

I secretly vowed in my heart that I must win the first place in the Palace Gate Grand Competition in order to be worthy of His Majesty's encouragement.

Zhongzhou, Shannan Road, Yuanwu Moshan.

After Zhao Yun was born, after re-discussing and adjusting the layout.

At this moment, Zhao Yun is leading an army of [-] to completely block the south of Yuanwu Demon Mountain.

From time to time, together with the Money Gang, Taiyuan Wang Family, and Jinshan Temple, they launched a full-scale attack.

It's just that the Heavenly Demon Sect is not a vegetarian, and the Heavenly Demon Sect is also bloody when they counterattack again and again.

The Money Gang, Taiyuan Wang Family, and Jinshan Temple were afraid of losing too much, so they all slapped and withdrew.

Zhao Yun didn't say much.

Anyway, if you want to do foreign work, everyone should do foreign work together.

He doesn't have any other tasks now, so it's fine to play with these three forces here.

"No, General Zhao, one of our soldiers has been poisoned."

"Moreover, the poison seems to be contagious. In a short period of time, hundreds of soldiers have been poisoned and died."

At this moment, General Qian Shan rushed to Zhao Yun's side anxiously, and his tone was also very anxious.


"It must be someone from Poison Immortal Valley."

Zhao Yun reacted quickly.

The first thing they realized was that this must be because their Quartet forces have not been able to do anything to the Heavenly Demon Sect for a long time.

Poison Immortal Valley has the courage to send people to support.

"Jie Jie Jie, the reaction was quick, but unfortunately, you all have to die today!"

A strange laugh came out suddenly.

In the void, a black shadow flashed.

In a short time, there was the sound of wailing everywhere, and a large number of soldiers were poisoned again.

"Great Master of the Poison Dao of the Ninth Layer of the Cave Heaven!"

Zhao Yun's expression froze, he could sense the aura of the black shadow.

However, this black shadow seemed to have specially practiced footwork. For a while, Zhao Yun was unable to lock the position of the black shadow and launch an effective offensive against him.

"Ding, I feel that my soldiers are being poisoned, and the poison panel that has been sleeping has been awakened by all the panels."

"Ding, the Poison Dao panel saw this, and said contemptuously: 'Guan Gong is playing a big knife in front of him, watch me easily destroy him'."

"Ding, the new feature of the awakening of the poison path panel."

[Poison Dao Panel - Your Exclusive Panel]

[Characteristic [-]: The halo of invulnerability to all poisons - this halo is permanently effective for you and your subordinates, with this halo, you and your subordinates will never be harmed by poisons]

In an instant, under the halo of invulnerability.

No one in Zhao Yun's army was poisoned.

Those who were poisoned before were instantly detoxified as if by divine help.

"No, how is this possible?"

"Why are you immune to poison?"

Not long after, the black shadow discovered that something was wrong.

Between repeated exclamations, the footsteps stagnated.

"Hundred birds facing the phoenix!"

Zhao Yun seized the opportunity and shot directly at the shadow.

A style of Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spear, seems to condense the phantom of the phoenix.

Wrapped in the scorching heat, he swallowed the black shadow in his breath.

It has to be said that this way of cultivating poison, killing people invisible, is indeed terrifying, but the frontal combat effectiveness is really too poor.

Once he is locked in position, Mo Shuo is an absolute strongman like Zhao Yun, who is in the Ninth Layer of the Cave Heaven.

Even the ordinary Seventh Layer of Cave Heaven can have a chance to kill it.

"Ding, with the help of the Poison Dao panel, Zhao Yun successfully killed a peak master of the Poison Immortal Valley who was a ninth-level Cave Heaven."

"Ding, the Poison Dao panel took the opportunity to eat away 5.00% of the Poison Immortal Valley luck."

"Ding, congratulations, you have obtained feedback on the exercise, the top-ranked exercise "Xingluo Erosion Flesh Jue"."

[Xingluo Erosion Flesh Jue: Heaven-rank top-grade exercise, one of the top exercises in Poison Fairy Valley, the exercise is divided into nine layers]

"Ding, as the saying goes, if you don't have a hard heart, you won't be able to stand firm. The "Thousand Poisons Biting the Heart Jue" shouted, and the real kung fu has to be a little bit more ruthless. Right now, a black tiger took out his heart and directly KO'ed the "Xingluo Erosion Flesh Jue" "."

"Ding, when the "Xingluo Eating Flesh Jue" was knocked down, the "Thousand Poisons Devouring the Heart Jue" immediately opened its bloody mouth and swallowed it."

"Ding, "The Art of Ten Thousand Poisons Devouring the Heart" has successfully devoured the "Art of Star Luo Eating Flesh", and at the same time awakened to the road to advance to the king rank. The current completion rate is [-]%."


[Second update, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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