Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 112 Destroying the Min Family

Chapter 112 Destroying the Min Family (1)

"It's the master!"

"The emperor is back!"

"The emperor is back!"


In the Tianbei Palace, there were voices of surprise, and in the void, a cold and arrogant figure came, and behind him was a pair of golden wings.

"It's Qin Yun, he's back!"

"Could it be that behind him is the Xiao family's flying martial art Jin Yunchi?"

"Jin Yunchi is a martial skill at the peak of the prefecture level. If the people of the Xiao family know about it, this kid might not even know how he died!"


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

But everyone's eyes were focused on the figure in the void.

"Qin Yun, you dare to come back!"

Seeing Qin Yun, killing intent surged in Min Yuan's eyes.

"Why didn't the Emperor dare to come back?"

Qin Yun's face was cold and arrogant, and then his figure flashed, appearing in front of Mo Yun, Mo Chong and the others.

"Get up!"

Qin Yun waved his hand slightly, he is a disciple of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

One by one stood up quickly.

"Emperor, you..."

"talk about it later!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly, and then his eyes once again fell on the group of Min family disciples in front of him.

"Qin Yun, but you used despicable means to kill Bo'er?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Min Yuan shouted with a full face.

"Using despicable means?"

Qin Yun glanced at Min Yuan with some disdain, and then said mockingly, "Why do you need to use despicable means to kill a piece of trash? This emperor can kill a dozen at his own convenience!"


Min Yuan's face flushed with anger.

The death of Min Bo is a disgrace to the Min family!

If he doesn't kill Qin Yun today, I'm afraid the Min family will live in Qin Yun's shadow forever.

"Boy, are you Qin Yun?"

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly came, and Min Chi's eyes fell on Qin Yun.

A terrifying and boundless coldness flashed across his cloudy eyes.

"It's the emperor!"

Qin Yun's eyes swept across Min Chi's body.

Immediately, Qin Yun seemed to remember something, and suddenly shouted arrogantly: "That old dog was clamoring to kill this emperor just now, now that the emperor is here, get out!"

"get out!"


Rolling sound waves spread around.

The people around only felt a terrible and boundless power coming, one by one, they retreated quickly!




Following Qin Yun's words, the disciples of the Min family were furious, and the face of the old man opposite Qin Yun turned pale. He was too arrogant. Qin Yun was really, too arrogant!

"Boy, you kill my Min family Tianjiao and humiliate my Min family, this is a capital offense!"

"I haven't done anything for a hundred years, but I will do it myself today and kill you here!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the old man said with a malicious look on his face.


"Min Chi is about to make a move, this kid is finished!"

"Min Chi was already a strong Martial Emperor a hundred years ago. At the beginning, he practiced in seclusion. For a hundred years, he didn't care about trivial matters in the world. He didn't expect to make a move today!"

"This kid can kill Min Bo, and his talent can be called a monster, but in Min Chi's hands, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive!"


Around, there was a lot of discussion.

A group of people looked at Qin Yun with regret in their eyes.

Only the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

They all looked at Qin Yun with determination in their eyes.

They believed that Qin Yun could kill this old fellow.

"Kid, die!"

On Min Chi's body, the imperial prestige surged up to the sky, and he was glaring at Qin Yun with his eyes glaring at Qin Yun, wantonly killing, and the coercion on his body reached its peak.

"Old dog, you haven't made a move in a hundred years, don't make a move today!"

"Go directly into the coffin, isn't that better?"

At this moment, the corner of Qin Yun's mouth suddenly curled into an evil smile, and he said with a smile.

"you wanna die!"

The old man's angry face flushed, and then turned blue.

In the end it turned white.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from the old man's mouth.




The disciples of the Min family were shocked, and the people around were also stunned. Damn, this mouth is too poisonous. A group of people looked at Min Chi, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic in their eyes.

This old guy was planning to stand up, but who knows, he met Qin Yun, the evil star.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you!"

"Sirius Fist!"


The old man made a punch, rolling out his true strength, which gathered in the void, and in the void, a ten-foot-long Sirius, lifelike, rolled out with a ferocious aura.

"Good come!"

Qin Yun's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Qin Yun's current combat strength is far from Wu Zong's. Unless he uses the purple dragon veins, it is impossible for Qin Yun to defeat the strong Wu Zong.

But the ordinary Martial Emperor was no longer Qin Yun's opponent.

The patriarch of the Min family in front of him is at the peak of the Martial Emperor, which is exactly what Qin Yun wanted. If he fights with this person, he may be able to use him to break through the dragon soul realm!

"Battle war war..."

A series of 'battle' sounds clanged in the void.

The fighting spirit on Qin Yun's body.

It's getting more and more scary!
"This kid's power is so strong, this aura has already surpassed the ordinary Martial Emperor powerhouse!"

"This kid is hiding too deeply!"

"If this kid can survive today, he will surely be able to soar to the nine heavens and soar across the world in the future!"


People around also looked at Qin Yun in amazement.

Min Chi's eyes were even more radiant.

"It turns out that you have already reached the Martial Emperor Realm, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

"But boy, if you provoke my Min family, you will definitely die today!"

Looking at Qin Yun, in Min Chi's eyes, there was a boundless cold light, and then his body flashed, and the sky wolf followed Min Chi, and rushed towards Qin Yun.

"Dragon Step!"


Qin Yun's figure retreated quickly like a ghost.

"Dragon Fist: Earth Shaking Style!"


Qin Yun's fists landed on the ground, billowing dragon force, and hitting the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

Explosion sounds came one after another, and the terrifying dragon force passed through the ground and directly hit the old man.




The old man let out a cold cry, and the sky wolf slammed directly towards Qin Yun. Not far away, Qin Yun's body retreated steadily, and did not stop until he retreated dozens of steps.

"This kid blocked..."

"What a strong combat power!"

"What a peerless arrogance. In my Qiyun Kingdom, I am afraid that only Qi Yunzong's martial arts idiot and His Majesty the Empress from the palace can beat him!"

"Your Majesty, that is a peerless Martial Sect. As for Qi Yunzong's Wu Ge Wu Chi, it is rumored that this person has been in seclusion for three years and six months. No one knows when he will leave the seclusion!"


There was a sound of exclamation, and everyone looked at Qin Yun's expression.

Start changing again.

If Qin Yun's beheading of Min Bo could be called a monster, then blocking Min Chi would completely shock everyone. Min Chi is the peak powerhouse in Qi Yun Kingdom.

Blocking Min Chi meant that Qin Yun had no fear.

The strong of the older generation!
(End of this chapter)

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