Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 37 Heavenly Beast Mountain Range

Chapter 37 Heavenly Beast Mountain Range
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Tianbao Palace has indeed dispatched more than a dozen martial arts experts this time, but unfortunately, the Seventeenth Prince has dismissed them all!"

"And even Miss Chi Mu has left!"

Seemingly remembering something, the man looked up at Qin Zhan, and suddenly said sinisterly.


Qin Zhan's eyes lit up.

"This trash, is there some secret hidden in him? Otherwise, why would the dignified Chi Mu's eldest miss worship him as a teacher?"

Qin Zhan's eyes suddenly flickered.

"No matter what secrets this trash hides, as long as the people from Tianbao Hall don't go, with the strength of this trash, he will definitely die!"

"At that time, his secret will also belong to me, Qin Zhan!"

Qin Zhan's eyes became hot in an instant. When Qin Yun came back, he knew very well how terrible the seal of Qin Yun's martial arteries was.

Now that Qin Yun can practice, it is very likely that he has obtained a great opportunity!

"Stop looking for Tian'er and Jiao'er!"

"The trip to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, Tian'er and Jiaoer, will do well!"

Qin Zhan looked at the man with a smile in his eyes. In his heart, he was very confident. Qin Tian and Qin Jiao were the strongest of the young generation of the Qin family, and they wanted to kill Qin Yun.

It's not easy!
"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Men, back away quickly.

In Tianbao Hall.

"Miss, absolutely not!"

The two little girls knelt down in front of Chi Muxi.

Looking at Chi Muxi, the expressions of the two were extremely anxious.

"Go away!"

"Master is going to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, so of course I, Chi Muxi, will go!"

Chi Muxi's pretty face was covered with frost!

"Miss, isn't this Qin Yun a prince of the Qin Kingdom? What qualifications does he have to be your master? In Qiyun Kingdom, there are so many strong Wu Kings. Miss wants to find a master!"

"Choose whatever you want!"

"That's right, miss, think deeply!"


Two little girls, kneeling on the ground.

"Wu Wang? Wu Wang is qualified to be my master, Chi Muxi!"

In Chi Muxi's eyes, there was boundless coldness and arrogance. Now she is the Martial Emperor, the Martial King, and she is also qualified to be her master?It's ridiculous!

"Miss, if you don't find King Wu to be your master, then you can't find a waste. Besides, the third young master..."

"He's here too!"

Seemingly remembering something, the little girl kneeling on the ground suddenly whispered.

"Third Brother? You said Third Brother is here?"

Chi Muxi frowned slightly, and then said coldly: "It was you who reported the news to the clan?"

"This this this..."

The faces of the two girls were extremely pale in an instant.

"Xi'er, why bother the two girls!"

But at this moment, a chuckle suddenly came, and the next moment, a lazy figure walked out of the room. This person was dressed in luxurious brocade clothes, with cold eyes and boundless arrogance.

"Meet the third young master!"

"Meet the third young master!"

Seeing the man appearing, the two girls hurriedly saluted.

"Get up!"

The man waved his hand slightly, and then his eyes fell on Chi Muxi again.

"Xi'er, my father heard about your matter. In front of all the elders, my father was furious. You should go back with me. The Xiao family will definitely cure you of your problems!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, the man said with a gentle face.

"The Xiao family..."

Chi Mu Xi's pretty face showed a touch of disdain.

"Third Brother, I must go to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. As for my father, I will go back and explain it myself!"

With a few words, Chi Muxi turned around and left the room.



Seeing Chi Muxi leave, the expressions of the two girls changed drastically.

"must go?"

The man frowned slightly.

"Xi'er doesn't even pay attention to the eldest son of the Xiao family. It's really interesting that the prince of the little Qin country makes Xi'er so interested!"

The corner of the mouth raised, and the corner of the man's mouth raised a touch of teasing.

Then the figure flashed and disappeared.

Outside the imperial city.

"Prince Seventeen, how did you become Miss Chi Mu's master?"

At the front of the carriage, after holding back for a long time, Zhang Heng couldn't help it, and asked Qin Yun.

"This one?"

When Qin Yun heard Zhang Heng's words, he paused for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It's probably Miss Chi Mu, who has admired me for a long time!"

"The late girl..."

"Have I admired you for a long time?"

Zhang Heng was stunned for a while, and the other big protectors also looked at Qin Yun speechlessly. What the hell, in this Qin country, there are still people who admire you!

"You don't believe it?"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly, accepting Chi Muxi as his apprentice, that was what Chi Muxi begged him to do, otherwise, he wouldn't be bothered to accept it.

"Guardian Zhang Heng, if someone wants to pretend, let him pretend. When we enter the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, don't cry and ask us to save him!"

"That's right, we won't save you!"

Qin Tian and Qin Jiao looked at Qin Yun with a sneer on their faces.

in the imperial city.

Although they were shocked by the scene just now, they didn't believe that Chi Muxi really admired Qin Yun, and that's why he became a teacher of Qin Yun!

"help me?"

Qin Yun grinned, these two people really have a full sense of existence.

A great martial artist, a martial artist, this is nothing but scum, if Zhang Heng did not want to take the two of them into the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, Qin Yun would not want to be with the two of them!

"Prince Seventeen, after entering the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, you'd better follow me closely. Although the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range is scary, as long as you follow me, you will be fine!"

Zhang Heng next to him quickly comforted him.

"Thank you, Guardian Zhang!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly. It's hard to say who will save who in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. Of course, if something happens to Qin Tian and Qin Jiao, he, Qin Yun, will definitely not care about it!
"Go, protect the three princes!"

"Yes Yes!"


One after another figures surrounded the three of Qin Yun, but upon closer inspection, among the eleven guardians, only Zhang Heng stood beside Qin Yun, and the other ten people.

And by Qin Tian's side!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Heng sighed. He really couldn't understand why Qin Yun wanted to enter the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. Isn't Qin Zhan's meaning very simple?

Let Qin Yun die in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range!

"Hope you live!"

Looking at Qin Yun's plain expression, Zhang Heng shook his head slightly.

A team of people.

Continue to rush towards the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

three days later.

"The Heavenly Beast Mountain Range has arrived!"

The carriage stopped in front of a mountain range that spread for thousands of miles. In the mountain range, roars of beasts came from time to time. From a distance, it looked like a giant dragon!
"Three princes, you must be careful in the mountains!"

Zhang Heng looked at Qin Yun and the other three, and said solemnly.



Qin Tian and Qin Jiao agreed with a serious face. Only Qin Yun looked lazy. Seeing Qin Yun's appearance, Zhang Heng couldn't help but shook his head again.

PS: Brothers, the recommendation ticket is here, please ask for a recommendation ticket, ouch!

(End of this chapter)

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