Chapter 765

"This knife is the same as Commander Lu's, no, it's stronger than Commander Lu's knife!"

Jiuyou also had a bright light in his eyes, Jiuyou had seen Lu Song's Heavenly Ghost Sword before, and that knife was extremely terrifying in Lu Song's hands.

But unfortunately, that knife was shattered!

"Lu Song is just an ordinary Heavenly Ghost Army, this knife!"

"It belongs to the ghosts and generals!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

The Heavenly Ghost Knife in Han Xianzi's hand turned out to be the knife of the Heavenly Ghost General, and more importantly, this person is still in control of the knife!

"Junior Sister Han, do you dare to attack me?"

Jingming's eyes were filled with anger, but his mind was much clearer. Although he could kill Qin Yun quickly, the consequences were not something he could bear.

"Brother Jingming wants to kill this person, just kill him secretly!"

"Why now!"

Looking at Jingming, Fairy Han said in a deep voice.

"In the dark..."

In Jingming's eyes, traces of coldness flickered.

"Thank you, Junior Sister Han!"

Jingming's voice was a bit cold.

Qin Yun, he must kill him. If he doesn't kill Qin Yun, he is clearly in the Nine Clouds Holy Land, so why not mess around?
"What's going on? It seems that Fairy Han made a move to stop it!"

"This kid is lucky!"

"Good luck? I think it's just a few more days to live. If you kill Jingsu, Jingming can't let him go!"

"That's right..."


Under the holy platform, there were many discussions.

Countless warriors looked at the holy platform.

On the holy platform, there were originally more than 1000 people, but now there are less than [-] people left.

Most of the people escaped from the sanctuary!

"I declare that the remaining people on the altar will be the top [-] of this exchange meeting!"

"You go back!"

"Seven days later, the final will be held!"

Fairy Han's low voice resounded in the void.

"We've advanced!"

"I really advanced..."


The warriors on the holy platform burst into ecstasy.

The escaped warriors were full of remorse.

If they stay, they can enter the third round, but unfortunately, the chance is gone!

"Emperor, we have entered the top [-], but this Jingming will never let us go!"

Standing behind Qin Yun, Jiuyou said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"No hurries?"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun smiled faintly.

Then he turned around and walked down the pilgrimage platform.

"Master Yun, wait..."

Blood Bone also hurriedly followed.

Above the holy platform, Jingming watched Qin Yun leave with fierce eyes.

Fairy Han also had a glimmer of light in her eyes.

In the inn, Qin Yun and Blood Bone entered the room respectively.

Qin Yun directly entered the time wheel.

"Emperor, why don't you let me take action and kill this Jingming directly!"

Xue Song looked at Qin Yun and said coldly.

"Killed directly?"

"Need not!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

"After entering the top [-], the next step is to compete for the top ten. As long as you win the top ten, you can enter the general battlefield. Our goal is the general battlefield!"

"As for this Jingming!"

"It's just a trick!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

Seeing the Heavenly Ghost Knife in Han Xianzi's hand, Qin Yun is now sure that there must be Heavenly Ghosts and Gods in this so-called generals' battlefield.

And yes, there are no fallen heavenly ghosts and generals.

Heavenly Ghost Army.

When a man is with a sword, if a man dies, the sword must die!

Lu Song's knife last time was a life-saving knife. If it wasn't for Qin Yun's rescue, Lu Song would have died a long time ago!

Since Fairy Han got the Heavenly Ghost Sword, there is only one possibility, she has seen the living Heavenly Ghost General!
"We don't have to go out for these seven days!"

"Seven days later!"

"Go out again!"

With a cold shout, Qin Yun fell into cultivation.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Jiuyou, turned around and retreated.

"Seven days should be enough for me to be promoted to the [-]th level main god!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun fell into cultivation.

Seven days outside, in this time wheel, that is close to [-] years.

[-] years of cultivation, even without the help of faith, is enough for Qin Yun to upgrade from the fifteenth level of the main god to the sixteenth level of the main god.


With a cold shout, Qin Yun fell into cultivation.

The Asura Heavenly Emperor Art was running, and Qin Yun's aura quickly stabilized.

The surrounding spiritual energy gathered towards Qin Yun.

Outside, with the end of this battle, Qin Yun's name has also spread throughout the Jiuyun Holy Land.

Jiuyou and Bloodbone are also famous!
Outside Jiuyun City.

"You said someone knew your identity?"

In the woods, a strange tiger transformed into a man. There was a prince imprinted between the man's eyebrows. The aura on the man's body had even reached the realm of a 25th-level main god!
"Brother Xiaohu, I have already checked the origin of this person. There is no news of this person in Zhanyun Mountain, as if this person appeared out of thin air!"

Looking at the man, he said in a bloody voice.

"Blood bone, this person knows your identity, so he can't stay here. Now, including you from our Li clan, there are only three people left. If we didn't hide it!"

"He's already been killed by now!"

Looking at the blood bones, the man snapped.

"Brother Xiaohu, don't worry. Although the origin of this person is unknown, I don't think he is a bad person. When I find out, it's not too late to make a move!"

"Blood bone, why are you still so innocent? Our Li clan was so strong back then. If it wasn't for the meritorious Tianmen, how could we have become like this!"

"You come to me to meet this person and let me kill him directly!"

In the man's eyes, the cold air was terrifying and boundless.

"Brother Xiaohu..."

Bloody, slightly stunned.

In her heart, she suddenly regretted telling the man Qin Yun the news.

"Blood bone, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the expression of blood bones, the man frowned slightly.

For some reason, he always felt that the flesh and bones in front of him had changed, but he couldn't feel where the change was!

"I'm fine!"

Bloodbone whispered.

"Blood bone, you don't have to worry about the General's battlefield. Even if you can't enter this time, I will definitely be able to enter after I break through the realm of the Lord God!"

"Besides, Emperor Shura..."

"It doesn't exist anymore!"

Looking at the blood bones, a gleam flashed in the man's eyes.

"Brother Xiaohu, you are not allowed to talk about Emperor Shura. If my Li clan hadn't been helped by Emperor Shura's Heavenly Ghost Army back then, no one of my Li clan would be able to survive now!"

"How do you..."

In the eyes of blood bones, a touch of anger rose.

"Blood and bone calm down, I'm just talking about it. I will naturally remember the kindness of the Heavenly Ghost Army to our Li people. This time we enter the Heavenly Ghost Battlefield, we will definitely find the Heavenly Ghost Army!"

"Even if you can't find the Heavenly Ghost Army, there must be a Heavenly Ghost Sword left by the Heavenly Ghost Army. If you take a Heavenly Ghost Sword, you and I will definitely be able to return to the Nine Heavens Realm..."

There was a bright light in the man's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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