Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1401 Opening the Temple

Chapter 1401 Opening the Temple

"Your Highness Daozi, what do you think?"

Looking at Daozi, Qin Yun said with a smile, now Qin Yun's physique has reached the fourth-class Martial Saint, and in terms of combat power, Qin Yun is not weaker than the sixth-class chaos powerhouse!
Even if they are opened together, Qin Yun has no fear in his heart!

And Qin Yun's intuition told Qin Yun that it might not be that simple in this temple. If there is any danger, these people in front of him can also block it!
"Emperor Shura has agreed, how can His Highness not agree!"

At this moment, the coldness in His Highness Daozi's eyes suddenly disappeared, looking at Qin Yun, the man said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Looking at Daozi, Qin Yun clapped his hands and applauded!
"His Royal Highness, since the emperor has agreed to open the temple, do you want to keep the emperor's people out of the holy city?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at His Highness the Son of Heaven and said indifferently.

"your people?"

His Highness the Son of Heaven narrowed his eyes slightly, outside the holy city, that was the Emperor of Nine Dragons, the prestige of Emperor Nine Dragons, in the entire chaos, few people dare to underestimate it!

"I can let them in!"

His Royal Highness suddenly burst into a smile, and he waved a seal, and the next moment, the restriction above the holy city was opened.

Outside the holy city, the Emperor of Nine Dragons was stunned for a moment.

"Senior Kowloon, please come in!"

Qin Yun hurriedly transmitted the voice to the Nine Dragons Emperor, but Qin Yun became more careful in his heart. His Highness the Son of Heaven dared to let the Nine Dragons Emperor in.

Then this person must be sure!
"Boy, people from the ancient Celestial Clan are not easy to deal with. This galaxy and seven constellations can unite the stars, and the other two definitely have the finale!"

"Remember not to take it lightly!"

In Qin Yun's mind, Zhan Ling reminded.


Qin Yun quickly agreed.

Qin Yun would be careful without the reminder from the war spirit!
How could a Chaos powerhouse above the sixth level not have some means?
"Master, how did this restriction be opened?"

Long Xing was also taken aback for a moment.

"Qin Yun asked them to open it, you follow me in, be careful!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons said in a low voice.

"Yes Yes!"

Several people quickly agreed.

"Enter the city!"

With a cold shout, the Nine Dragon Heavenly Emperor directly entered the city, and Long Xing and others quickly followed, followed by Nine Nether and the powerhouses of all major races.

In the city, on the city wall!



Jiuyou and a group of strong men of various races stood respectfully behind Qin Yun.

The Nine Dragon Emperor stood beside Qin Yun.

On the opposite side of Qin Yun are His Royal Highness Daozi and the other three!
"The disciple of Emperor Shenwu really has good means. His Highness has trained people for countless years. I didn't expect that Emperor Shura just used some tricks!"

"Just take them all away!"

His Majesty the Son of Heaven said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Looking at the group of strong men behind Qin Yun, His Royal Highness looked even more indifferent. These people were all cultivated by him, but now, all of them have become Qin Yun's people.


The patriarchs of all ethnic groups swallowed.

The one standing in front of him is the master of this holy city!

In this abyss of death, the master of this holy city is the sky, no one dares to disobey the orders of the holy city, not even the Azure Dragon Emperor!
"No problem!"

Qin Yun slightly waved his hands at them.

The next moment, Qin Yun's eyes fell on the three of them again.

"It's not too late!"

"It's better to open the temple now!"

Qin Yun's faint voice sounded.

"Open the temple?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, even the Nine Dragon Emperor's eyes flickered at this moment, his eyes looked towards the beam of light in the center of the holy city!
"I agree!"

His Highness, the Son of Heaven, was the first to agree.

After staying in this holy city for so long, the purpose of His Royal Highness is to destroy the chaotic shards in this temple. Now the opportunity is at hand, His Royal Highness, how could he miss it!

"I agree!"

Tianjisu said with a twinkle of light in his eyes.

"Where is His Highness Daozi?"

Qin Yun's eyes fell on His Royal Highness Dao Zi. Among the people present, if anyone said something unwilling, it must be His Highness Dao Zi!
"I agree!"

His Highness Daozi's voice was extremely low.

The eyes that this person looked at Qin Yun were extremely cold!

"Since everyone has agreed!"

"Then please follow me!"

His Royal Highness, the eyes of the emperor flashed, and the next moment, this person stepped out and landed in the city. This person walked towards the center of the holy city step by step.


With a low shout, Qin Yun followed.

The center of the holy city, just a few breaths, a group of people, has reached the center of the holy city.

What appeared in front of Qin Yun was an extremely terrifying scene.

An ancient temple stood there, above the ancient temple, countless primordial auras enveloped it, and these primordial auras seemed to form mysterious restrictions one by one, covering the entire hall!
"What a wonderful temple!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. Although Qin Yun hadn't entered the temple yet, Qin Yun could already feel the vast aura in the temple!

That breath seems to be above everything!
"Chaos Tianwei!"

Qin Yun murmured to himself, that aura is a chaotic heavenly power, the majesty of the rules in the entire chaos, and the aura emanating from the fragments of the chaotic way of heaven!

"Everyone, before opening this temple, I will make it clear that the things in this temple are other than the fragments of chaos and heaven!"

"This seat is [-]%!"

At this moment, His Highness Daozi stood up and said in a low voice.

"other things?"

Qin Yun paused for a moment.

"Senior Nine Dragons, besides the fragments of Chaos Heavenly Dao, are there other things in this temple?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"other things?"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons had a flash of light in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "This place is sealed with the Chaos Heavenly Dao, so a peerless elixir must be born!"

"It's even possible that the peak earth treasure will appear!"

Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor, the deep voice sounded!

"I see!"

The light in Qin Yun's eyes skyrocketed. The next moment, Qin Yun's eyes became brighter and brighter. Qin Yun did not lack the peak earth treasures, but the peerless elixir was a good thing!

If you can make your cultivation perfect, then your strength will continue to grow!
"Your Highness Daozi, what you said is wrong. You only took out four pages of the holy book, but this emperor took out five pages. How can I put it this way, the emperor should probably take [-]% of these things!"

At this moment, Qin Yun's faint voice sounded.

"You want [-]%?"

His Highness Daozi looked at Qin Yun in a daze. He said [-]%, which is already a big statement. After all, there were quite a few people present, and Qin Yun was even more ruthless, directly asking for [-]%!
"What? His Highness Daozi is not willing?"

Qin Yun frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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