Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 111 The Crisis of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Corps

Chapter 111 The Crisis of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Corps
In the capital of Emperor Qiyun.

"The vision disappeared, what happened just now?"

"The aura of the strong Xiao family has also disappeared!"

"I'm afraid the imperial capital is about to change!"


The entire imperial capital was in turmoil.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Go and find the master, hurry up!"

Chi Muxi's face was pale, Mo Yun Mo Chong and others hurriedly led the people from the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion to search for Qin Yun's figure everywhere, but they searched the entire imperial capital.

No sign of Qin Yun was found.

Outside the imperial capital.

On the hillside!

"49 dragon veins, all exhausted!"

"The purple dragon veins are also dim. This time, it's really fucking miserable!"

With a wry smile, Qin Yun, who was lying on the ground on the hillside, sat up cross-legged at some point.

Qin Yun's face was extremely pale, and the aura on his body was also very weak.

Although Qin Yun won this battle, he paid a price.

But it is also very big!

The current Qin Yun's strength is almost exhausted.

It is impossible to recover without a few days.

"Purple dragon veins are too scary, next time it is not necessary, you must not use them indiscriminately!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth. At the critical moment of the battle just now, he subconsciously stimulated the purple dragon veins, at that moment.

Qin Yun seemed to feel that he had transformed into a mighty dragon.

"Restore your cultivation first!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun began to activate the Asura Heavenly Emperor Art.

The surrounding spiritual energy slowly entered Qin Yun's body, and for a moment, the breath on Qin Yun's body.

Started to recover slowly.

Qin Yun is recovering.

But in the imperial capital, it was completely boiling.

At the exchange meeting, the news of Min Bo's defeat spread throughout the Qiyun Imperial Capital, and all the forces were alarmed.

In the Min family, the silence was even more frightening.

"Patriarch, if this son does not die, my Min family will die!"

An elder of the Min family stood in the center of the hall, his face was full of grief, and the other disciples of the Min family were also full of anger, Min Bo, that was the pride of the Min family.

But now, he died at the hands of a disciple of a vassal country.

This made the Min family not angry!
"Patriarch, Bo'er is the peerless Martial Emperor. This son must have resorted to crooked methods to kill Bo'er. My Min family must never bypass this person!"

"Yes, kill him!"


All the disciples of the Min family had murderous intent in their eyes.

on the main seat.

In Min Bo's eyes, there was something gloomy and terrifying!
He originally thought that Min Bo could return with honor, but who knew, what he got was the news of Min Bo's death. At that moment, Min Yuan even suspected that he had heard it wrong!

How could it be possible that Min Bo died in Qin Yun's hands?
If it wasn't for Princess Jiuling's personal maid who came to convey the news, he even wanted to expel this person from Min's house directly.

"This son must die!"

Min Yuan's voice was cold and terrifying. The death of Min Bo was not only a shame to the Min family, but also made Min Yuan feel a little scared.

That's right, Min Yuan was scared!

That day Qin Yun beheaded him and Tianjiao of the Min family in front of him.

This time, Qin Yun killed Min Bo again.

If Qin Yun was allowed to grow up, would the Min family still have a way out?
"Order to go down and surround the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion!"

"Yes Yes!"

In the Min family, countless disciples quickly surrounded the Emperor's Mansion.


The entire imperial capital was alarmed again.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Miss Xi'er, what should we do now?"

Mo Yun Mo Chong, his face was serious. Outside the palace, there were hundreds of disciples of the Min family. Among these people, even those with the worst cultivation had reached the peak of martial arts.

The strongest are the three Martial Emperors.

That's right, it wasn't just Min Yuan who came, there were also three Martial Emperor powerhouses!
"Wait for Master to come back!"

Chi Muxi's eyes flashed coldly, and then said in a deep voice.


Mo Yun Mo Chong, a look of worry rose in his eyes.

Since the last exchange meeting.

It has been three days since Qin Yun disappeared. During these three days, they searched the entire imperial capital, but there was no news of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun seemed to have evaporated out of thin air!
"Master will be fine!"

Chi Muxi's voice trembled a little, she knew very well how terrifying the person who came that day was!
"No one can defeat the Emperor!"

"That's right!"

The eyes of Mo Yun and Mo Chong became firm.

"Qin Yun, get out!"

"get out!"


Outside the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion, Min Yuan's eyes were indifferent. Behind him was a group of Min family disciples.

One after another terrifying power and influence.

Covering the entire Heavenly Emperor Palace.

In the palace, the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group were all terrified, these newcomers to the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group.

His cultivation is no more than in the realm of martial arts, where has he seen such a scene!

"Min Yuan, why are you looking for Master?"

A group of people came out of the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion, and Chi Muxi was the one standing in the front, who looked at Min Yuan indifferently.

"Miss Chi Mu, this is a grievance between my Min family and Qin Yun, you should leave first, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, Min Yuan frowned, then said coldly.

"You're welcome?"

"Hmph... I, Chi Muxi, am also a member of the Heavenly Emperor's Mercenary Group. If you want to destroy my Heavenly Emperor's Palace, I, Chi Muxi, will of course live and die with the Heavenly Emperor's Palace!"

Looking at Min Yuan, Chi Muxi's eyes flickered coldly!
"Coexist and die!"


Min Yuan laughed loudly, and the next moment, Min Yuan's face suddenly became extremely respectful.

"Ancestor please!"

"Ancestor please!"

"Ancestor please!"


Following Min Yuan's words, all the disciples of the Min family knelt on the ground.

"The old man hasn't appeared for hundreds of years, Miss Chi Mu, you'd better leave!"

A faint voice descended from the void, and a white-haired old man came out from the crowd. The aura on the old man was ordinary, but he saw this old man.

Chi Muxi's eyes were radiant.

"You're the immortal from the Min family, Min Chi!"

Looking at the old man, Chi Muxi said in a low voice.

"Miss Chi Mu has really good eyesight. The old man has not been born for a hundred years. I never thought that Miss Chi Mu could still see the identity of the old man!"

"But today, Qin Yun must die, Miss Chi Mu, please leave!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, the old man said with a smile.

"Leave, it's impossible!"

Chi Muxi said indifferently.

"If that's the case, then don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

Following Chi Muxi's words, the majesty of the emperor surged out from the old man's body. Terrible power came madly suppressing the Emperor's Mansion.


Mo Yun, Mo Chong and the others retreated quickly one by one, while the other disciples of the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion felt a mountain pressing down on them, and all of them vomited blood from the shock.


Chi Mu Xi's expression changed drastically.

This old guy turned out to be a strong man at the peak of the Martial Emperor, and he was still at the peak of the Ninth Layer Martial Emperor, only one step away from reaching the realm of the Martial Ancestor.

"Ruthless, the emperor wants to see..."

"You old dog, what a ruthless method!"

But at this moment, in the void, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion were instantly surprised.

PS: In the first update, the number of recommended votes broke through one thousand yesterday, and two updates were added today, which is the fourth update, but brothers, I lost track of it, and it was only two thousand and three. When the big professor saw the data, his little heart was broken , follow-up reading is the easiest, brothers just look at the new chapters every day, the article is in PK, follow-up reading is really important, more important than recommendation tickets!
There are two updates at [-]:[-] pm, and one update at [-]:[-] pm. There are four updates in total. Brothers, tomorrow is the last day of PK. I hope that brothers can spare time to read the new chapters during their busy schedules. This is very important, really important. Important, more important than the life of the big professor!Tomorrow is also the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. No matter what the follow-up and recommendation tickets are today, tomorrow will be the fifth watch. The big professor thanks brothers, follow-up, follow-up, follow-up, and important things are said three times!
(End of this chapter)

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