Chapter 153

"If you can form ten dragon souls, you can kill them like a dog!"

Looking at the void, a look of contempt rose in Qin Yun's eyes. The next moment, Qin Yun's figure flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, Qin Yun had already appeared on the imperial palace.




Following Qin Yun's appearance, several figures knelt down respectfully.

"Boy, the ancestor's mission is complete!"

"Where's my elixir?"

The cheap skull was sitting on Qin Yun's throne, but when he saw Qin Yun, the cheap skull quickly stood up and asked viciously.


"Give you!"

With the corner of his mouth raised, Qin Yun threw a jade bottle to the cheap skeleton.

In the jade bottle.

It's three marrow washing pills!

This time Qin Yun was not stingy, after all, it was a good deal to let this cheap skeleton go to the formation for two months and spend three marrow washing pills!

"Boy, you still have a little conscience, quack quack..."

The cheap skeleton laughed strangely, took the marrow washing pill, and disappeared in a flash. At that speed, no one in the entire hall could see even a black shadow.

"This cheap skeleton is getting faster and faster!"

In Qin Yun's mouth, Na Na said to himself, the speed of the cheap skeleton just now is enough to be comparable to the peak of the general Wuzun. If this cheap skeleton waits for a while, will it be Lian Wudi?

I can't catch up with him!
"Aside from being a bit cheap, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun grinned. This cheap skeleton didn't have any bad intentions, but this cheap look really made people want to punch him a few times.

"By the way, Mo Yun, tell me to go on. After half a month, I, Qin Tianguo, will have a good show. I will invite the entire Qin Tianguo to watch this good show!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at Mo Yun and said with a smile.

"Good show?"

Mo Yun was stunned for a moment.

"Emperor, this is a good show, where can I watch it?"

Seemingly remembering something, Mo Yun asked hastily.

"Go to the northern desert!"

Qin Yun's faint voice resounded in the imperial palace.

Then he ordered a few more times, and Qin Yun's figure disappeared above the imperial palace.

"Northern desert?"

In the imperial palace, a group of people were stunned. They really couldn't imagine what this good show was.But no one dared to disobey Qin Yun's order!
In a moment, the news spread throughout Qin Tianguo.

Emperor Qin Yun personally set up a play in the desert of the Northern Territory. In the Qin Heavenly Kingdom, as long as they are warriors, they can step into the Northern Territory to watch the play!

"What good show did Emperor Qin Yun prepare, and he actually has to go to the Northern Territory to watch it!"

"Can we not watch the play prepared by Emperor Qin Yun, talk first, I will go to the Northern Territory first, and if I go late, I'm afraid there will be no place for me!"

"That's right, let's go..."


The entire Qin Tianguo was boiling.

Countless warriors rushed towards the Northern Territory.

Ten days passed again.

Outside the northern desert.

"Fuck, this place is really too hot, the place where the birds don't shit, and Emperor Qin Yun is really, what a good show is going to be prepared here!"

"That's right, I don't know when this good show will start!"

"Wait a minute!"


One after another voices of discussion resounded in the Northern Territory. Outside the desert, there were nowhere tents. These tents were one after another. Countless warriors were already waiting here.

"Look, Emperor Qin Yun is here!"

At this moment, an exclamation sounded, and following the sound, everyone's eyes fell into the void in an instant, and only seven peerless demon sects were seen, like a hill.

Fly from afar.

"This is the White Sha Tiger!"

"There is also the Abyssal Ape!"


One after another exclamation sounded, the seven-headed monsters in the void were exactly the seven-headed monsters that Qin Yun subdued in the depths of the Qiyun Mountains. With Qin Yun's help, the seven-headed monsters are now.

They have all reached the peak of the Demon Sect.

Only one step away, you can reach the realm of the demon venerable.

"Quack quack... so many people are watching the show, the ancestor likes it!"

In the void, the cheap skeletons laughed strangely. Not far away, Chi Muxi and the others were full of doubts. Up to now, they still don't know.

Qin Yun came to the Northern Territory, what happened?

"Master, you..."

"Wait a minute and you'll find out!"

Looking at Chi Muxi who wanted to ask, Qin Yun waved his hand slightly, and then seemed to think of something, Qin Yun encouraged the dragon force, and the next moment, a deep voice came out.

Headed towards the northern desert.

"Old Bao, this emperor is coming, so hurry up to greet him!"

There was a touch of contempt in the cold and arrogant voice.

"Qin Yun, do you really want to do this?"

Following Qin Yun's cold shout, a middle-aged man appeared in the desert of the Northern Territory. The man walked towards Qin Yun step by step, as if he came from another world.

Bao Lao, this person is the Tianbao Palace, the strong Wu Zun!
He is also the defender of this place of experience!
"It's Mr. Bao, I just remembered. A disciple of the Li family in my Demon City once said that this Mr. Bao is the peerless Martial Venerable of Tianbao Hall, and he is also the defender of this place of experience!"

"Defender, is it possible that you are guarding the 33-way martial arts formation?"

"It should be right!"


Outside the desert of the Northern Territory, it boiled instantly.

Some ordinary people don't know Baolao, but those disciples of great powers do know that Baolao is the defender who guards this place of training. With this status, it is not an exaggeration to call it the No. 1 place of training!
In addition, this person is still a member of Tianbao Palace!

"Old Bao, I will give you another chance to surrender to Qin Tianguo. I can help you surpass Emperor Wu and let you follow this emperor to conquer the heavens!"

Looking at Bao Lao, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Beyond Emperor Wu..."

In Bao Lao's eyes, it was a little ugly. Is Emperor Wu so easy to surpass?There are so many strong people in the entire Tianyu, but there are only a handful of people who surpass Emperor Wu!

Although Qin Yun's talent is monstrous, he would never believe it if he said that he could help him surpass the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Qin Yun, the deity can only block you for three months from the Martial Masters of these major forces. Now the three months will be up soon. If they come, the deity will not be able to stop them!"

"You still have to think about how to block these people!"

Looking at Qin Yun, old Bao said with a twinkle of light in his eyes.

"How to stop these people?"


"Of course it was killed!"

Qin Yun's indifferent voice resounded in the void, and a terrifying and boundless killing intent shot up from Qin Yun's body. Following Qin Yun's words, the light in Bao Lao's eyes soared!
"Could it be that the Martial Venerable from Tianyu is about to come to what Bao Lao said?"

"From what he said, it seems that there is more than one person!"

"Emperor Qin Yun is in danger. How terrifying is Tianyu? How could he offend the entire Tianyu? Now that countless Martial Venerables are descending, Qin Tianguo will turn into nothingness in an instant!"


Outside the desert of the Northern Territory, everyone was also alarmed.

The eyes of some Tianyu forces who surrendered to Qin Tianguo began to flicker.

(End of this chapter)

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