Chapter 1094

"good fortune!"

A faint voice sounded, and the young man waved his hand. In the next moment, a mysterious and boundless aura spread out in the void, and a bird appeared in his hand out of thin air.


The bird flew out directly.

Immediately soared towards the void.

The living thing, this flying bird, is actually a living thing, and it was created out of thin air by this young man.

"good fortune!"

In the void, all the demon gods were respectful in their eyes. The young man was none other than the leader of the three thousand demon gods, the Creation Emperor Demon who controlled Creation!

I don't know how strong this person is.

No one knows how strong he is!

But in the entire chaos, the power of good fortune is not controlled by anyone. From this, it can be seen how terrifying this young man is. Good fortune is supreme, and that is the power of law that governs everything.

Even the power of chaos cannot completely suppress this young man.

"The divine thoughts of these great emperors are nothing, but there is one person who is very interesting. He has mastered the power of chaos, but his cultivation is in the realm of Heavenly Venerable. This person has no lower potential than him!"

The young man raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

That smile made people very kind. If it wasn't for this person standing in the leading position, no one would have thought that this young man is the most terrifying existence among the three thousand demon gods!

"Brother, who are you talking about? In the chaotic world, that person is the Chaos God. Although he is just a slave of the Chaos Heaven, his potential is unmatched!"

The Demon God of Samsara stood up, his eyes brightened.

"This person is the person who should be robbed last time. If my guess is not wrong, I am afraid that someone has already fallen into a scheme on this person, or else!"

"It can be used by us!"

The young man looked at the void with regret in his eyes.

This person's eyes seemed to be able to see through the endless sky, and fell on a figure in the fairy city.

"Should rob people?"

"Brother is talking about Emperor Shura Qin Yun!"

The demon god of reincarnation, the light in his eyes soared.

The expressions of the other demon gods also changed drastically in an instant.

"It's this man!"

In the young man's eyes, he was extremely indifferent.

"Brother, although this person's talent is good, but if he wants to be comparable to that person, I'm afraid he still has a long way to go. That person has directly passed the chaotic punishment once!"

Demon God Rahu stood up and said hastily.

"Spent the Chaos Heaven's Punishment once?"

A flash of violence suddenly flashed in the young man's eyes, and an extremely terrifying scene appeared in his eyes.

I saw large pieces of the sky shattered, pieces of the world turned into ashes!

"Big brother..."

The expressions of Luo Hu and the others changed drastically.

"If it weren't for the permission of Chaos Heaven, how could that person survive Chaos Heaven? You don't need to say much, Henggu Leidi, you take ten demon gods to wipe out those great emperors' divine thoughts!"

"As for this Qin Yun!"

"bring back!"

Looking at the group of demon gods, the young man said indifferently.

"yes, Sir!"

Henggu Leidi quickly stood up respectfully.

"Who wants to go with me?"

Henggu Leidi stood up directly, the power of this person was extremely terrifying.

"I I I..."

One after another silhouettes stood up directly, and with just one breath, ten demon gods stood up, and among the ten demon gods, the mixed gold demon god was among them.

The Gold-Mixed Demon God's eyes flickered wildly.

The three-month appointment will arrive soon!
He wanted to defeat Qin Yun and bring back the Golden Winged Roc.

But hearing the words of the Good Fortune Demon God, the Gold Mixed Demon God's heart slowly sank, maybe he will never be a Dapeng again!

"Ten of you, follow me to Immortal Demon City!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Henggu Leidi led ten people, and directly cut through the void.

In a moment, the figures of ten people disappeared in the 33rd heaven.

at the same time.

Among the immortal demons, the entire immortal demon city was extremely quiet.

For some reason, this extremely chaotic city of immortals and demons became quiet, and some warriors with lower cultivation base subconsciously left the city.

It was as if something terrible had happened in this city.

In the city, in a small courtyard.

Qin Yun sat down cross-legged.

In front of Qin Yun, stood the three lowly skeletons.

"Boy, this ancestor already knew that you won't die..."

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton grinned.

The eyes of Dapeng and Jiuyou were also full of joy. During this period of time, they were extremely worried about Qin Yun in their hearts.

Seeing Qin Yun's appearance, the hearts of several people finally settled down.

"It took a while to practice!"

Looking at the few people, Qin Yun's heart warmed slightly.

"Boy, your cultivation level..."

It seems that something has been discovered. The light in the eyes of the cheap skeleton has skyrocketed. Qin Yun's cultivation is still in the realm of perfection, but what the cheap skeleton sees is not only Qin Yun's cultivation.

Qin Yun's body, apart from Tianzun's cultivation base, also has a terrifying blood energy, which is physique.

"Your physique is probably comparable to that of an ordinary ancestral dragon!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton took a deep breath.

After seeing each other once, Qin Yun's physique has increased by an unknown number of times.

"more or less!"

Qin Yun grinned, comparable to an ordinary Zulong?

That was not ordinary, what Qin Yun formed this time was the body of the ten-clawed ancestor dragon, which was an invincible existence among the ancestor dragons!
"The battle is about to begin!"

As if he had discovered something, the light in Qin Yun's eyes suddenly shot up.

Qin Yun looked towards the void.

As Qin Yun looked towards the void, beside Qin Yun, the three cheap skeletons also turned their attention to the sky. The four of them seemed to be waiting for something!
In the fairy magic city.




A group of figures stood up from the ground.

At this moment, more than a dozen auras of the Great Emperor passed through the entire Immortal Demon City.

As long as the great emperors and powerhouses from the outside world enter the ancestral land of the demon god, at this moment, they seem to have agreed long ago, and they will all gather in this fairy and demon city.

"Emperor, there are many great emperors!"

In Jiuyou's eyes, a faint light flashed, and that faint light vibrated slightly.

In the depths of those eyes, there seems to be a tower of millions of meters, and on that tower, countless divine patterns are shining.

"A lot indeed!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely indifferent.

A total of seventeen great emperor breaths.

Under the Great Emperor, there are at least a hundred Taoists!

The temptation of the Three Thousand Ways to the great emperor and powerhouse was beyond Qin Yun's imagination.


But at this moment, Qin Yun seemed to have discovered something.

Qin Yun's eyes fell on Jiuyou's body.

On Jiuyou, a vast and boundless aura seemed to be waking up.

"This kid..."

The cheap skeleton's eyes also fell on Jiuyou's body, and his eyes lighted up slightly. The vast aura on Jiuyou's body was definitely the aura of the Great Emperor.

"The Underworld Emperor is coming back too!"

Qin Yun looked at Jiuyou and smiled faintly. .

(End of this chapter)

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