Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 50 Tiancheng Mountain

Chapter 50 Tiancheng Mountain

"Disciples of the Qin family, all retreat!"

"Yes Yes……"


One after another, the figures quickly returned to the Qin family.

Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, in the depths!
"Tianbei Mercenary Group..."

"The seventh wave!"

Looking at the dozen or so men lying on the ground in front of him, Qin Yun turned his head indifferently.

Enter the depths of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

Three days passed again.

During these three days, the people of the Tianbei Mercenary Group seemed to be eyeing him. From time to time, someone came to trouble him, and every time a dozen people surrounded him directly.

Unfortunately, these people...

It's so weak!

Before he made a move, he was directly obliterated by Qin Yun!
"Past life fruit..."

"It should be coming soon!"

As if thinking of something, a flash of light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes. In three days, Qin Yun could be considered to have found out the whereabouts of the fruit of the past!
This unborn fruit is on Tiancheng Mountain!
This Tiancheng Mountain was rumored to be an ancient city in the past, but with the evolution of time, it has now become a part of the Tianshou Mountain Range. As for why there are rebirth fruits in this ancient city.

No one knows!

"This kid, killed more than a dozen of us, it's really hateful!"

"Make sure to catch him!"

"I'm going to skin him alive..."


Not long after Qin Yun left, the members of the Northern Mercenary Corps reappeared these days.

Looking at the dozens of people who fell on the ground, the disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group were all furious.

"Command, all disciples..."

"Don't disperse the action!"

Tianbei Tianwang said indifferently.

"Yes, Captain!"



The disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group quickly agreed, and they also discovered that they scattered their actions. To Qin Yun, a dozen or so great martial artists seemed to be Chinese cabbages, and they chopped them up casually!

"Boy, those who dare to touch my Tianbei Mercenary Group, you are really courting death!"

"I am Tianbei Martial King!"

"I will never let you go!"

In the man's eyes, there was boundless indifference, and for a moment, the group of people followed the breath of the blood charm and continued to chase after him!

Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, the core place!

The roars of the surrounding beasts seemed extremely ferocious. This place was already the deepest part of the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range. In front of Qin Yun, there was an extremely dark and deep forest!

"This Heavenly Beast Mountain Range..."

"There are level five monsters!"

Qin Yun, standing on top of an ancient tree, in the valley not far away, a purple-haired gorilla roared arrogantly at the surrounding monsters.

Trembling with fright!
Zijin Monkey, a monster beast at the beginning of the fifth level, its combat strength is comparable to that of the Martial King of the third level. In addition, this Zijin Monkey can also go berserk, once it goes berserk.

The combat power has been increased by three or four times, which is enough to be comparable to a martial king above the fifth level!
"Tianbei City has arrived!"

"What the hell, it's finally here!"

"The seventh-level rebirth fruit belongs to Qi Yunzong!"


At this moment, one after another exclamation sounded suddenly, and Qin Yun followed the sound to look.

There were only a dozen figures, rushing towards Qin Yun's direction, these dozen people.

None of the feet landed on the ground.

Wu Ling, more than a dozen strong Wu Ling!
Moreover, these people are all disciples of Qi Yunzong.



But at this moment, two roars of beasts came again, and besides the valley, two extremely fierce breaths came from the other two hillsides at the same time.

"Level [-] Monster Beast Dark Wolf!"

"Level [-] Monster Beast Ice Sculpture!"

On the ancient tree, the light in Qin Yun's eyes soared, and he saw the ice sculpture soaring into the sky, with light blue feathers shining with a cold light. As for the dark wolf, standing on a huge boulder, howling wildly towards the void.

"This is a level five monster..."

"Fast back..."


The expressions of a group of Qi Yunzong's disciples changed instantly, and then one by one.

Get back quickly!


The Zijin monkey who started at the beginning also roared, slapping its chest with both hands, a ferocious aura rolled out, and the disciples of Qi Yunzong were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Fast back..."



Qi Yunzong's disciple retreated again.

After a while, after leaving the range of two or three miles, the strange thing is that after Qi Yunzong's disciples retreated, the three monsters also became quiet again.

"These three fifth-level monsters..."

"These people are not allowed!"

"Close to this area!"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and within a moment, Qin Yun could also see the relationship. The three monsters formed a triangle and divided an area in the middle.

Surrounded tightly!

And this area is exactly a mountain, and it is still a mountain surrounded by cliffs!
"There are cliffs all around, I want to go in..."

"You can only enter from these three directions!"

An hour later, Qin Yun reappeared on the ancient tree at the beginning. In an hour's time, Qin Yun observed the mountain once. There are only three entrances to the entire mountain.

That's where the three monsters are!
Of course, the strong King Wu can also enter from the void, but there are ice sculptures.

The void is the way.

I'm afraid it will be even more difficult, after all, it is in the void.

The combat power of the Martial King powerhouse can be at most [-]%, or even lower!

"This time..."

"It's fun!"

The corner of his mouth raised, Qin Yun found a place and began to practice. The mountain surrounded by these three monsters, if he guessed correctly, this place is Tiancheng Mountain!
As long as you wait here, there must be someone who will break through the mountain!

"Damn it, the breath on this kid has disappeared!"

"Those who killed my Tianbei Mercenary Group will surely die if they flee to the ends of the earth!"

"How hateful!"


A day later, a group of people from the Tianbei Mercenary Group finally appeared. The one at the front was none other than King Wu of Tianbei. He saw the people from the Tianbei Mercenary Group appear, disciples of Qi Yunzong.

His expression changed instantly.

"Why haven't Martial King Jue Tian and Senior Sister come yet?"

"If this group of rough barbarians take away the Fruit of Rebirth, what face will I have on Qi Yunzong!"

"That's right, we'll be there first, the fruit of the past belongs to Qi Yunzong!"


Qi Yunzong's disciples stepped up to the Tianbei Mercenary Corps viciously one by one, and the Tianbei Mercenary Corps members also looked at Qi Yunzong's disciples fiercely, if King Wu of Tianbei hadn't stopped him from exiting.

The two teams have already worked together!


But at this moment, a clear voice came, and the next moment, a colorful auspicious cloud descended from the void, and where the auspicious cloud passed, there was a strong aura.

Spread it!
"It's colorful auspicious clouds, the big sister is here!"

"This is the cry of the colorful holy bird!"

"Elder Sister is a strong Martial King. This group of Tianbei Mercenaries must make them look good!"


Hearing these crisp voices, Qi Yunzong's disciples cheered one by one, and among the Tianbei mercenary group, the eyes of the Tianbei Martial King shrank suddenly!
In the void, I saw a three to four zhang colorful bird slowly falling down.

On the back of the colorful bird stands a graceful woman, the woman is like a high fairy, standing proudly, and the colorful bird, like a noble peacock, is full of pride!

 The second update, there will be another update later, brothers, if you have a recommendation ticket to support, remember to collect it, brothers passing by, it depends on the brothers whether you can advance in PK, thanks to the big professor.


(End of this chapter)

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