Chapter 309
"Everyone, you just wait here. Dong'er and I will go to the extreme north to explore first." Mu Chen and Bibi Dong said after understanding the current situation.

Although it is certain that the Holy Spirit Cult will gather in the extreme north, even so far, there is still no trace of large-scale evil soul masters.

Therefore, Mu Chen and Bibi Dong planned to conduct a separate detection first. With their current strength, even if they faced a large number of members of the Holy Spirit Sect head-on, they would be able to retreat unscathed.

Mu Chen and Bibi Dong flew to the core part of the extreme north, because the climate there was too harsh, and the number and strength of the soul beasts were too strong, it was not suitable for a large-scale gathering of people.

"This land in the extreme north seems very monotonous, a large expanse of whiteness." Bibi Dong said after looking around.

Because the two specially released their auras, many soul beasts did not dare to attack them. Both of them had reached the peak of human combat power, even if the three kings of the extreme north joined forces, they would not be able to defeat them.

"Something is wrong, according to the map and our current travel speed, we should have reached the inner circle of the extreme north, why haven't we encountered any soul beasts yet.

Moreover, there is still a faint smell of blood and stench in the air. Is there something wrong with the Far North? "Mu Chen frowned slightly seeing that there were still no creatures around.

"Sixth Soul Skill—Spiritual Detection!"

Eight soul rings rose from Mu Chen's body, and the majestic spiritual power was released instantly. With his current mental power, he could detect every move of living things within a radius of tens of miles.

"Dong'er, there are signs of a fight!

And the movement is not small! "Mu Chen suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"It seems that the Holy Spirit Sect has already started to take action, probably fighting with the spirit beasts here." Bibi Dong shook her head and said, nine spirit rings would also appear on her body, holding the Asura Holy Sword, ready to fight.

With the current strength of the two of them, even if they go deep alone, there won't be too many problems, and she knows that Mu Chen still has the amulet given by Gu Yuena, so she doesn't have to worry about safety.


Muchen took Bibi Dong to fly deeper, no longer aimlessly probing.

Soon, Muchen and Bibi Dong arrived at the place where the battle came from.I saw thousands of huge soul beasts of different shapes attacking each other.

It is clearly divided into two factions. The soul beast on one side is led by a huge ice ape. Although it looks somewhat similar to the Titan giant ape, it is even taller. Uplift, every attack will bring tremendous pressure to the opponent.

"This should be the Titan Snow Demon King, one of the three heavenly kings in the extreme north, but why did he lead these tens of thousands of year-old soul beasts to attack other ice-type soul beasts?" Mu Chen murmured, looking to the other side.

On the other side, although there are not so many in number, the lethality of the battles is far higher than that of the soul beasts, and they are all battles with top combat power.

The four were dressed in black, with blood-colored cloaks, masks on their faces, and a huge skull on top of the cloaks, giving off an evil and powerful aura.

Fighting them were two powerful soul beasts, one of which was actually a very beautiful scorpion.

The whole body is emerald green without any blemishes. The armor on his body is as beautiful as crystal. Two big yellow-orange eyes are shining with cold air. A pair of huge scorpion claws are covered with hexagonal transparent scales. Under the exudes colorful light.

The scorpion tail behind it was slender and slender, with a total of six sections. There was a sharp tail hook at the top of the scorpion tail, which shone with an astonishingly cold light.

Although it's one against two, it's not like she's losing the wind, it's just that she observes the battlefield on the soul beast's side from time to time, and her heart becomes more and more anxious.

If this drags on, his people will probably be killed by the Titan Snow Demon King.

But the strength of the two human beings in front of them was also very strong, so that they couldn't move away to rescue them at all.

On the other side, due to the heavy wind and snow caused by the battle, the line of sight was blocked, and only a white figure and two evil soul masters could be vaguely seen fighting.

"One of the Three Heavenly Kings of the Extreme North, Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, with a cultivation base of 38 years, the Ice Emperor.

So the other one is the Snow Emperor. Once here, the Three Heavenly Kings of the Extreme North met three. "Muchen said.

"Little guy, I see that the eyes of the soul beast on Titan Snow Demon King's side are blood red, and they seem to have lost their minds, as if they were controlled by humans. It should be done by an extremely powerful evil soul master, or Poisoned." Bibi Dong said with serious eyes.

"This makes sense. Two 98-level peak Douluo besieged Snow Emperor, and two 97-level Super Douluo besieged Ice Emperor. The Holy Spirit Sect is a big deal, but Peerless Douluo didn't show up." Mu Chen said.

"Shall we take action now and kill these evil soul masters first?" Bibi Dong asked.

Usually at this time, he would issue the order directly, but now that he is Xiaochen's woman, he still has to listen to Xiaochen.

"Well, let's save these soul beasts first, Dong'er, you go and deal with those two peak Douluo first." Mu Chen said.

"Okay~ little guy, be careful."

Bibi Dong nodded, and then flew directly to the direction where the Snow Emperor was, holding the Asura Holy Sword.

"The Peerless Douluo among humans?
Damn, how to fight this? "After the Ice Empress sensed Bibi Dong's aura, she also became more and more nervous.

Now this situation is already very unfavorable. If such a peerless powerhouse is added, the battlefield will really be one-sided. Even my own sister is no match for the Peerless Douluo among humans, and this Peerless Douluo The terrifying murderous aura on his body makes people dare not face it directly.

"No, I remember that the leader or the deputy leader hasn't come to this place yet." One of the Super Douluo was a little puzzled, and then he reacted.

"Bibi Dong! The Pope of the Spirit Hall!"

Although the Ice Empress didn't know what was going on, she also judged that the person who came and these hateful humans were not in the same group, so the situation in this battle will be reversed.

The Ice Empress stepped up her offensive with all her strength, and the surrounding temperature dropped by a notch again, making it impossible for the two of them to move away.

"It's really troublesome, to stabilize the mental power of so many soul beasts at once." Mu Chen said lightly, and controlled the situation on the side of the soul beasts in an instant.

"I met an evil soul master again, so I can start killing people." Mu Chen's voice came.

"A mere Contra, unexpectedly."

(End of this chapter)

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