Chapter 70 Zao Wou-Ki

"There are only three students in our college now including me. You are the first time that the college has recruited so many students in so many years, and your talent is also the most powerful in the history of the college.

Wait a while for the actual combat, as long as you show some of your abilities, you will definitely be officially admitted. "Dai Mubai said, also looking at Mu Chen and Gu Yuena.

This time, in the third level of the assessment, I will definitely not be able to be an examiner. Others don't tell me, as long as the veiled girl releases her martial spirit, I will not be able to fight at all.

Therefore, the teachers of the academy can only act as the examiners themselves.

"Here we are, this is the assessment place of the fourth level." Dai Mubai stopped, and the group came to an open space.

This place is also not big, only 50 square meters in size, and nearby is a middle-aged man who looks only in his [-]s, sleeping lazily on a chair.

"Ding! The system prompts that Zao Wou-ki has appeared. The importance of the role: four stars (calculated with ten as the base unit)

Strength/potential: three stars
The system's comprehensive evaluation is seven stars, and the host can get seven times the force bonus. "The system's prompt sounded, and Mu Chen smiled when he looked at the man who looked like a big man in front of him.

Zao Wou-ki, a level 76 battle soul sage, Wuhun Dali Vajra Bear, is pretty good.

Now I also lack such an object to test my own strength, let's use Zao Wou-ki to practice.

"Mr. Zhao, I brought someone over for the fourth test." Dai Mubai said with a little respect.


Has anyone reached the fourth level this year?

There are actually six more, and there are more. . .Three soul masters?
It is true that there are monsters every year, especially this year. "Zhao Wou-ki also opened his hazy eyes, and said in shock, almost fell off the chair.

Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up, and then he stood up directly. He is not tall, and his appearance is ordinary, but he looks very majestic and powerful, especially the majestic muscles on his body give people a feeling of infinite strength, giving people a sense of strength. An invisible sense of oppression.

"All of them surpassed level 25 soul power and went directly to the fourth test, and there are 3 soul masters, what a terrifying talent!

My place is the last test, and if you pass my test, you can become official members of Shrek Academy.

My assessment may be more difficult, it is your actual combat ability.

My name is Zao Wou-ki, and I will give you an incense stick of time to prepare.

After a stick of incense, you join hands to resist my attack, and the time is one stick of incense. As long as one of you can last for the time of a stick of incense, then your assessment will be considered passed!

I hope you don't try to use opportunistic methods to delay time. This place is so big that it is useless to me.

At the same time, I hope that you can coordinate and cooperate with each other, because your own strength cannot stop my attack.

Mubai, you can explain my situation to them. " Zhao Wuji said, also took out a stick of incense.

Dai Mubai didn't raise any objections, after all, the strength and talent of this year's students are too terrifying, and he is no match at all, so it must be completely suitable for Teacher Zhao to make a move.

With a pinch of fingers, he lit the incense directly, and after inserting it on the ground, Zhao Wou-ki returned to the chair and closed his eyes to sleep.

"I can only say, you have to be careful. Mr. Zhao is the second strongest person in our college, a 76-level battle soul saint, and the vice president of the college. His strength is second only to the dean. You should be careful." Dai Mubai said.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and others on one side were also surprised by Zhao Wuji's strength, that is the soul sage!Real high-level soul masters can come and go freely in an army of ten thousand people, and now let them, who are in their teens, fight against such a 76-level battle soul saint?
"Ms. Zhao's martial soul is Vigorous Vajra Bear, a powerful beast martial soul with no weaknesses. Its defense and strength are both excellent, especially its defense is very strong.

Even the soul sage has a hard time breaking through his defenses, and has the title of King Fudo.

To be honest, even adding me may not be able to resist Mr. Zhao's burning time. I hope Mr. Zhao will not be too serious when the time comes.

So you'd better get to know each other's strengths and abilities, and cooperate effectively. "Dai Mubai said with a serious face.

"Brother Chen, why are you going there alone? You don't want to challenge that Teacher Zhao alone, do you?" Ning Rongrong's voice focused everyone's attention on Mu Chen.

Mu Chen actually came in front of Zhao Wuji all by himself, but Gu Yuena didn't see any surprises. Xiao Chen has practiced for so long, and it's time to fully test the results of her cultivation.

Of course, if something unexpected happens, then I can still help Xiaochen secretly.

"Mr. Zhao, I want to challenge you alone!" Mu Chen came to Zhao Wuji and said.

"Huh? Little guy, although you have a soul power of level 36, you want to challenge me, a soul saint of level 76. Isn't it too arrogant!" Zhao Wuji opened his eyes and said, the young man's arrogance It still has to be polished.

"is it not OK?
You have to try everything, and my strength may exceed your imagination. "Mu Chen smiled, and then Huang Zizi's three soul rings rose, and the Emperor Dragon Sword appeared in his right hand, and a sense of oppression appeared around Mu Chen.

If people don't move, the sword will become powerful!
"Beyond the best spirit ring ratio?
Although I haven't seen Wuhun before, it is absolutely powerful, and it has an aura that I think is dangerous. It's interesting! "Seeing Mu Chen in this state, Zao Wou-ki also became interested.

This little monster seems to be extremely powerful, so let yourself try this level 36 soul master.

"Okay, I agree to your challenge, and I don't ask for any time for a stick of incense. As long as you can make me serious, then you will pass." Zhao Wou-ki got up and said.

Strength always comes first, if it weren't for the faint sense of crisis this kid brought him, then it would be impossible for Zhao Wuji to agree to such a one-on-one duel, after all, there is a whole difference in soul power between the two There are as many as forty levels!
 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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