Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 141 The Arrogant Cheap Skeleton

Chapter 141 The Arrogant Cheap Skeleton
"Qin Yun, get out!"

"get out!"

In the void, Qi Yue's face was cold and arrogant, thinking of being humiliated by Qin Yun last time, the killing intent in Qi Yue's heart suddenly became terrifying, he wanted to kill Qin Yun.

Only by killing Qin Yun can the honor of Qi Yunzong be restored!
"Qin Yun, get out!"

Not far from Qi Yue, there are seven graceful bodies, seven people standing in the void, with red veils fluttering, and the one standing in front of the seven people is Tianyu Patriarch.

"Elder Qi Yue!"

"Heavenly Desire Patriarch!"

"What do you want from my master?"

A cold and proud voice came from the palace, and the next moment, I saw a beautiful figure jumping up, this person was Chi Muxi, and behind Chi Muxi.

It was Mo Yun Mo Chong and others!

"Chi Mu Xi!"

Seeing Chi Muxi, Qi Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, of course he knew Chi Muxi's identity, a disciple of Chi Mu's family in Tianbao Palace!

"Chi Muxi, for the sake of Tianbao Palace and the Xiao family, I, Qi Yunzong, will not move you today. You hand Qin Yun over, otherwise I will be Qi Yunzong today!"

"Bloodwash you Qin Tianguo!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, Qi Yue's eyes were cold and arrogant.

"Bloodwash Qin Tianguo!"

"It's so brave!"

Mo Yun Mo Chong couldn't help but stand up, Qin Tianguo is their home now, how could they not be angry when they heard this!
In the palace, the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Corps also glared at Qi Yue angrily.


"This seat speaks, it's up to you, an ant, to intervene!"

Qi Yue's eyes turned cold, his eyes were like lightning, and a cold and boundless sword light burst out from his eyes. In the void, Mo Yun and Mo Chong only felt their bodies stiffen, and an extreme danger came!

"Mo Chong, strike together!"

"Nine Absolute Swords!"

"Nine Absolute Swords!"

Two cold voices came, Mo Yun Mo Chong glanced at each other, and then he drew his sword at the same time, and the next moment, a fierce and boundless sword energy swept out!


In the void, a collision came.

Mo Yun didn't rush, and flew out backwards.

But the sword Qi that Qi Yue killed was also shattered in the void.


Mo Yun Mo Chong, the two of them had blood flowing from their mouths.

"Qi Yue, stop!"

Chi Muxi's face was instantly cold and boundless. How could Mo Yun and Mo Chong's cultivation and the realm of the Martial King be able to block Qi Yue's sword energy.

"These two boys actually blocked my sword!"

Qi Yue ignored Chi Muxi, instead his eyes fell on Mo Yun and Mo Chong, not only Qi Yue, but also the seven powerhouses of the Six Dao Sect Wu Zong behind Qi Yue also looked at Mo Yun and Mo Yun with radiant faces.

"This sword art is at least at the peak of the heavenly level!"

"How frightening is Wu Zong's sword energy, not to mention Wu Wang, even Wu Huang will surely die. Where did this kid's sword art come from?"

"Boy, hand over the sword formula?"


A group of Wuzong looked at the two of Mo Yun with fanaticism.

"Sword tactics..."


Mo Yun and Mo Chong looked at each other, and then burst out laughing, looking at a group of Wu Zong in the void, in their eyes, there was boundless contempt, what Wu Zong, even the Nine Swords Jue couldn't tell!
I'm ashamed to ask him to hand over the sword formula!
"A group of old dogs. The sword formula is on my body, Mo Yun. If you want the sword formula, you have the guts to kill me!"

Mo Yun looked at a group of Wuzong strong men, his eyes were extremely arrogant. At this moment, Mo Yun also knew that this group of Wuzong, they couldn't stop them at all!




A group of Wu Zong instantly became angry.

How dare a King Wu dare to shout so loudly in front of them, how arrogant and boundless it is.

"Senior brothers, what are you still looking at? After destroying this Qin Tianguo, Qin Yun will definitely come out at that time!"

Looking at the seven Wuzongs, Qi Yue said with a sinister face.

"Destroy Qin Tianguo?"

The seven Wu Zong frowned slightly, but the next moment, their eyes also turned cold. If their goal was Qin Yun at first, then their goal now.

Not only Qin Yun, but also the sword art on Mo Yun Mo Chong's body!

"Let's do it together!"


The seven Wuzongs attacked at the same time, and the terrifying momentum enveloped the palace.


Some martial artists with lower cultivation bases spurted blood from their mouths.

Seven Wu Zong.

How terrible is this!
Even if he is also a strong Wuzong, he will definitely not be able to stop him.

"Elder Supreme, this Qin Yun has all kinds of means, and he must have obtained the supreme inheritance. We must not let the people of the Six Paths Sect take the lead!"

Ancestor Tianyu hurriedly opened his mouth and said.

"Let's do it too!"


The five martial sects of the Demon Feeling Sect also made a move!

In the void, Chi Muxi's face was extremely pale. The rune in the palm of her hand began to deform slowly, and it was about to be crushed in the next moment!

"go to hell!"

In the void, the breath of fourteen Wu Zong.

"Swear to defend Qin Tianguo to the death!"

"Swear to defend Qin Tianguo to the death!"

Mo Yun Mochong, his voice clanged, and in the palace, countless disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group also stood up, looking at the fourteen Martial Ancestors in the void, with death in their eyes!
"This kid, if you don't come back, this little palace will be finished!"

In the depths of the palace, on a rockery, there are fourteen Wuzong powerhouses grinning at the fourteen Wuzong powerhouses on a rockery. The power of the Wuzong powerhouses seems to be non-existent in front of him.

"A group of ants dare to resist!"

"Everyone in Qin Tianguo will die this time!"

In the void, the fourteen Martial Emperors were powerful and powerful, and their terrifying power oscillated crazily in the void, and the entire palace building was directly shattered!

A cold voice came, and 14 people shot towards the palace at the same time.

"Ow ooh..."

"Boy, Benzu, I don't want to help you, I don't want to help you!"


On the rockery, the cheap skeleton screamed strangely, saying that he would not help, but his figure disappeared strangely. The next moment, the cheap skeleton's figure stood proudly in the void.

"You ants, when you see this ancestor, hurry up and kneel down!"

The cold and arrogant voice sounded in the void, and that voice seemed to carry a terrifying and boundless power. In the void, there were the breaths of the fourteen Martial Sect experts.

Annihilated in an instant!

"Who, get out!"



A series of suspicious voices sounded in the void, and the fourteen Wuzong strongmen in the void stopped, and the next moment, everyone's eyes.

It all fell on the cheap skeleton.

"It's a skeleton, what the hell?"

"Can skeletons still talk?"

"What the hell are you?"


A group of Wu Zong looked at the cheap skeletons blankly, and the cheap skeletons, with their waists on their backs, looked at the sky with their eyes, and didn't even look at the group of people in front of them.

"What the hell are you, your whole family is a thing?"

"This ancestor's status is boundless and noble, so you can inquire about it. When you see this ancestor, don't hesitate to kneel down!"

In the void, the cheap skeleton was full of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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