Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1402 The Terrifying Chaos Heaven

Chapter 1402 The Terrifying Chaos Heaven

"Qin Yun, you have five pages of the holy book, and I have four pages. In total, you have one more page of the holy book than me. You can take [-]% of it!"

"How can it be [-]%!"

Looking at Qin Yun, His Highness Daozi said in a low voice.

"Sixty percent?"

"it is good!"

Qin Yun readily agreed.

The group of people present were stunned again!
As for His Highness Daozi, his face flushed slightly. This person opened his mouth to say something, but at the moment he didn't say a word.

I'm afraid this person didn't expect that Qin Yun didn't think about [-]% in the first place. After all, His Royal Highness and Tianjisu are also there, so how could they just watch things fall into Qin Yun's hands!
As for [-]%, if Qin Yun had said that [-]% long ago, His Highness Daozi would definitely not agree.

Now that this person speaks out, there is nothing to say!
It is impossible for His Royal Highness Daozi to take the remaining [-]% by himself. Qin Yun estimates that this person can take [-]%, which is not bad!
"I want [-]% of the remaining [-]%!"

His Royal Highness Daozi gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Your Highness Daozi, do you really think that the two of us are the ones who will accompany you to open the temple? For the remaining [-]%, you can take [-]% at most, and I will divide the rest!"

Tianjisu said in a cold voice.

"One percent?"

His Highness Daozi's expression darkened in an instant. Qin Yun got [-]% of the five-page holy book, but now he only gets [-]% of the four-page holy book?
This made him feel so willing!

"Up to [-]%!"

His Royal Highness said in a low voice.

"Twenty percent!"

His Highness Daozi's face softened slightly. Although he was far behind Qin Yun, it was considered good to be able to win the remaining half!
"it is good!"

His Highness Daozi agreed.

"The remaining [-]% ​​will be distributed among others!"

His Royal Highness said in a low voice.

"Ahem... This is easy to say. Now that the division has been made, the temple can be opened, but let me talk about it first, before I see the fragments of the Chaos Heavenly Dao!"

"Everyone, you'd better not hurt your peace because of some small things, otherwise..."

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of coldness flickered!

Fighting for the fragments of the Chaos Heavenly Dao, this battle is inevitable, but if someone wants to snatch his elixir, Qin Yun doesn't mind, let's fight first!
"Emperor Shura, that's easy to say!"

His Royal Highness, said quickly.

"Emperor Shura is right, we can't fight until we see the fragments of the Chaos Heavenly Dao!"

"That's right!"


A group of people quickly agreed.

Qin Yun also laughed when he heard the voices of agreement.

"Holy book!"

"Show yourself!"

The next moment, Qin Yun gave a cold shout.


Following Qin Yun's cold shout, a holy book appeared in Qin Yun's palm. The holy book opened, and it was exactly five pages!


With the appearance of the holy book, the light of the temple in front of him suddenly soared.

Countless primordial auras began to flicker, and these primordial auras began to form mysterious formations one by one!

"Holy book!"

"come out!"

Seeing Qin Yun summoning the holy book, His Royal Highness Daozi gave a cold shout, four pages of the holy book appeared on top of this person's head, and the four pages of the holy book were also extremely bright!
"The temple is about to open!"

Following the appearance of the nine-page holy book, everyone's expressions instantly became solemn.

"go with!"

"go with!"

Two cold shouts sounded, Qin Yun and His Royal Highness Daozi shot at the same time, the nine pages of the holy book rushed directly towards the holy hall, and within a moment, they were submerged in the holy hall.


The temple trembled.

The palace door began to open slowly.

"Open, the temple is open!"

"The temple is open!"


The eyes of a group of people became excited, and Qin Yun's face was also a little excited at the moment. The fragments of chaos in the temple are good things for Qin Yun!
Once he wins, Qin Yun's cultivation will inevitably skyrocket.


The door of the temple was completely opened.

A hall appeared in front of everyone.

"I'll go in first!"

At this moment, behind Qin Yun, the patriarch of the Bone Clan had a burning look in his eyes, and this person rushed directly towards the holy hall at this moment.

"Bone Patriarch!"

The patriarchs of the ancient clan looked shocked!

"Hahaha... What is the disciple of Emperor Shenwu, the fragments in this temple are fragments of the chaos of heaven, as long as I take it, I will be an invincible existence in this chaos!"

"This treasure is mine!"

Laughing wildly, the patriarch of the Bone Race rushed towards the temple frantically.

Outside the temple, the eyes of His Highness the Son of Heaven and the others grew cold.

On the other hand, Qin Yun's eyes were very plain!
"Betray the Emperor?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he took all the tribes away. Qin Yun didn't have good intentions. Of course, Qin Yun was not afraid of these people's betrayal!

Because no one is not afraid of death!


But at this moment, the patriarch of the Bone Race had just rushed into the temple, and roars suddenly sounded, and then a violent and boundless force rushed towards him.

"What is this?"


There was a scream, and amidst the shocked expressions of everyone, a giant palm appeared, and the body of this Bone Clan patriarch was directly smashed to pieces!

Countless figures appeared around the body of the shattered Bone Clan patriarch.

"It's a disciple of the Bone Clan, the patriarch of the Bone Clan, and his primordial treasure is a bone on his body. This bone must have been shattered!"

"Bone Race, it's over!"


The patriarchs of all ethnic groups are very impressive in their eyes.

"Do not……"


One after another screams sounded, and the countless Bone Race disciples who appeared did not even have the slightest resistance, and were all smashed to pieces by a berserk force!

In the temple, it was quiet again.

The breath of the Bone Race disciples also began to dissipate slowly.

"what is this?"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. The patriarch of the Bone Clan is a fourth-rank Martial Saint after all. Anyone who can easily kill this person must be at least a sixth-rank powerhouse!

"This is a spiritual thing!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons had an extremely low voice.


A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"The chaos of heaven governs thousands of laws of heaven and earth. Even if it is fragmented here, the power contained in it is terrifying and boundless. It will give birth to spiritual things!"

"Not difficult!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons said in a deep voice.

"I see!"

Qin Yun nodded slightly. Ordinary spiritual energy can turn plants into spirits, not to mention the fragments of the chaotic heavenly way. It is normal for spiritual things to appear in this temple!
"Jiuyou, you and them are waiting for me here!"

Qin Yun turned his head and looked at Jiuyoudao.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Jiuyou quickly agreed, and the patriarchs of the various clans didn't have any objection at the moment. They could clearly see the death of the Bone Clan patriarch just now.

(End of this chapter)

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