Chapter 310 Instant Kill
The evil soul master hadn't finished speaking when his body was cut in half by a sword light, and the surrounding ice and snow were red with blood, and he couldn't speak anymore.

How powerful is a mere Contra? "

Before the other evil soul master could react, he felt the severe pain in his head. Mu Chen's powerful mental power directly made him dull, and a silver sword light directly chopped off his head. In less than a second, the two 97-level Super Douluo fell.

"It's so powerful, even stronger than my sister's. Although it's just a Contra in the human cultivation system, it has strong spiritual power and terrifying attack power." The Bing Emperor looked at Mu Chen in front of him and exclaimed.

My own strength is already the top existence in the extreme north, but I am definitely not the opponent of the man in front of me. If my two opponents are not the one-shot enemy of the man in front of me, then I am not much better.

"Who are you?

Why help us? "

Bingdi asked, but also tried to relax his tone, after all, the other party came to help him, and he was indeed not the other party's opponent.

"Ice Emperor, you can understand that we are here to help you destroy these evil spirit masters, we are from the Spirit Hall, we will not do anything to the spirit beasts in the extreme north, you can rest assured about this. "Muchen said.

"People from Wuhundian?

How did you know something happened to the Far North?
And, how did you know my name? "The Ice Emperor was puzzled.

Of course the Spirit Hall itself knows that the power of human soul masters dominating the entire continent, never imagined that there would be such a young but terrifying human being in the Hall of Spirits.

"I can't tell for a while, but aren't you worried about Xuedi's situation?" Mu Chen smiled.

"Ah ~ big sister!" Bingdi reacted immediately, and then hurriedly looked in Xuedi's direction.

"No need, it's already been resolved, just two level 98 peak Douluo." Bibi Dong's voice came.

Then he came to Mu Chen's side holding the blood-red holy sword of Shura, his face was not red and he was not panting, and he looked very relaxed.

After all, the current Bibi Dong, except for Mu Chen, is still at the peak of human strength, and has even stepped into the gods with most of his feet. It is naturally no problem to deal with the evil soul masters who have not reached the level of the two limit Douluo.

"My Dong'er's job is to make people feel at ease. Dong'er, it seems that the situation is worse than we thought." Mu Chen pointed to the spirit beasts that were still mentally retarded.

"Well, it seems that the Holy Spirit Cult has already taken action, and if the Holy Spirit Cult really controls these soul beasts, it will indeed be a big trouble." Bibi Dong nodded.

"Sister! There is nothing serious about you." Ice Emperor stepped forward to support Xuedi who was on the side.

A head of snow-white and crystal-clear long hair was scattered around her waist, her eyes were icy blue and clear, her pretty face was extremely delicate, her nose bridge was straight, her red lips trembled slightly, and she carried a pure and arrogant temperament without any blemishes. Gu Yuena is somewhat similar, as if she is untouched by the world.

Although the Snow Empress was a little exhausted at this time, fortunately he didn't suffer any injuries. Under such a icy and snowy environment, it was actually very effective in improving his combat power.

Otherwise, I would not be able to compete with two peak Douluo, level 98 evil soul masters, for such a long time.

"Both, thank you this time."

Xue Di looked at Bibi Dong and Muchen and smiled, but his pale face made people feel distressed.

The strength of this human woman is far above her own, she is the most powerful woman she has ever seen, and the bloody long sword in her hand also has divine power!

After talking with Bing'er, Xue Di knew that the strength of this young and handsome man was also very terrifying.

"No, the purpose of our coming this time is also to destroy the evil soul masters. Tell us, what is the situation in the extreme north now." Mu Chen said.

"Three days ago, some powerful human soul masters suddenly appeared in the inner circle of the extreme north. After killing all the soul beasts around them, they threw a very terrifying toxin into the surroundings. In the water source, many soul beasts lost their minds after drinking by mistake, and were controlled by humans.

Fortunately, the range is not too large, you have also controlled the soul beasts with the highest cultivation, and the source of the toxin has been frozen by Binger and me, so it will not spread out for the time being.

The other evil soul masters were all killed by us, leaving only these four, but if the support sent by these evil soul masters is getting stronger and stronger, then we have nothing to do. "Snow Emperor said.

"Is it just these people who came to the Holy Spirit Church?
Except for the inner circle. "Muchen asked.

"Well, there are only these evil soul masters at the moment." Snow Emperor replied.

"The two emperors, the two heavenly kings or the four emperors all died here. The Holy Spirit Sect has suffered a great loss this time. The only thing that is interesting is the two Limit Douluo." Bibidong said.

"That's right, Snow Emperor, you guys need to recover first. I'll go and see the toxins in those soul beasts first, and see if I can detoxify them first." Mu Chen said, and then took Bibi Dong to fly to the Titan Snow Demon King. Waiting for the soul beast.

"Dong'er, what do you think?
Is there a way around such a toxin? " Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong who was frowning slightly and asked.

"At present, it seems that there is not much hope. This kind of poison should be at the same level as the blood soul poison that the emperor was poisoned before.

Of course, this is mainly based on control, and it should be a toxin from a certain peerless douluo. Although my emperor's toxin is stronger than this toxin, it doesn't mean that this emperor can directly undo this toxin.

Now there are three methods, one is the word secret, with such a heaven-defying operation, it is naturally easy to deal with such toxins, but presumably it is impossible for you to just teach it like this.

The second method, killing the manipulator, can also solve this problem.


"Using the reverse scale that Na'er gave me, under the influence of divine power, the so-called poison actually has no effect.

Right, Donger? "Muchen added.

"Well, that's true, but Gu Yuena's Nilin probably doesn't have much divine power for you now, and it's best not to use such things if you can. It may play a major role in the future.

So, in fact, we only have one choice, to kill that Limit Douluo. " Bibi Dong said.

"Let's leave it at that. I really don't want to waste Na'er's power in such a large amount."

Mu Chen nodded and said, and then he and Bibidong asked Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor to take him to the place where the source of the poison was.

(End of this chapter)

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