Chapter 316
"Sea God's Thirteen Stances—Uncertain Storm!"

The Emperor Dragon Sword in Mu Chen's hand draws a circle, which instantly surrounds Lin Yu's body.

It makes Lin Yu unable to move, no matter whether it is mental power or soul power, it seems that he is completely imprisoned.

"What kind of soul skill is this?

Has such an effect? "Lin Yu was also shocked, but he couldn't move at all.

"This indeterminate storm is really too perverted. It's really a magical skill of control." Mu Chen smiled, but he didn't mean to stop.

"Goodbye, who is this.

The seventh soul skill - Qingyan Tianlong! "The emperor dragon sword in Mu Chen's hand waved, and a huge green dragon shot out instantly, opened its mouth and swallowed Lin Yu directly.

After a loud noise, both Qinglong and Lin Yu turned into nothingness, as if they had never appeared except for the mess on the ground.

And the six soul bones floating in the air were all taken away by Mu Chen. After all, they are the soul bones of the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult, and the age and quality are not bad, at least they are all soul bones over 5 years old. It is much better than Tang Hao's soul bone, but it is also a great wealth.

"Dong'er, it seems that I am faster than you." Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong who was holding the blood-dripping Holy Sword of Shura and smiled.


The empress deliberately lost to you, otherwise, wouldn't it make you lose face in front of so many people? " Bibi Dong said stubbornly.

"Then I really need more of my Pope's crown, now it seems that the Holy Spirit Cult is completely wiped out this time, ha ha!

Help them relieve some stress. "Mu Chen said, with a random wave of his hand, countless white sword energy pierced through the congregation of the Holy Spirit Cult who were still fighting with great precision, and before they could scream, their bodies had already collapsed.

Bibi Dong was also not to be outdone, the holy sword of Shura in her hand also harvested a piece of head.

Next, Mu Chen and Bibi Dong launched a "competition" again, completely reversing the situation that had been somewhat stalemate, and the speed of death and injury of the high-level soul masters of the Holy Spirit Sect was greatly accelerated.

In addition, both the principal and deputy leaders of the Holy Spirit Sect died in the hands of Mu Chen and Bibi Dong. With no leader, the Holy Spirit Sect was defeated one by one like a pan of loose sand.

No one evil soul master can survive a move from Mu Chen or Bibi Dong's hands, all of them follow the rhythm of one blow and one kill.

The battle lasted for several hours, and the battle will finally come to an end, and the shouts of killing finally stopped.

There is no doubt that the Soul Master Corps of the Wuhun Temple won the victory, and those followers of the Holy Spirit Cult who escaped by chance are naturally impossible to really enter the mainland.

Bibi Dong had deployed it long ago, and they couldn't escape.

Looking at the corpses all over the place, blood flowing like rivers, and the glacial valley like a sea of ​​corpses, Mu Chen also sighed, this is the cruelty of war.

Even though the opponents are all evil soul masters, Mu Chen still has a lot of emotions looking at this.

The people of the Soul Master Corps of the Wuhun Palace began to clean up the battlefield, separating the corpses of the heroes of the Wuhundian Soul Master Corps from the corpses of the Holy Spirit Cult, and will cremate these corpses and bring them back to their hometown.

As for the corpses of the evil soul masters of the Holy Spirit Sect, they were cremated and buried on the spot, lest these corpses cause any trouble.

"It's really a one-off job, and the total number of battles this time is only tens of thousands of soul masters. If we find the Wuhun Temple to unify the mainland, I don't know how many people will die like this.

Even if we won this battle, there are at least three thousand soldiers who died, not counting the injured. "Muchen shook his head slightly.

"So, Xiao Chen, are you shaken?" Bibi Dong came to Mu Chen's side, and then took Mu Chen's hand and comforted her.

Even though the man in front of him is very good, in the final analysis, Mu Chen is just a young man under the age of 20, and his experience and mentality are naturally incomparable to those like himself.

"No, our war is not just for the sake of war, it can only be regarded as a battle of self-defense, it is a battle between evil soul masters and ordinary soul masters, and it is a duel between two continents.

As for the process of Wuhundian unifying the mainland, although it must be full of blood and cruelty, I think it is worth it.

Without the unification of the world, how can there be peace in the world?
Waging war is only to end the war. "Muchen shook slightly.

Bibidong also smiled after hearing Mu Chen's words, it's best for this little man to figure it out on his own, so he doesn't need to persuade him.

"The next step is to adjust the spearhead, pointing at the soul master forces of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Clear Sky School, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, and the four single-attribute families." Bibi Dong said slowly, also making a decision for these soul master forces Final death notice.

"Xiao Chen, this is the soul bone obtained from this battle, so it seems that it is worth dozens of soul bones.

As expected of the Holy Spirit Cult that ruled over a whole continent, the number of spirit bones is actually more than what is currently preserved in the Wuhun Temple. " Bibi Dong said after counting the results of this battle.

"That's natural. Generally, Title Douluo will have at least one soul bone, and the other party is the Holy Spirit Sect, so it's not surprising. I won't interfere with the distribution of these soul bones. The soul bones needed by the sect are completely Enough." Muchen said.

If you want to obtain soul bones the fastest, you should not hunt high-level soul beasts, but hunt high-level soul masters, especially high-level soul masters at the Title Douluo level.

"This sentence is not very accurate, after the Wuhun Empire is established, you will be the ruler of this huge empire, and the emperor will obediently follow behind you in the future.

When the time comes to win people's hearts, you can make a big fuss about the distribution of these soul bones. These are soul bones, not Chinese cabbage. " Bibi Dong said, wrapping her hands around Mu Chen's waist.

"Let me accept this empire, Dong'er, don't be kidding, I don't have such thoughts, I'm going to say, you or Xue'er, or even Uncle Ning will do better than me in this respect.

Besides, we are all going to ascend to the God Realm in the future, so we don’t need to worry too much about the things in the lower plane, so we don’t have so much thought and energy to deal with these things. wives together. "Muchen shook his head and said.

"No, at least you are also the first emperor of the Spirit Empire. This matter is not negotiable. As for the future Douluo Dalu, this emperor and you can both choose the next emperor." Bibidong insisted.

If such a big good thing falls on someone else's head, I'm afraid I'd fainted a long time ago and couldn't find Beinan, but Xiaochen "disgusted" it, but the latter sentence spoke to my heart up.

Why are the Ice Empress and Snow Empress missing? "

"Of course they went back, they still have so many people who don't know life and death, so they went back in a hurry.


Paying so much attention to Ice Empress and Snow Empress?
Do you have any thoughts on that? "

"No, not really."

"Hmph! I don't believe you!"

(End of this chapter)

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