Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 102 Angry Su Ming

Chapter 102 Angry Su Ming
"Compared to your Qin Tianguo, is it much worse?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment. Princess Jiuling, who looked like the proud son of heaven, also looked at Qin Yun in a daze. Qin Tianguo and Qi Yunguo, how can they be compared?
But Qin Yun also said that he, Qi Yunguo, is not as good as Qin Tianguo!

"Qin Yun, let me go. I am the young master of the Su family. If you dare to touch me, my Su family will definitely not let you go!"

At this moment, Su Cang suddenly raised his head and roared with a sinister face.

"You fucking shut up for me!"


Qin Yun stepped on Su Cang's head. Su Cang, who had just raised his head, was directly thrown into the ground by Qin Yun's foot. The blood in his mouth gushed out crazily.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!"

Su Cang's eyes were extremely crazy, and the people around him also gasped. Damn it, Su Ming is here, and Qin Yun dares to touch Su Cang, isn't he looking for death!
"If you don't shut up, this emperor will kill you!"

Qin Yun looked at Su Cang, with murderous intent in his eyes. His cold eyes made Su Cang's body tremble slightly, and his voice stopped abruptly!

But the next moment, Su Cang's eyes fell on Su Ming.

"Brother, save me..."

"help me……"

Looking at Su Ming, Su Cang seemed to have grasped the last straw, and shouted loudly!


When Su Ming heard Su Cang's cry for help, a hint of disgust rose in his eyes, a disciple of the Su family, he is the proud son of heaven.

And Su Cang is just a playboy, if the Su family didn't help with pills, Su Cang might not even be a martial artist now!
"Qin Yun, let him go!"

Although there was disgust in his eyes, Su Cang's eyes fell on Qin Yun.

Su Ming looked at Qin Yun, his eyes were cold and arrogant, and his voice seemed to be giving orders to Qin Yun, which seemed aggressive!

"Let people go?"

Qin Yun laughed.

"Bang bang bang..."

But the next moment, Qin Yun raised his foot and went down three times towards Su Cang. Su Cang's head collided intimately with the ground three times, and the whole ground shook.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Su Cang's mouth.

"What the hell are you? If you want me to let you go, I will let you go, but I just step on a few feet. What can you do to me!"

With one foot on Su Cang's back, Qin Yun's voice was extremely arrogant!


"This fucking is too arrogant, stepping on Su Cang fiercely in front of Su Ming, it's like slapping Su Ming in the face!"

"It's such a joy..."


There was a commotion in front of the God of War Temple. Everyone looked at Qin Yun with dumbstruck faces, and a terrifying and boundless cold light burst out from Su Ming's eyes.

He is the head of the seven sons of the capital of Qiyun Kingdom. In this Qiyun Kingdom, people would be in awe when they heard his name, so how dare they be so arrogant in front of him!
"Brother, save me..."

"help me!"

Su Cang was so frightened that his body trembled, and then he saw his legs tremble, and a strange smell spread around Su Cang.

"Damn it, this Su Cang is really a waste, he was scared to pee!"

"The Su family has lost face!"

"I don't know how Su Ming will kill this kid next!"


In front of the Temple of War God, everyone looked at Su Cang with disgust on their faces, each of them covered their noses, and hurriedly backed away.


Su Ming had boundless anger in his eyes.

He clenched his fist fiercely. If this place was not the imperial palace, he would have killed Qin Yun a long time ago.

Beside Su Ming, Princess Jiuling also frowned deeply!

"The members of the Su family are so fucking useless!"


With one kick, Qin Yun kicked Su Cang into the air. His body hit a rockery, his head tilted, and he fainted!

"Princess Jiuling, this person has insulted my Su family, and it is a capital crime. Please also ask Princess Jiuling to hand him over to me!"

Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore, slightly bowed his hands to Princess Jiuling, then looked at Qin Yun, and said sternly.

"Leave it to you?"

Princess Jiuling's eyes flashed with light.

"Hahaha... Su Ming, what you said is wrong. This Qin Yun made an appointment with this young master seven days ago. Even if you want to kill him, no matter how you say it, you should come first and then come first!"

"If your Su family wants to take revenge, I, Min Bo, can kindly leave his whole body behind, and let your Su family have a good time too!"

Not far away, Min Bo suddenly stood up and said sarcastically.

It's a joke, the Min family and the Su family are deadly rivals, Su Cang was humiliated, how could he let Su Ming take action, if he kills Qin Yun later, wouldn't he be slapping the Su family in the face.

Naturally, Min Bo would not let go of this opportunity!
"Min Bo, you are courting death!"

Su Ming looked at Min Bo with coldness in his eyes.

"Why, do you want to fight this young master? Others are afraid of you, but this young master is not afraid. If you want to fight, I, Min Bo, will accompany you at any time!"

In Min Bo's eyes, there was boundless arrogance.

"Fight is war!"

Su Ming's eyes turned cold.

"Bang bang bang..."

Between the two of them, a terrifying and boundless imperial coercion soared into the sky.

"What a powerful force!"

"Fast back..."


A group of figures retreated quickly.

"Okay, stop!"

But at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came, and Princess Jiuling waved her hand slightly. The next moment, the surrounding momentum dissipated in an instant!



Min Bo and Su Ming gave a cold snort at the same time, but they didn't continue to make another move, they turned around and retreated.

"If you want to fight, you have to wait until the exchange meeting. As for Qin Yun, you are invited by this princess, so come in!"

With a few words, Princess Jiuling turned around and entered the Temple of War God.

"Boy, wait a moment and I will kill you with my own hands, and then tear your body into pieces!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Min Bo's eyes were extremely cold.

Not far from Min Bo, Su Ming also looked at Qin Yun with a vicious face.

"Ahem...a good dog is not right!"

"Xi'er, let's go!"

With a light cough, Qin Yun didn't even bother Min Bo, and led Chi Muxi directly into the Temple of War, but just as Qin Yun passed by Min Bo.

Qin Yun suddenly stopped!
"Liu Xi..."

Looking at the girl next to Min Bo, Qin Yun paused for a moment, then turned and entered the Temple of War God.

The girl looked at Qin Yun, and a gleam of light rose in her eyes.

"How could his cultivation improve so quickly!"

Liu Xi was extremely shocked. Back then in Qin Tianguo, Qin Yun didn't even open his martial veins. How long has it been since Qin Yun's combat power is already comparable to that of the Martial King?

Originally, she thought that the outside world was a rumor, but now it seems...

"What about King Wu, I, Liu Xi, are the ninth-class Tianmai, the proud son of heaven, and my husband should be the king of Xuantian. When Min Bo makes a move, he will definitely die!"

"And I will enter the Xiao family and become the Martial Emperor, or even the strongest of the Martial Sect!"

In Liu Xi's eyes, once again, he was cold and arrogant, so what if Qin Yun improved quickly, could it be that Qin Yun could still defeat Min Bo, as long as Min Bo made a move, she firmly believed.

Qin Yun is sure to die!

ps: The second update, after reading the recommendation tickets, the brothers are very good. Yesterday, the daily recommendation was more than 600, and it has broken 200. What should I do?It must be updated!Add one update tomorrow, no, add two updates, the big professor predicts that today’s recommendation votes will exceed 500, so I will add it to you tomorrow. I saw more than [-] at noon today, and now there are only more than [-] recommendation votes. Brothers need to give some strength. Use the recommendation ticket to rub me, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobring it on……

(End of this chapter)

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