Chapter 315 Combat
Countless soul rings floated, and various martial souls were summoned, instantly enriching the otherwise monotonous white snow field.

Just when the Holy Spirit Cult was still stubbornly resisting, countless white sword energy suddenly appeared, carrying astonishing sharpness and momentum, falling like raindrops, tearing up the blood-red spider web in an instant, and killing hundreds of people. Kill all the evil soul masters.

At the same time, the roar of countless soul guide shells will finally stop, and the snow-white ground will not only be white, but also bloody and brown.

"It's such a powerful attack power, it can actually directly break through my sixth soul skill, could it be that old immortal from the Spirit Hall?

Peerless Douluo's strength? "

Lin Yu looked at the sword aura coming towards him in surprise. Even with his current physical fitness, he dared not ignore such a sharp sword aura, which showed the opponent's strength.

"Boring, I'm not an old man. I thought you were so powerful that you had inherited some great god position. It seems that you haven't even reached the first level of god." Mu Chen's voice sounded.

Fluttering in white clothes, handsome and extraordinary, holding the Emperor Dragon Sword, looking at Lin Yu in front of him with disdain.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a talented person on the Douluo Continent. You are the peerless genius they say, and the woman behind you is the Pope of the Wuhun Palace. He came out of hell." Lin Yu shook his head slightly.

That's a real independent space. Lin Yu really doesn't believe that human beings can get out of it unless they have mastered divine power!
Not even a first-level god, it's a big tone, but the other party's talent seems to have such confidence to speak, and it's really hard to refute.

"You don't care how we got out, anyway, you have to know that you will die today. Dead people don't need to know so many things." Mu Chen shrugged and said.

"Dong'er, I'll leave the Peerless Douluo next to him to you, but it's just an ordinary Peerless Douluo." Mu Chen pointed to the deputy leader with the Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand.

"Okay, Xiao Chen, let's see which one of us can kill our opponent faster." Bibi Dong smiled, the six-winged purple light wings flapping behind her back, holding the Holy Sword of Asura tightly in her hand, and rushed directly to the opponent in front of her. Deputy Hierarch.

"It's really a big breath!

Let me see what qualifications you have to speak like that! "

The corners of Lin Yu's mouth twitched, but the anger in his eyes couldn't be stopped, and then a blood-red sword appeared in his hand, exuding an astonishing evil spirit and bloody smell, and there were many small spikes on the blade s things.

"Yo ho, there is also a divine weapon, it really needs to be serious for a while, and I don't know how much power of the divine weapon you can exert now.

So, let me try it! "The corners of Mu Chen's mouth rose slightly, the golden dragon wings on his back fluttered, and eight soul rings floated, three black, two red, one platinum, red and gold.

"Eight spirit rings, that is to say, you are just a Soul Douluo?

But why is the strength so terrifying? "Lin Yu was also very surprised to see this scene, but his killing intent towards Mu Chen became even stronger.

With such a terrifying enemy, it must not be allowed to grow casually anymore. The future is really unimaginable horror.

"The answer is correct, the reward is death!
Killing God Domain! "

A white light flashed across Mu Chen's body, and the endless murderous aura instantly enveloped almost half of the battlefield, causing the combat effectiveness of many evil soul masters to plummet.

Blood God Domain! "

Lin Yu was not to be outdone, a bigger blood-colored strange pattern appeared from the ground, exuding blood-colored red light, when it shone on the congregants of the Holy Spirit Church, their eyes turned blood red, and their strength was comparable to that of Before, instead of declining, it was improved.

"God-level domain? Unfortunately, I also have it, the domain of water!

The eighth soul skill - water prison!
The eighth soul skill - water element control - freezing! "

As soon as Mu Chen's eighth golden soul ring lit up, with Mu Chen as the center, the ice under the feet of the evil soul masters in half the battlefield suddenly melted into water, and then formed into strips of "tentacles". Directly entangle these evil soul masters, and immediately turned into ice cubes.

The temperature of the extreme ice is so high that few people present can forcibly break through it.

"Now the disadvantage in numbers should be gone, let's start the duel between us."

Mu Chen said lightly, holding the Emperor Dragon Sword tightly in his hand, his figure came to Lin Yu in an instant, and the Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand instantly pierced Lin Yu's heart.

Lin Yu originally wanted to raise the blood demon knife in his hand to resist, but found that his movements had been slowed down a lot, so he just watched the long sword in Mu Chen's hand piercing his chest.

Blood gushed out, and after the fifth spirit ring, two black rays of light shot out from the eyes. Fortunately, Mu Chen's mental power predicted it in advance and barely avoided the two rays of light, but the power contained in it was also Muchen was very surprised.

Why the other party feels that his movements have slowed down is actually very simple. This is the role of the slow domain, which is just one of his domains.

But the dark gold fear claw in his left hand swung towards Lin Yu's chest, but unfortunately, it was blocked by the bloody sword this time.

"Fifth Soul Skill - Titan Strike!" Mu Chen turned his left hand into a fist, and punched the artifact.

With a sound of "Bang!", the distance between the two was separated, and then a fierce battle began, and then seven rays of light entered Mu Chen's body, instantly making Mu Chen's aura rise a lot. cut.

There is no doubt that this is the support of the first support system in the mainland, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. With the support of a soul sage, Mu Chen's strength, speed, soul power, defense, etc. have all increased by 80.00% So much, it turned the scene into a one-sided scene in an instant.

Bibi Dong also got the boost from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. Even after all these years of experience, Bibi Dong is still shocked by the sky-defying support ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. Is this the effect of the mainland's first support system, Martial Soul?

Except for Bibi Dong and Mu Chen, almost all the high-level combat power of the Spirit Master Legion in the Spirit Hall has been considerably increased. On the battlefield, such an increase is enough to turn the entire battle situation around.

And if you want to attack these direct disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you must first ask about the Seven Killing Sword in Sword Douluo's hand.

The morale of the congregants of the Holy Spirit Cult, whose morale had been greatly affected, saw that their deputy leader and leader were still being suppressed, and their will to fight became more and more depressed.

Especially these soul master legions of the Wuhun Temple actually have all kinds of strange things, which caused the people of the Holy Spirit Cult to suffer a lot.

Snow Empress and Ice Empress did not stand still, and joined the battle, specially selecting Contra and Title Douluo level evil soul masters to avenge their compatriots.

The direction of the entire battlefield has gradually become clear.

(End of this chapter)

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