Chapter 51
"Uncle Master is here..."

"Why don't you come out!"

The woman descended, ignoring the other people with her eyes, and looked towards a deep forest instead. Following her words, a middle-aged man walked out of the deep forest.

"Nephew Liu Yu..."

"It's coming so fast!"

Looking at the beautiful shadow on the colorful bird, the middle-aged man chuckled and said.

"It's Jue Tian Martial King!"

"Meet Uncle Shi!"

"Meet Uncle Shi!"


One after another figure hurriedly knelt down to the middle-aged man. This man turned out to be Qin Tian's master, and also the peerless powerhouse of Qi Yunzong, Peerless Martial King!

"Get up!"

King Jue Tian Wu glanced at Qi Yunzong's disciples indifferently.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Thank you, uncle!"


One figure after another stood up respectfully, looking at the two figures in the sky, the disciples of Qi Yunzong were filled with excitement.

The appearance of the two Martial Kings meant that the rebirth fruit belonged.

He belonged to Qi Yunzong!

Not far away, a group of people from the Tianbei Mercenary Regiment, one by one, flickered wildly in their eyes.

"This is the fruit of the past..."

"I am Qi Yunzong!"


At this moment, the eyes of the beautiful shadow on the colorful bird suddenly fell on Tianbei Wuwang. Looking at Tianbei Wuwang, there was a touch of contempt in her eyes.

"This reborn fruit is something that has no owner. Although Fairy Yu is the saint of Qi Yunzong, she can't. Take this reborn fruit as your own!"

Looking at Liu Yu, King Wu of Tianbei, his eyes shone brightly.

"That's right, you Qi Yunzong has a strong Martial King, and our head is also a Martial King, why should I give you the fruit of rebirth!"

"Take away this unripe fruit and let this bitch see how powerful my Tianbei Mercenary Group is!"

"The Fruit of Rebirth belongs to my Tianbei Mercenary Group!"


The disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group, all of them were full of arrogance, when they heard the rude voices, the beautiful shadows on the colorful birds...

A cold light flashed in his eyes!
But at the next moment, Liu Yu seemed to have discovered something, a gloomy light rose in her eyes, she looked at the deep forest not far away, and shouted coldly.

"The showy hoof of the Seven Emotions Sect is here..."

"Then get out!"

"get out……"

"get out……"


In the void, there was a burst of thunder, and everyone felt that the whole world seemed to be furious, and a wave of King Wia rushed towards the deep forest!




One after another, the ancient trees fell on the ground, and there seemed to be traces of blue smoke rising above these ancient trees. Qi Yunzong and the ordinary disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group saw this scene.

One by one, the eyes were extremely shocked.

"Master's strength has increased again!"

"Words follow suit, I'm afraid the elder sister will reach the peak of Martial King!"

"too strong……"


Shocked eyes fell on the beautiful figure on the colorful bird.

"The vision of heaven and earth..."

"The power of lightning!"

On the ancient tree, in Qin Yun's eyes, a light flashed. Among Qi Yunzong's martial arts with lightning attribute, it seems that only Qi Yunzong's top three peerless whip techniques!

It is rumored that there are very few people who have successfully cultivated this Thunder God Whip!
But it's scary to an extent.

But enough to make countless warriors afraid!
"Fairy Yu, why are you in such a hurry..."


At this moment, one after another of soft laughter came, and following the laughter, everyone felt their hearts tremble, and the whole person seemed to be becoming a fairy, lightly...

"No, it's a member of the Seven Emotions Sect!"

"Keep your mind!"



The disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group and Qi Yunzong all changed their expressions instantly, as if they had encountered a formidable enemy, they sat down cross-legged one by one.

Steady mind!

"Seven Emotions School..."

"It's coming too!"

Qin Yun raised the corner of his mouth, and in the deep forest where several ancient trees had fallen, three beautiful figures appeared. These three people were exactly the three people Qin Yun met in the valley.

The three of them laughed so delicately that their bodies trembled, full of charms!
Behind the three of them was a woman in red. Where the woman passed, phantoms seemed to appear, one phantom after another, posing in various attractive poses.

Heart throbbing!

"Sao Tiaozi, how dare you cast demonic spells on my Qi Yunzong disciple!"

"Take a whip from Fairy Ben!"

"Boom boom boom..."

In the void, thunder blasts came one after another, and the beautiful figure on the colorful bird flashed a light in his hand, and a purple whip appeared, holding the purple whip in his hand, he pulled it out instantly.

Where the whip passed, the void vibrated, and the terrifying power made people tremble with fear.


"Fairy Yu, why are you willing to beat the servants!"

There was a chuckle, seeing the whip fall, but the eyes of the woman in red on the opposite side were calm, I saw her wave her hand, and a red water chestnut shot out.


In the void, there were three or four collisions, the shadow of the whip was heavy, and the red water chestnut was floating. Everyone was dazzled for a while, and then the two of them took three or four steps back at the same time!

"Fairy Jade, your Thunder Whip!"

"Not too bad?"

The woman in red smiled coquettishly, and then her figure flashed, leading the three of them, and she had appeared in front of everyone. Seeing the woman in red approaching, Liu Yu's face was a little ugly!
"Fairy of Absolute Desire, my Qi Yunzong is bound to obtain this rebirth fruit!"

Jue Tian Wu Wang looked at the woman in red and said indifferently.


"Jietian Martial King, what's so good about Qi Yunzong, why don't you follow this fairy into the Valley of Seven Desires, this fairy will definitely make you forget your troubles, what is the fruit of rebirth..."

"I'm not as happy as the Valley of Seven Desires!"

The woman in red smiled coquettishly at King Jue Tian Wu, her delicate body trembling, and her provocative figure made everyone's mouths thirsty, and even King Jue Tian Wu had a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes.

Fairy of Absolute Desire, the peerless arrogance of the Seven Emotions Sect, this person has only practiced for 30 years, and he has cultivated the Qiyu Jue to the fifth level. I don't know how many young talents bow down under her skirt, but it is a pity that there is no one in this world. People, have seen her true face!
There is no one who can win her favor!
"Fairy of Absolute Desire, you, the Valley of Seven Desires, I, Absolute Heaven Martial King..."

"I can't bear it!"

King Jue Tianwu took a deep breath, suppressing the restlessness in his heart.


The woman in red couldn't stop laughing. That laughter seemed to have magic power, which made people feel uneasy. I wanted to get close to her and continue to explore further!

"Tianbei Martial King is right, this reborn fruit has no owner, anyone can get it!"

"Fairy Jade, I want to get this reborn fruit!"

"It seems to depend on your strength!"

Looking at Fairy Jade, Fairy Desire suddenly said with a smile.


Fairy Yu snorted coldly, but she didn't refute. Fairy Desire's strength is no lower than hers. If there was a fight, she would definitely not be able to take advantage of it.

"Little brother..."

"Are you still ready to..."

"When are you hiding?"

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Fairy Desire's eyes suddenly flashed with light, and the next moment, those water-like eyes suddenly landed on the position where Qin Yun was.

 The third update, brothers who have a recommendation ticket, please support it with a recommendation ticket, and bookmark it for the big brothers passing by. During the PK, the big professor is very grateful for the support of the brothers.


(End of this chapter)

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