Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1005 From Outer Heaven

Chapter 1005 From Outer Heaven

"What are gods!"

A cheap skeleton with a cold and arrogant face.

"When my ancestor came, Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal, even beat my leg. This ancestor told you that the so-called gods are in front of this ancestor!"

"That's the ants!"

Looking at Qin Zong, the cheap skeleton said coldly and arrogantly.

"Are all gods ants?"

Qin Zong stared blankly at the cheap skeleton.

"My gods, where did you come from?"

Qin Zong quickly asked again.

"Where did it come from?"

The eyes of the cheap skeleton looked into the depths of the sky.

"That place is where we came from..."

The cheap skeleton stretched out a finger, pointing at the sky above the distant sky.

"You mean beyond the sky?"

Qin Zong said stupidly.

"more or less!"

The cheap skeleton, made a vague sentence.

"Qin Zong, you are in Huaxia Kingdom!"

"How is your identity?"

At this moment, Qin Yun's faint voice suddenly sounded.


Qin Zong's eyes lit up slightly.

"My lord, there is nothing I, Qin Zong, can't do in this Huaxia country. My lords, why not go to my place to rest first, if you need any help!"

"Qin Zong will definitely help with all his strength!"

Seeing Qin Yun, Qin Zong said hastily.

"Full help!"

Qin Yun paused for a moment, then said calmly.

"This emperor doesn't want any other places, but this Huashan Mountain. From now on, no one is allowed to step on this Huashan Mountain!"

"Can it be done?"

Looking at Qin Zong, Qin Yun said lightly.

"Mount Hua!"

Qin Zong looked at Qin Yun dumbfounded.

This Mount Hua is a tourist attraction. Qin Yun said he wanted it, so it's inevitable...

"Can't do it?"

Looking at Qin Zong, Qin Yun frowned slightly.

"can do it!"

"It can definitely be done!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Zong gritted his teeth and said, at this moment, he must agree. Qin Zong knew very well how important Qin Yun and his group were.

No matter how expensive it is, it will not hesitate.

"Go back!"

"We live here!"

Looking at Qin Zong, Qin Yun smiled faintly, and then with a wave of his hand, the concrete on the hillside merged automatically.

After a while, an ancient palace appeared.

"This this……"

"A miracle!"

Qin Zong's eyes were full of shock, creating things out of thin air, this is not a miracle.

The seven people behind Qin Zong also had expressions on their faces!

"Everyone, rest in this palace. Remember, this barren land has no aura. When you don't need to use your power, try not to use it!"

Looking at the group of people, Qin Yun said in a low voice.

"Yes Yes!"

Piaoyun Tianzun and others quickly agreed.

Huaxia Kingdom, at the foot of Huashan Mountain to the west, is an important military base.

"Send a message, this Huashan, my dragon team has confiscated it, no matter what method is used, it must be taken down for me. Starting tomorrow, I don't want to see Huashan!"

"Any visitor appears!"

Qin Zong's cold voice rang through the phone.

"Boss Qin, what's going on with you..."

"Beep beep..."

"Hey Hey hey……"


In the secret room, Qin Zong directly hung up the phone and sat beside the telephone, Qin Zong's heart was overwhelmed.

If what he saw on the screen that day had already shocked him, then today he doesn't even know how he got back!

"By the way, the ancient scriptures left by Grandpa Zeng's Grandpa Great!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Zong disappeared in a flash. In the same night, Qin Zong returned to his house.

Qin Zong's house is in the suburbs, the house is very simple.

There are only three!

Three houses surrounded by a fence.

In addition to Qin Zong, there lived Qin Zong's younger sister.

Qin Xiang!

"Brother, are you back?"

Following Qin Zong's return, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old figure walked out of the small courtyard. The figure was wearing a ponytail and her feet were wearing white silk stockings, which extended three or four inches above her knees.

Qianying was wearing a short skirt, with a pair of slender legs exposed outside.

"Xiangzi, where's Xiaoqi?"

Looking at Qianying, Qin Zong frowned and asked.

"Brother, Xiaoqi was brought back by me today!"

Qianying's eyes brightened.

"Xiaoqi is back!"

A smile appeared on Qin Zong's face.

Qin Xiang, Xiao Qi, this is what Qin Zong has now. Xiao Qi was left behind by his wife, and his wife passed away three years ago.

"By the way, brother, today I met a hooligan. He said that I am a body of heaven, and that Xiaoqi is also a body of heaven. A group of people looked at us two!"

"Can't wait to swallow us!"

"Do you think it's me and Xiaoqi, it's so cute!"

A sly look appeared in Xiangzi's eyes, and he said with a smile.


Qin Zong glanced at Xiangzi angrily.

"Don't wear messy clothes all day long, change your clothes!"

"I'll take you to meet someone tomorrow!"

Looking at Qin Xiang, Qin Zong said in a deep voice.

"Brother, that's my hobby, look how cute I am..."



In the small courtyard, Qin Zong directly entered his room.

"Where is the ancient scripture?"

Qin Zong frowned. That ancient scripture was left by his father. When his father gave it to him, he only told him to keep it safe.

Before he even asked the reason, he was already hiccupping!

His father told him that the ancient scriptures were passed down by his grandfather, his grandfather was passed down by his great-grandpa, and his great-grandpa was passed down by his great-grandfather's great-grandpa!

In the room, Qin Zong was flipping for a while.

Half a day later, Qin Zong found a waxy ancient scripture from under the door.

In the ancient scriptures, there are three simple words.

Zulong Jue!

"What Zulong Jue?"

Qin Zong laughed aloud, he was bewildered today, no, he has been bewildered since seeing the scene on the screen!

Otherwise, it is impossible, and I will read this ancient scriptures when I come back.

"I, a disciple of the Qin family, practice the Ancestral Dragon Art of Chaos. The Ancestral Dragon Art forges the physique, which can enable warriors to possess the power of the ancestor dragon, and even incarnate the ancient ancestor dragon, omnipotent..."

Qin Zong fell into watching.

Looking at it, he was fascinated.

The next day, the entire Huashan Mountain was extremely guarded.

Countless tourists were blocked under Huashan Mountain.

As for Mount Hua, it was blocked.

"I must give you an explanation. This boy Qin Zong is getting more and more courageous now. He even dares to hang up the phone call of me, the commander-in-chief!"


At the foot of the mountain, an old man in his seventies was full of anger.

This person is none other than the commander-in-chief of the Huaxia Legion. This person's identity is a top existence in the entire world.

Even if it is a TV report, this person will no longer show up!

The top of Mount Huashan.

"Master, this Huashan Mountain has strong luck and excellent Fengshui. According to the theory, this place should be an excellent place for cultivation, but why is it such a barren place!"

"There is no aura?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Chi Muxi said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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