Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 152 Meet Martial Lord of Heaven?

Chapter 152 Meet Martial Lord of Heaven?

"Who are the remaining seven pills for?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a glimmer of light, but the next moment, a black shadow suddenly sneaked into the small courtyard where Qin Yun was, and more importantly, the black shadow was still hiding there.

Behind a rockery!
"Come out!"

When Qin Yun saw this black shadow, his face darkened. Qin Yun knew it without thinking.

Who is here!
"Cough cough..."

"Boy, I want to discuss something with you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton came out from behind the rockery, and said arrogantly, that's right, it was the cheap skeleton who sneaked into Qin Yun's courtyard, and there was a baby dragon hanging around the cheap skeleton's neck!
"Is there anything to discuss?"

A look of contempt rose in Qin Yun's eyes, and he said viciously, "You want the Marrow Washing Pill, right?"

"This one……"

The cheap skeleton, grinned, seemed a little embarrassed.

Then he said with a righteous face: "Boy, the ancestor asked you for the marrow washing pill, that is because he thinks highly of you. When the ancestor recovers to the peak, this marrow washing pill can be refined into tens of thousands with a wave of hands!"

"It deserves..."

"Then go refine it yourself!"

Qin Yun waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave, what the hell are you asking me for pills?Still so arrogant!

He, Qin Yun, doesn't like this!
"Boy, wait!"

Seeing that Qin Yun was about to leave, the cheap skull was in a hurry.

"Boy, my ancestor's new disciple has a bit of poor aptitude. It's useless to keep your elixir anyway, why don't you just give some to your ancestor!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton said hastily.

"So it was for Chi Muyu!"

Qin Yun paused for a moment, this cheap skeleton is not bad, Chi Muyu's aptitude is indeed not very good, without the help of the marrow washing pill, this world is probably at his limit!

"I can give you the marrow washing pill, but..."

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at the cheap skeleton and suddenly laughed wickedly.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Qin Yun's evil smile, the cheap skull quickly took a step back, and then said with a vigilant face.

"Ahem... nothing else. The three thousand Martial Kings of my Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group have already gone to the Northern Territory. You take this map, the layout of this large formation!"

"I'll leave it to you!"

Qin Yun took out a jade slip and threw it to the cheap skeleton.

"No, boy, I don't know any bullshit formations!"

"This is up to you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton immediately jumped up.

"If you don't know how to use formations, don't even think about the marrow washing pill!"

Qin Yun turned around and prepared to leave again.

"Ow ooh..."

"Boy, be as ruthless as you want!"


In the small courtyard, Qin Yun's laughter came. The next day, under the support of a group of disciples from the Heavenly Emperor's mercenary regiment, the cheap skeleton rushed to the Northern Territory in arrogance.

Qin Yun, on the other hand, stayed in the palace to practice.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

This place of experience was also stabilized again. After stabilization, Qin Yun directly separated the disciples of the major forces and established the Heavenly Emperor Gate.

From then on, the Heavenly Emperor Sect began to recruit disciples.

And Qin Yun was the first suzerain of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. The Heavenly Emperor Sect has continuously input power into Qin Tianguo, following the establishment of the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

In the whole place of experience, martial arts flourished.

"What nonsense Tianyu, in less than ten years, Lao Tzu's Tiandi Gate will directly enter Tianyu!"

In the palace, the corners of Qin Yun's mouth slightly raised.

"Master, my cultivation has reached the peak of Wuzong!"

At this moment, Chi Muxi's figure appeared in front of Qin Yun, looking at Qin Yun, Chi Muxi's face was full of excitement, nine marrow washing pills, Qin Yun also gave one to Chi Muxi.

Chi Muxi's cultivation has been directly promoted from the first level Wuzong to the ninth level Wuzong.

Only one step away, you can become Wu Zun!

"Peak Wu Zong, not bad!"

Qin Yun nodded slightly. The body of the sky is just like that. After all, it is not a very powerful physique. If it is those ancient black and yellow bodies, what kind of heavenly body and so on!

It is estimated that he is now Emperor Wu!

"You go down first, I'll go see grandpa!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun's figure flashed and disappeared above the hall.

Deep in the palace.

In a quiet small courtyard.



A series of deep voices came, Qin Yun looked into the small courtyard, and saw that the old man was practicing boxing vigorously, and this boxing technique was exactly the Taijiquan bestowed on him by Qin Yun!

This Tai Chi, that can contain the way of yin and yang.

It was the Nine Heaven Realm, Yin Yang Sect's Gate-Suppressing Technique. Back then, Qin Yun beat the entire Yin Yang Sect for this Taijiquan!

After a quarter of an hour, the old man finished practicing.


Qin Yun let out a soft cry, and walked in from the small courtyard.

"Yun'er, you're here!"

Seeing Qin Yun, Qin Feng's face was filled with pleasant surprise.

"Congratulations to Grandpa for reaching the peak of the Martial Emperor. I believe that within a year, Grandpa's cultivation will be able to break through the Martial Sect and become a peerless Martial Master!"

Seeing Qin Feng, Qin Yun said with a smile all over his face.

"One year to become Wu Zun!"

Qin Feng glanced at Qin Yun with a sigh. If someone had told him before that you could become a martial artist, he would never have believed it, but now, all of this is so true!
"Yun'er, thank you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Feng's eyes were extremely sincere.

"Grandpa, improve your cultivation quickly, so Qin Tianguo can be taken care of by you as soon as possible!"

"When you become a peerless Martial Venerable, Yun'er will leave this place of experience and go to Tianyu. When Yun'er returns someday, he will definitely give Tianyu to grandpa!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun said coldly and arrogantly.

"You want to enter Tianyu?"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, Qin Feng's expression changed instantly.

"Grandpa, my Qin family, how can I live in this place of experience!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun said coldly and arrogantly.


Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Feng opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything!
"Yun'er, be careful!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Feng said something for a long time.

"Thank you grandpa!"

There was also a slight smile on Qin Yun's face.

The place of experience, one month.

past again.

"Ow ooh..."

"Stinky boy, the ancestor will never go to that place where the birds don't shit!"



One after another strange screams came, the cheap skeleton finally came back, and Qin Yun also woke up from his cultivation.

"Six dragon souls!"

Opening his eyes, in Qin Yun's eyes, there seemed to be a roaring dragon. In two months, Qin Yun's dragon soul formed two again. This time, Qin Yun formed two dragon souls on his back.

The current Qin Yun's combat strength is comparable to that of a martial artist!

If you use Dragon Blood Transformation.

Killing ordinary Wu Zun is also extremely easy!
"It's time to welcome these Martial Venerables!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun's face suddenly turned cold.

PS: The first update, there will be three updates in the evening. Yesterday’s recommended votes were only [-]. Brothers, please work harder. Today’s recommended votes are only [-]. It is estimated that it will be difficult to reach [-], but tomorrow I will update five chapters for the brothers. Holidays are a bonus!The big professor has a great update, and the brothers also need to recommend votes!
(End of this chapter)

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