Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 101 I'm far worse than Qin Tianguo!

Chapter 101 I'm far worse than Qin Tianguo!
"Boy, you are really stupid to provoke people from my Su family. Do you know that my Su family can easily destroy ten of your Qin Tianguo with just a finger movement!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the young man's eyes were full of arrogance.

The others also looked at Qin Yun with sarcasm!How dare a disciple from a small vassal state come to Qi Yun State to be arrogant?

"I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I know if you attack the emperor today!"

"Then no one can save you!"

Looking at Su Cang, in Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless arrogance.

"No one can save me!"

"good very good!"

Su Cang's eyes were full of anger. Damn it, he had never seen anyone more arrogant than him in the capital of Qiyun, so he won't abolish Qin Yun today.

How will he, Su Cang, spend his time in Qi Yun Country in the future?
"Give me a shot, I want to abolish this kid!"

"No, cut off his limbs first, then cripple him, and then throw it out to feed the dogs!"

Su Cang's voice was so vicious!

"court death!"

Qin Yun who heard this.

A burst of icy coldness shot out from the eyes.

Him and Su Cang.

But there was no grudge. It was the same person just now who shot at him first. As for him, Qin Yun, he just kicked back, but this young man wanted to destroy him now.

To cut off his limbs!

How vicious this is!
"If you want to kill me, then I will let you die first!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a murderous intent rose, and the next moment, the dragon veins in Qin Yun's body twitched instantly, and there were terrifying dragon chants coming from Qin Yun's body.


That dragon chant made everyone seem to be back.

The ancient prehistoric world!

"What kind of exercise is this, what a powerful Longwei!"

"This kid, it's really not easy!"

"So what if it's not simple, this Su Cang is just the beginning. It is rumored that the most dissatisfied with this Su Cang is Min Bo, the monster of the Min family. The last time Qin Yun trespassed on the Min family and got away completely!"

"Su Cang wants to kill Qin Yun to prove himself!"


People around are talking about it!

The look on Qin Yun's face also changed from the original sarcasm.

Qin Yun's strength.

At least they got their approval!

But no one thinks that Qin Yun can be alive today, the evildoer of the Min family is the strongest of the Martial Emperor, except for the arrogance of several other major forces who are also evildoers!

No one can survive three tricks in the hands of the monsters of the Min family.

"Dragon Fist: Earth Shaking Style!"

"Go away!"

Qin Yun punched and blasted towards the ground. The next moment, the rolling dragon power on Qin Yun's body gathered towards his fist frantically, rushing into the ground with terrifying energy.

"Bang bang bang..."

There were bursts of explosions.

The ground between Qin Yun and Su Cang was completely exploded, and then a terrifying force struck Su Cang from the ground.

"Boy, do you dare to touch me?"

Su Cang's eyes were extremely cold, but the next moment.

his body!

It flew out again.

"Kill this kid for me, I want you to kill him!"

Su Cang's angry voice came. Although he is also the young master of the Su family, he is inferior to Su Ming by many times. His strength is only the triple martial king.

And still, relying on countless pills to improve!
"Kid, die!"

"Suffer to death!"


More than a dozen servants of the Su family rushed towards Qin Yun.

"A group of ants!"

"Get out of here!"

A cold and proud voice sounded, and Qin Yun punched out the dragon force.

Vibrate in the void.

None of these disciples of the Su family in the Martial King Realm.

It is the enemy of Qin Yun!
"Bang bang bang..."

In front of the Temple of War God, a group of people turned their backs on their backs, and a dozen or so people all flew upside down.

"What a powerful force!"

"His strength has at least reached the peak of King Wu!"

"This Su Cang, it seems that he has encountered some difficulties!"


In front of the Temple of War, a group of geniuses changed their expressions slightly.

King Wu peak.

Coupled with Qin Yun's 16-year-old face.

Qin Yun's talent is terrifying!
Without a doubt!

"In a small vassal state, there is such an arrogance!"

"It's a pity, if he doesn't offend the evildoers of the Min family, he can be pulled into the clan and cultivated well!"

"This kid, you really overestimate your own strength. I, Qiyun Kingdom, are not comparable to Qin Tianguo's small vassal state. Although King Wu is strong at his peak, he must know how to endure!"


A series of discussions sounded.

If the people at the beginning were still mocking Qin Yun's strength, then the people now are regretting Qin Yun's talent. If such a talent does not offend the Min family, I am afraid that countless forces will try to win him over!

"Boy, how can you be so strong?"

Su Cang's expression changed instantly.

"Give me a sigh!"

But at the next moment, Qin Yun suddenly appeared in front of Su Cang, and then kicked on Su Cang's shoulder.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Su Cang's eyes were full of anger.

Qin Yun actually asked him to kneel down?
How arrogant is this, he is the young master of the Su family, in the capital of Qiyun, who would dare to be so presumptuous to him, not even Min Bo!

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

The two 'kneel down', with boundless arrogance, the next moment, amidst the shocked expressions of everyone, Su Cang's body knelt on the ground with a touch.

In his eyes, it was crazy!
"Damn it! Boy, I, Su Cang, will definitely kill you!"

"I'm going to tear you to pieces!"


Su Cang roared crazily.

But his body was stepped on the ground by Qin Yun.

The whole person can't move!

"Too arrogant!"

"Su Cang is the young master of the Su family. This boy stomped Su Cang under his feet. This is slapping the face of the Su family. The Su family should not be furious when they know the news!"

"This kid is really daring!"


Everyone also looked at Qin Yun in shock. Damn, he was too arrogant. The Qin Yun in front of him was simply lawless. He didn't care about the Su family and the Min family!
As long as anyone dares to provoke him, the end will be extremely miserable.

"Look, Su Ming is here!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Hear this.

Everyone's expressions changed instantly.

I saw in the Temple of War God.

Two figures came side by side, one of them was cold and arrogant, looking at the crowd with his eyes looking down from above, this person was none other than Su Ming, the leader of the Seven Young Masters!

And beside Su Ming, there is a graceful woman. Although the woman is wearing a veil, she has a noble temperament that people dare not ignore!
"It's Her Royal Highness!"

"I have met Mr. Su Ming, and I have met His Royal Highness the Princess!"


A group of figures quickly saluted the two of them.

But the two of them walked slowly like kings among the crowd.

All the people around were ignored!
"You are Qin Yun?"

The indifferent voice came, Qin Yun looked up, and saw the stunning woman beside Su Ming, her eyes fell on him, and those eyes were full of scrutiny.

"It's the emperor!"

Qin Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Then he suddenly grinned and said, "Your Excellency is Jiuling. Speaking of which, the security of your palace is really bad. Mad dogs don't even clean up when they come in. Compared with me, Qin Tianguo, it's far worse!"

ps: Today's first update, there will be another update at 600:200 pm. After reading the recommendation tickets, the brothers are very good. Yesterday, the daily recommendation was more than [-], and it has broken [-]. What should I do?It must be updated!Add one update tomorrow, no, add two updates, the big professor predicts that today’s recommendation votes will exceed [-], so I will add it to you tomorrow, and today until now there are only more than [-] recommendation votes, brothers need to give some strength, use recommendation tickets to rub me oh oh oh oh...

(End of this chapter)

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