Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 69 Gu Yuena's Coercion

Chapter 69 Gu Yuena's Coercion
"So, may I ask if I passed the test?" Mu Chen smiled.

"Of course, of course, welcome to Shrek Academy!" The old man also said with a smile, this was the first time he treated a new student like this in so many years, but it was totally worth it!

"Okay, then the person behind me doesn't know how to test her bone age, she is about the same age as me, but her strength is still higher than mine. Sister Na'er, release your martial spirit !” Mu Chen turned around and said.


Gu Yuena under the veil also heard a crisp voice, and everyone's eyes were once again attracted to the masked woman next to Mu Chen.

Although Gu Yuena's face was blocked, but the dusty temperament on her body could not be blocked, coupled with that perfect figure, she was a peerless beauty at first glance!
Afterwards, Gu Yuena also had three soul rings, yellow, purple, and purple, which also surpassed the best soul ring ratio.

Above Gu Yuena's head also appeared a huge silver dragon, with two silver horns on top of the head, and on the dragon's body were fine hexagonal silver dragon scales, dragging a long silver tail, A pair of silver dragon wings were stretched out, and the dragon eyes were full of majesty and nobility.

"Another soul master?
And Wuhun is a silver dragon that I have never seen before? "When Gu Yuena's "Martial Soul" appeared, the old man's face also turned pale, and cold sweat flowed down his withered face.

Even though he is a weapon soul master, could he be suppressed by the silver dragon in front of him just because he has a small amount of dragon blood in his martial soul?

So what kind of dragon clan is here? Even the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the world's number one beast spirit, is impossible to achieve such a level!
Did I not wake up today, I have been dreaming all the time, the old man fell into self-doubt.

"Okay, sister Na'er, take back your martial soul." Mu Chen also urged.

Because he looked at Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and the others, they couldn't bear it anymore, especially Xiao Wu, who was sitting on the ground slumped, his body was trembling slightly, his two rabbit ears were drooping on his head, the eyes in his eyes Full of fear.

"Hmm~" Gu Yuena then withdrew her martial soul, Xiaochen had already told her about this before, and let herself pretend to be a human soul master.

For the existence of Gu Yuena's level of strength, this is really too simple. You can just use your own divine power to create. Even a hundred red soul rings of 10 years can be created casually. Anything can be done.

It's just that Xiaochen told himself to keep a low profile, and Gu Yuena showed such a little strength like these humans, but it seemed that his own body, the Silver Dragon King, suppressed the soul master of the beast spirit beyond his imagination.

After Gu Yuena withdrew her martial spirit, Dai Mubai and the others were also relieved. This feeling of oppression in the deepest part of the blood is really terrifying, especially this kind of fear cannot be countered by one's own willpower .

Tang San was running Xuantian Kungfu, and his Blue Silver Grass spirit was not greatly affected, his face was a little more normal, looking at the veiled Gu Yuena, his eyes were full of horror, a monster among monsters.

As expected of Shrek Academy, there are really so many monsters.

"Well, Gu Yuena, right? You've also passed, and the two in the back, you guys also come up for the test." The old man wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"Xiao Wu, were you suppressed so much by Gu Yuena's martial spirit just now?"

Tang San also pulled Xiao Wu up, and then injected the power of Xuantian Kung into Xiao Wu's body, helping Xiao Wu recover as much as possible.

Tang San and Xiao Wu also completed the test, their soul power is level 29. Although they are higher than Zhu Zhuqing's, Tang San and Xiao Wu's soul power is undoubtedly comparable under the cover of Mu Chen and Gu Yuena's light. "ordinary"!
"It's also very good. There are monsters every year, especially in a few years. This year, six little monsters came all at once.

Mubai, you just take them all to the fourth level. " said the old man.

"Yes!" Dai Mubai was a little numb after seeing the great strength and talent of Mu Chen and others today, and his attention to Tang San, who had already had a relationship with him, dropped a lot, and then Dai Mubai That is to take Mu Chen's people directly to the interior of the academy.

"Brother Dai, is there a total of four passes in the entrance exam?" Along the way, only Tang San and Dai Mubai had a good relationship, so Tang San took the initiative to ask.

Dai Mubai nodded and said: "Well, there are four tests in total, the first test is the elimination of age and soul power, the most people are filtered out;

The second level is the evaluation of the soul power and the identification of the martial soul. It is mainly the determination of the martial soul. It is judged whether the martial soul has sufficient development potential, and the previous cultivation and development direction is correct. "

"But, Brother Dai, my spirit is Blue Silver Grass, which belongs to the spirit with the least potential for development, but why..." Tang San hesitated.

"No, I know your strength, remember, any rules of the academy are for the strong!
The academy has regulations, as long as you pass the registration and your soul power level is above 25, you can skip the second and third hurdles directly.

Even if the quality of the martial soul is a little worse, but relying on the advantage of soul power, you can still become a powerful soul master! "Dai Mubai looked at Tang San and said.

"Well, then Brother Dai, what is the fourth test?" Tang San nodded thoughtfully.

"Actual combat!
Only after mastering a certain amount of combat experience and using one's martial soul to a certain extent can it be done.Our students also do not recruit those who are pampered and do not have any combat experience. " Dai Mubai said.

And Xiao Wu didn't complain about the Shrek Academy's trials and tribulations like in the original book, and kept her body tense all the time. Gu Yuena's sense of deterrence to Xiao Wu was really terrifying.

This Gu Yuena should also be a soul beast recultivated as a human, and her strength before recultivation is definitely higher than that of Da Ming and Er Ming.

But in the Star Dou Great Forest, why did I never know that there was such a terrifying soul beast in it!
Xiao Wu weakly looked at Gu Yuena who was behind, while still hugging Tang San's hand, as if this could give her a more sense of security.

Among Mu Chen and the others at the back of the team, Ning Rongrong couldn't stop complaining about the Shrek Academy's facilities along the way, and Mu Chen and the others just laughed it off.

(End of this chapter)

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