Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 142 Angry Qin Yun

Chapter 142 Angry Qin Yun
"Kneel down?"


A group of Wu Zong looked at the cheap skeletons with ugly faces. At first it was Mo Yun and Mo Chong, but now, a skeleton jumped out and dared to ask them to kneel down?
"Whatever he is, just kill him!"

"That's right!"


The killing intent in the eyes of the fourteen Wu Zong soared instantly.

"If you want to kill my ancestor, you don't take a piss and look in the mirror, just like you hot chickens, come here, fight with the ancestor for [-] rounds, if the ancestor doesn't beat you today, you fuck off, the ancestor I personally Cut your neck!"

In the void, the cheap skeleton shouted arrogantly.

"It's Uncle Skeleton, it's Uncle Skeleton who made the move!"

"Uncle Skeleton overthrew them!"

"Fuck these sons of bitches..."


In the palace, the excitement instantly cheered up, and in the void, the cheap skeleton's eyes were even more smug, with his head raised, his nostrils facing the sky vertically!

"This skeleton is too shameless, I will kill you!"

"kill him!"


The fourteen Wu Zong were extremely angry.

The next moment, 14 people shot at the same time.

"Ow ooh..."

"Boy, this ancestor will never help you again next time, don't slap your face!"

"Bump bump..."

In the void, there were violent collision sounds, and fourteen attacks were seen, all of which landed on the body of the cheap skeleton. The next moment, the body of the cheap skeleton.

I don't know where it flew to!

"Uncle Skeleton, overthrow..."

Before Mo Yun finished speaking, he stopped abruptly. Damn, he was so arrogant just now, but this is too much to fight, right? What about the agreed three hundred rounds?

" turned out to be paper!"

In the void, a group of Wuzong laughed wantonly.


"This group of people are too arrogant!"

"When the emperor returns, they will surely die!"


In the palace, the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Corps were extremely angry.

"Qin Yun, you shy turtle, I want to see if you dare to come out after we destroy Qin Tianguo!"

In the void, Qi Yue's eyes were extremely sinister.

"Destroy Qin Tianguo!"



The fourteen Wu Zong's aura surged again.


Mo Yun Mo Chong clenched his fists fiercely. In the void, Chi Mu Xi's face was also full of anger.

The disciples of the Heavenly Emperor's mercenary group in the palace, and the fourteen Wu Zong who stared angrily at the void.

"Our strength is still too weak, the emperor is not here, we are ants!"

"That's right, the emperor has given us countless resources, we must work hard to cultivate!"

"Cultivate hard and follow the emperor!"


The eyes of the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group became firm instantly.

They thought that Qin Tianguo was already the strongest existence in this world, but now they realized that without Qin Yun, they were completely vulnerable!
"Go to hell!"

In the void, Qi Yue slapped his palm and landed towards the palace.


The void vibrated.


Chi Muxi crushed the sound transmission talisman in his hand instantly. At the same time, Chi Muxi's body rushed towards Qi Yue, trying to block Qi Yue.

"Miss Chi Mu, it's better to back down!"

A faint voice came, and three or four figures stood in front of Chi Muxi.


Chi Mu Xi's eyes were full of anger.

A series of killing intents shook her body!



Looking at Qi Yue who was killing him, Mo Yun and Mo Chong stood up again.




In the palace, countless warriors gathered together.

"A group of ants also want to block me, it's ridiculous!"

Qi Yue's eyes sneered again and again.

"Qi Yue, it seems that the last time you spared your dog's life, you don't know how rare it is!"

But just when Qi Yue's palm was about to land on the palace, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the void, Qi Yue's expression changed instantly when he heard these words.

"Qin Yun, you finally dare to come out?"

In Qi Yue's eyes, there was boundless fierceness, and he saw that in the palace, at some time, a figure had appeared, and that figure was sitting on a white tiger.

In the tiger's eyes, the ferocity is boundless.

Behind Qin Yun, there were still six monsters following.

"It's the emperor!"

"The emperor is back!"

"The emperor is back!"


The entire palace was instantly excited, a group of warriors, some eyes even sparkled, that figure, as long as he was there, he would be invincible!

"Why didn't the Emperor dare to come out?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the coldness was a bit terrifying, and in Qin Yun's heart, the killing intent was even more frantic.

He just went out to look for the magic dragon ball, and this group of people came to kill him!

If he hadn't come back in time, the palace might have disappeared immediately!
"Qin Yun, so what if you come out, you will definitely die today!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qi Yue shouted sternly, but Qi Yue's body couldn't help but retreat. For some reason, seeing Qin Yun, Qi Yue only felt a chill in his heart.

It seemed that Qin Yun in front of him had become even more terrifying!

"I don't know if I will die or not, but I know, you must..."

"It's doomed!"

An indifferent voice sounded, looking at Qi Yue who was about to retreat, Qin Yun suddenly stepped out, and the next moment, Qin Yun's figure disappeared directly in place.

When he appeared again, Qin Yun had already appeared beside Qi Yue!

"Qin Yun, do you still dare to attack me?"

Seeing Qin Yun's appearance, Qi Yue's eyes were full of fear. He subconsciously wanted to retreat, but unfortunately, Qin Yun's speed was faster than him.

"Old miscellaneous hair, get back to me!"

There was boundless coldness in Qin Yun's eyes. The next moment, he grabbed Qi Yue's arm and pulled Qi Yue into his arms. Qin Yun grabbed Qi Yue's body with both hands.

"Qin Yun, how dare you!"

Qi Yue's eyes were full of anger.

Fourteen Martial Sects descended, yet Qin Yun dared to attack him?
"Dragon Fist: Hugging Style!"


In Qin Yun's eyes, it turned into a strange purple. The next moment, Qin Yun's hands directly grabbed Qi Yue's arms, rolling out the dragon force, surging out.


Terrible force hit Qi Yue's body, and blood spurted out from Qi Yue's mouth.

"What kind of power is this, let me go?"

In Qi Yue's eyes, there was great fear.

Qi and blood in his body surged wildly. At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was about to explode.

"Old dog, if you seek death yourself, then this emperor will fulfill you!"

Terrible killing intent was wanton in Qin Yun's eyes. In Qin Yun's body, two dragon souls immediately awakened. The power of the terrifying dragon soul surged out, and the power of Qin Yun's hands suddenly became more than ten times stronger.

"Puff puff……"

There was blood in Qi Yue's mouth.

"Brother, save me..."

"help me!"

In the void, Qi Yue hurriedly called out to the seven Wu Zong of the Six Dao Sect.




The killing intent in the eyes of the seven Wu Zong soared.

"This emperor wants you to die, no one can save you!"



A scream sounded, and Qin Yun's hands directly tore Qi Yue's arms apart, blood burst out, and Qin Yun punched Qi Yue's head again.


Red and white things shot out, and Qi Yue's head exploded!

PS: For the fourth update, brothers, tomorrow is the fifth update, and the recommendation tickets for brothers will be hit!

 What do the brothers want Qiyunzong and Qiqingzong to do?
  A: Killed directly B: Subdued directly C: Forgive me?
(End of this chapter)

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