Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1004 Qin Zong

Chapter 1004 Qin Zong
"No, they made a move!"

"Boss Qin, what should we do?"


Seeing the black-robed man attacking Qin Yun and the others, the expressions of Qin Boss and the others changed drastically in an instant.

They wanted to help, but alas, it was too late!


A man in black robe appeared in front of Qin Yun.

In this person's hand, a sharp steel knife fell directly towards Qin Yun.

There was a penetrating coldness on the knife.

This person's eyes are even more fierce!

"Master, did he attack you?"

Behind Qin Yun, Chi Muxi froze in place.

This group of ordinary people attacked Qin Yun, and they seemed to want to kill Qin Yun!

"Ignorance is pitiful!"

The cheap skeleton shook his head slightly, the current Qin Yun, let alone the group of black-robed people in front of him, even the supreme Heavenly Venerable, Qin Yun has no fear.


The steel knife in the black-robed man's hand had already landed between Qin Yun's eyebrows.

Before the knife came, a sharp edge had already struck.

But on the other side, Qin Yun never made a move.



The knife fell down in an instant, and three inches above Qin Yun's eyebrows, the knife stopped slowly, and Qin Yun didn't see him make a move, the knife stopped there.

Can no longer drop half a point!

"what happened?"

The man in black robe was taken aback for a moment, then grabbed the steel knife with both hands and wanted to chop it off.

But it's a pity that no matter how hard the black-robed man tried, the steel knife seemed to be fixed, fixed in place!

"What's going on, why did my knife stop?"

"What kind of magic is this?"


A group of men in black robes were stunned. All of them, the knives in their hands stopped in the void. Even if they let go, the steel knife still floated in the void.

Very weird!
"Boss Qin, this is..."

Around Boss Qin, the eyes of the seven people were wide open. Although they were not ordinary people, this was the scene of the steel knife being fixed in the void out of thin air.

They have never, never met.

"This must be a god. My great-grandfather's great-grandfather once had an ancient scripture. It is rumored that the scripture was left by the gods in ancient times!"

Looking at the crowd, Boss Qin said excitedly.


The seven of them took a deep breath.

They are members of the dragon group, and they are able to enter the dragon group. In terms of physical fitness, they are definitely the pinnacle of existence. What's more frightening is that they are also good at fighting skills and trap control...

Wait for countless skills!
Boss Qin said that they are the kings of the special forces.

But even so, they respected Boss Qin very much in their hearts, because in the entire dragon group, no one could beat Qin Zong single-handedly!
Qin Zong in front of him was simply a monster.

They don't believe what other people say about gods, but what Boss Qin said.

In their hearts, they had to believe it.

"Boss Qin, if they are gods, then this god!"

"Is it too much?"

A disciple of the dragon group couldn't help but said.

"This one……"

Qin Zong's eyes flickered slightly.

"Let's take a look first. These little ninjas dare to provoke this group of people. I think they probably kicked the iron board this time!"

Qin Zong said with a sneer.

"have a look?"

A group of people took a deep breath and looked up the hillside.

on the hill.

"Baga, who are you?"

The leader of the black-robed man stood up and said with a trembling face.

This person's face was extremely pale at this moment.

There are also various legends circulating in their small island country, the most terrifying of which is their god. It is rumored that their god is an earth dragon!
This earth dragon looks disgusting, but it is very scary.

"Clap clap clap..."

It was not Qin Yun who answered this person, but Piaoyun Tianzun behind Qin Yun. He slapped him a few times, and the black robe covering the man's face was wiped clean.

"Master, he is disgusting!"

Chi Muxi frowned slightly.

Under the black robe of the man in black robe, there was a mummy covered. The mummy was covered with all kinds of maggots, which was very disgusting, and there was a piece of black rotten flesh hanging in the eyes.

"All killed!"

Qin Yun also frowned slightly.

too disgusting.

Even if Qin Yun is well-informed, there is really no need for such a disgusting thing to live.

"The emperor has ordered, kill them all!"

"Yes Yes!"

With Piaoyun Tianzun's voice.

A group of emperors waved their hands calmly.

"Bang bang bang..."

While the eight people in Qin Zong were stunned, the bodies of the eight black-robed men exploded directly, and their bodies turned into particles smaller than ashes, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

"This this this..."

"It's too scary!"

Qin Zong took a deep breath.

The other seven people stared at Qin Yun with wide eyes.

The terrible scene just now echoed in their minds.

"Master, are these people stupid?"

Chi Muxi frowned slightly.

"It's not that they are stupid, it's just that they haven't seen it before!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly.

In this barren land, there are still quite a few people who love martial arts, but it is a pity that none of them can step into the door of cultivation!
Because there is no aura in this barren land!
Without spiritual energy, one cannot cultivate.

No matter how strong the aptitude is, it can only be a little stronger!

"Meet the gods!"

At this moment, Qin Zong suddenly bowed down to Qin Yun and the others.

"Meet the gods!"

"Meet the gods!"


Behind Qin Zong, the other seven people also knelt down.

Thankfully it's dark now.

There were also a lot fewer tourists on Mount Hua, and Qin Yun's location was relatively remote, so not many people saw this scene.

Otherwise, you can't do it, you won't be able to scare to death!

"My lord, what are immortals?"

Piaoyun Tianzun couldn't help asking.

"The so-called gods are cultivators!"

Looking at Piaoyun Tianzun, Qin Yun said lightly.

"I see!"

A group of warriors showed a hint of enlightenment on their faces.

"Boy, is your name Qin Zong?"

But at this moment, a cold and haughty voice sounded, and the cheap skeleton walked out from behind Qin Yun holding the baby dragon.


"Can talk..."

Qin Zong's body trembled, and subconsciously, he took a dozen steps back. If he hadn't been frightened, at this moment, he must have thought that he had encountered a ghost.

The seven people behind Qin Zong also looked at the cheap skeleton dumbfounded.

"What does my ancestor ask you?"

The cheap skeleton asked arrogantly.


Qin Zong swallowed, and then hurriedly said.

"I'm going to Qin Zong!"

"Sure enough, the surname is Qin!"

The eyes of the cheap skeleton swept across Qin Yun's body slightly, and the eyes were a little weird.

Following the cheap skeleton's eyes, Qin Yun's brows also frowned.

"Everyone, are you a fairy?"

Qin Zong took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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