Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1095 The Dark Emperor Is Found Again

Chapter 1095 The Dark Emperor Is Found Again
"Jiuyou, how do you feel?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at Jiuyou and asked with a smile.


Jiuyou's face was slightly flushed.

"My lord, I feel like I'm full of power, as if it's inexhaustible!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Jiuyou said excitedly.


Qin Yun smiled lightly, that was the power of the Great Emperor, this guy probably didn't know that he was a strong Emperor at his peak.

The current Jiuyou is just awakening the power that belongs to him.

"Boy, someone is coming!"

But at this moment, the low voice of the cheap skeleton suddenly sounded.

For a moment, outside the small courtyard.

A wave that Qin Yun was familiar with came from.

Immediately, two figures appeared in Qin Yun's sight.

"Dark Emperor!"

Looking at the approaching figure, a light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes. The person who came here was none other than the Dark Emperor. Besides, there was Yi Zu.

"It really is Emperor Shura!"

On the other side, when the Dark Emperor saw Qin Yun, his eyes lit up.

"Your Excellency, stay!"

Outside the small courtyard, just as the two were about to come in.

Dapeng dodged and stood in front of the two of them.

"Looking for death, this is the Dark Emperor, what are you, dare to block our Great Emperor?"

Yizu looked at Dapeng, and said with a vicious expression on his face.

In this person's eyes, there was a flash of murderous intent.

"shut up!"

A deep voice sounded, the Dark Emperor looked at Yi Zu with a frown.

Although Dapeng's cultivation was only at the thirtieth level of the Emperor's Ancestor Realm, he didn't take such a cultivation level into his heart, but Dapeng was also Qin Yun's man after all, and he came to find Qin Yun this time.

In any case, it depends on Qin Yun's face.

"The emperor calm down!"

Seeing that the Dark Emperor frowned, Yi Zu hurriedly backed away.

"Emperor Shura, long time no see!"

Taking a deep breath, the Dark Emperor looked towards the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, Qin Yun looked at the Dark Emperor indifferently. When his eyes swept across Yizu, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely indifferent.

This person really wants to die!
"Dark Emperor, your people are so arrogant!"

A faint voice sounded, Qin Yun's expression was calm and unwavering.

Qin Yun had already guessed the reason for the Dark Emperor's visit. This person must have wanted to join forces with him, but it was a pity that he rejected the Dark Emperor last time.

Then this time, naturally, he would not agree to this person!
"Emperor Shura calm down, my people are rude, please don't take it to heart, Zu Yi, why don't you accompany Emperor Shura!"

The Dark Emperor looked at Yizu and shouted coldly.

"Accompany me?"

Yizu paused slightly.

Then the person stepped forward.

"I was reckless just now, I hope Emperor Shura will calm down!"

Facing Qin Yun, Yizu saluted respectfully.

"Apologize to me, hahaha... This is a bit embarrassing for the Dark Emperor, but it is a pity that you didn't offend this emperor just now, so why do you need to apologize to me?"

Looking at the two of them, Qin Yun said with a face full of teasing.

"I didn't offend you!"

The dark emperor's eyes flashed.

Qin Yun doesn't want to let him go?
Yizu's expression also changed slightly.

In his opinion, Dapeng was at best a dog of Qin Yun's, and if he scolded Dapeng, it was nothing.

But what Yizu didn't know was that even if Dapeng was a dog, it was also Qin Yun's dog!
"Emperor Shura, what do you want?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Dark Emperor, he said in a low voice.

In his heart, he suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he would not have brought Yi Zu here.

"Whoever offended, then apologize to whom!"

"Could it be that the Dark Emperor wants this emperor to teach you even this!"

Looking at the Dark Emperor, Qin Yun had a hint of mockery in his eyes.

The dark emperor in front of him is a strong emperor, and Yi Zu is also a strong emperor who is above eighty levels.

The two are both in terms of status and cultivation.

This is not comparable to Dapeng, how can the two of them apologize to Dapeng?

"You want me to apologize to him?"

Yi Zu's expression changed slightly, and the Dark Emperor's expression also darkened slightly.

Qin Yun in front of him was a little too much, how precious their identities are, how could they apologize to Dapeng!

"The Emperor..."

Dapeng's eyes were full of emotion.

Dapeng didn't expect that Qin Yun would be willing to offend two peerless powerhouses for him. At this moment, Dapeng suddenly felt that following Qin Yun like this is quite good!
"Dapeng, close the door!"

A faint voice sounded, and Qin Yun turned his head directly.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Dapeng took a deep breath and prepared to close the door of the courtyard.

"and many more……"

Seeing Dapeng close the door, the expression of the Dark Emperor changed instantly.

This time, he came to join hands with Qin Yun.

If it is because of this matter, then this opportunity will be lost, wouldn't it be...


The Dark Emperor's voice was indifferent and boundless.

"My lord, I..."

The Dark Emperor was extremely angry in his heart. He is an emperor who is over eighty weights. It is a shame to ask him to apologize to an emperor who is thirty weights!


The dark emperor's eyes were extremely cold.


Yizu clenched his fists fiercely and looked at Qin Yun. His eyes flickered frantically, but unfortunately, Qin Yun's eyes in the small courtyard were extremely calm!

"I was being reckless just now, please calm down, Your Excellency!"

Yizu took a deep breath, and slightly cupped his hands towards Dapeng!
After these words fell, Yi Zu's face flushed even more. Today's apology is definitely a humiliation for his life.

At this moment, in his heart, he regretted his recklessness just now.


Dapeng's eyes fell on Qin Yun.

"Since the Dark Emperor is visiting, he is also a guest, and the dog should stay outside, so as not to enter the Emperor's small courtyard and trample to death some flowers and plants if he is disobedient!"

In the small courtyard, Qin Yun's voice was infinitely indifferent.

"Yes, Emperor!"

"Your Excellency please!"

Dapeng took a step forward and bowed slightly towards the Dark Emperor.

As for Yizu, Dapeng didn't even take another look.


Yizu's face turned ferocious.

When did someone dare to say that about Yi Zu!
In the chaos, he is also a figure with a head and a face.

"The Great..."

Yi Zu, with a somewhat hoarse voice, looked at the Dark Emperor. Yi Zu had a bit of anticipation in his eyes. He wanted to wait for the Dark Emperor and say a few words for him!
"go away!"

But the Dark Emperor's eyes were extremely indifferent.

He was also very dissatisfied with Yi Zu in his heart.

If it wasn't for this person, how could Qin Yun have made him lose face just now!


Yizu's face flushed red.

There was boundless anger in his eyes, but this person could only stand outside the small courtyard.

The majestic Yizu didn't dare to step in, just take a step in the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, the Dark Emperor walked in.

"Is this the Underworld Emperor?"

Looking at Jiuyou, the Dark Emperor said with a twinkle of light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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