Chapter 38

"Let's go!"

With a low shout, Zhang Heng led the way, and a group of people followed.

a day later.


One after another roared, and the next moment, a tiger more than ten feet tall appeared in front of Qin Yun and his party. The corners of the tiger's mouth were drooling, and its eyes were extremely fierce.

On his back, there are barbs one after another, shining from a distance, with a piercing cold light!

"It's a third-level monster saber-toothed tiger!"

"The saber-toothed tiger appeared so soon, and now it's just the outer edge of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. Could it be because of the birth of the fruit of the past life!"

"The combat power of a saber-toothed tiger is comparable to that of a second- and third-tier great martial artist!"


The eyes of the ten protectors instantly became solemn. Behind the crowd, Qin Yun's face was full of laziness, but Qin Tian's eyes lit up.

Over the past day, the group of people encountered basically monsters below the third level.

This made Qin Tian, ​​who originally wanted to show off, unable to make a move!
And this saber-toothed tiger is undoubtedly the most suitable for him to attack!

"Let's go together and kill this saber-toothed tiger!"

Zhang Heng looked at the saber-toothed tiger and snorted coldly.

"Yes Yes!"

A series of figures quickly surrounded the saber-toothed tiger.

"and many more……"

But at this moment, a deep voice came, and the next moment, Qin Tian walked out of the crowd with a cold and arrogant face, looking at the saber-toothed tiger, a hint of disdain rose in Qin Tian's eyes.

"Guardian Zhang Heng, how about leaving this saber-toothed tiger to me?"

Qin Tian's voice was somewhat proud.

He is in the realm of a great martial artist, if he killed this saber-toothed tiger, he would be fighting by leapfrogging, which is a genius operation.

"Prince Qin Tian wants to make a move?"

"I haven't seen the eldest prince make a move for three years. I don't know how strong the eldest prince is now!"

"Little saber-toothed tiger, the eldest prince can be killed easily!"


When the ten guardians heard this, they quickly flattered Qin Tian.

Zhang Heng frowned and agreed.

A team of people, retreat directly!

The venue was given to Qin Tian.


The saber-toothed tiger roared at Qin Tian.

"Zixiao Sword!"


A purple sword appeared in Qin Tian's hands. Looking at the fierce saber-toothed tiger opposite, Qin Tian played a sword flower, looking extremely chic!

"it is good!"

The ten guardians immediately applauded.


A look of disdain flashed across the saber-toothed tiger's eyes, and then it threw itself directly at Qin Tian.


"Running Thunder Sword Art!"


There was a sound of rushing thunder, and on Qin Tian's Zixiao sword, purple sword lights rose up, and the whole sword looked extremely bright.

"Running like a sword!"


The sword energy was shaking, and Qin Tian's figure was boundless, and he fought the saber-toothed tiger.

"Such a strong sword energy, Prince Qin Tian's Thunderbolt Sword Art, I am afraid that he has practiced it to perfection!"

"This Thunderbolt Sword Intent, I'm afraid it's not even as good as an elder!"

"Prince Qin Tian, ​​you really deserve to be the first pride of my Qin family!"


The ten guardians were full of admiration.

Zhang Heng also nodded slightly.

"Run like lightning!"



The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour. At the end, Qin Tian slashed the saber-toothed tiger with his sword. Seeing Qin Tian slayed the saber-toothed tiger, the ten guardians once again praised him.

And Qin Tian, ​​also full of pride, retreated back!
"Prince Qin Tian, ​​good swordsmanship!"

Zhang Heng gave Qin Tian admiration.

"Guardian Zhang Heng is being polite. I, Qin Tian, ​​am the eldest prince of the Qin Kingdom. I am not like some people who just stand by and ask for protection. It really embarrasses my Qin family!"

As he said that, Qin Tian glanced at Qin Yun, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Brother Huang is right, some people are worthless, but they still want to enter the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, they really want to die!"

Qin Jiao also agreed with a sneer.

"Cough cough..."

But at this moment, there was a soft coughing sound, and Qin Yun stood up from the tree he was leaning against, stretched his arms, and Qin Yun's eyes fell on Qin Tian.

"Finished? I thought I could continue to sleep!"

Qin Yun turned to Qin Tian, ​​and grinned, a saber-toothed tiger, he could finish it off with a single punch, what the hell was there to be proud of?
"Qin Yun, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you still dislike the slowness of this prince's fight?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Tian instantly became unhappy.

"Slow? Very slow!"

Qin Yun looked at Qin Tian with disdain.


Qin Tian's eyes were full of anger.

"Brother Huang, if the Seventeenth Emperor said you were slow, it means that the Seventeenth Emperor must be faster to kill this saber-toothed tiger. When we meet the saber-toothed tiger again later!"

"It's better to let the seventeenth brother come up!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Jiao suddenly said with a dark face.

"Let Qin Yun go up?"

Qin Tian's eyes lit up, and then he said with a sneer: "Qin Yun, you said that my prince is slow to fight, so I want to see what you are capable of!"

"What can I do?"

Qin Yun grinned, and then said with a chuckle: "This prince is not very capable, but it doesn't take fifteen minutes to kill a saber-toothed tiger, just one breath!"

"Just one breath?"

The ten protectors, Zhang Heng, Qin Tian and Qin Jiao, all stared at Qin Yun with dumbstruck faces, beheading the saber-toothed tiger in one breath, even Zhang Heng couldn't do it!

"Seventeenth brother, you are really powerful. I, Qin Tian, ​​want to see how you can kill a saber-toothed tiger with one breath!"

Qin Tian was furious in his heart. It took him fifteen minutes to kill the saber-toothed tiger, but Qin Yun said that one breath was enough.

"Look, this prince will give you a chance!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a calm, saber-toothed tiger, and now Qin Yun really didn't need a breath to kill it.

Once the 39 dragon veins are opened, one punch is enough to smash this saber-toothed tiger into pieces!
"alright, alright!"

At this moment, Zhang Heng stood up.

"This is the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, everyone should be careful!"

Seeing Qin Yun's arrogant appearance, Zhang Heng's face showed dissatisfaction, and he said coldly.


Qin Tian and Qin Jiao retreated with a cold snort.

The ten guardians went to dig out the demon pill of the saber-toothed tiger, and then a group of people continued to go deep into the Tianshou mountain range!

One day passed again!
A group of people finally entered the depths of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

But somehow.

Afterwards, the group of people did not meet again. Any monsters above the second level, even the second-level monsters, only encountered a few of them, and they were directly solved by Zhang Heng!
"Everyone, stop, we will rest here today!"

In front of a small hill, Zhang Heng looked at a group of people and said with a light smile.

"Yes Yes!"

A group of people quickly agreed.

"and many more……"

But at this moment, Qin Yun, who was at the back of the crowd, suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes. Looking at the depths of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "You can't stay here!"

"Can't stay?"

"Within a few miles around here, there is not even a trace of monster feces. There are no monsters here at all. You won't tell me that there will be monsters attacking here?"

Qin Tian looked at Qin Yun and said sarcastically.

"Monster beasts will indeed attack here!"

Qin Yun looked at Qin Tian with an extremely low voice.

 The second update, brothers who have a recommendation ticket will send a recommendation ticket, and the brothers who pass by will save it, the professor is very grateful, the new book issue is updated twice a day, and the recommendation will be updated.


(End of this chapter)

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