Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 766 My Father Wants to See You

Chapter 766 My Father Wants to See You

"Heavenly Ghost Knife..."

Bloody Bone wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. In the great world of merit, there are only three people left in the Li tribe, one is her father, and the other is the man in front of him.

The man was not originally with the blood bone, but a disciple left by the Li tribe.

The man's blood-skeleton father, the two of the Li people, became three!
"Blood bones..."

"Blood Tiger, I'm going back!"

Seeing the man who was about to continue speaking, Bloodbone turned around and disappeared into the deep forest.

"Blood bone didn't treat me like this before!"

Watching the blood bone leave, a haze rose in the man's eyes.

"Master Hu, Elder Gongde asked you to go see him!"

At this moment, behind the man, a strange figure appeared.

"The meritorious elder?"

In the blood tiger's eyes, a light flashed.


With a single word, the man turned around and disappeared.

In Nine Cloud City.


"A bunch of trash!"

In the small courtyard, Jing Ming's eyes were extremely angry. It had been five days. It had been five days since the last battle on the holy platform. When he got off the holy platform, he ordered someone to kill Qin Yun.

But who knew, these people didn't even find Qin Yun's shadow.

Now he, Jingming, has become a joke in Jiuyun Holy Land!

"Brother Jingming, calm down. We have searched the entire Nine Clouds City, but we have not found this person. This person has probably left Nine Clouds City!"

A man stood up and spoke hastily.

"Leaving Nine Cloud City?"

"How did he leave?"

In Jing Ming's eyes, it was extremely gloomy and cold. This Nine Clouds City was the territory of Nine Clouds Holy Land. Qin Yun left under the noses of everyone. Are the disciples of Nine Clouds Holy Land just for display?

"Brother Jingming, there is no need to get angry!"

But at this moment, a chuckle came from outside the small courtyard.

"Junior Sister Han!"

Seeing this, Jingming's face softened slightly.

"Father said, this time the generals' battlefield, in addition to the top ten people can enter, you and I can also enter the generals' battlefield, when the time comes, Senior Brother Jingming!"

"There are plenty of opportunities to kill this person!"

Looking at Jingming, Fairy Han said with a smile.

"Can the two of us go in too?"

When Jing Ming heard this, the light in his eyes soared.

The general battlefield, that is the ancient battlefield, in addition to countless resources, there are also countless inheritance secrets!
Who wouldn't want these things among the disciples of Jiuyun Holy Land?
"This is what dad said, and dad also said, this time we have a chance!"

"Enter the Sky Ghost Tomb!"

Looking at Jingming, Fairy Han spoke again.

"Heavenly Ghost Tomb!"

Countless lights flashed in Jingming's eyes.

"Senior Brother Jingming, this is a good opportunity. If Senior Brother can help Junior Sister win the Heavenly Ghost Sword Art from the Heavenly Ghost Tomb, then Junior Sister will beg Daddy to fulfill our good deeds!"

At this moment, Han Xianzi took a step forward and said charmingly.

"Fulfill your good deeds..."

"Junior Sister!"

Jingming's eyes looked at Fairy Han with burning eyes. Although he was number one on the holy list of Nine Clouds Holy Land, his status in Nine Clouds Holy Land was not high.

Because his background is not strong!
But if Fairy Han is captured, with the help of meritorious elders, maybe he still has a chance to control the entire holy land!
And Fairy Han in front of me is the number one beauty in Jiuyun Holy Land, who in the entire Jiuyun Holy Land would not want to be favored by Fairy Han!



With a scolding sound, Fairy Han turned and disappeared.


In the small courtyard, Jingming laughed loudly.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

For seven days, Qin Yun practiced in the time wheel, so naturally he didn't know that Jingming had searched the entire Jiuyun City countless times, looking for him, Qin Yun.

But unfortunately, Jingming did not find Qin Yun's figure.

In the time wheel.


With a cold shout, Qin Yun's chest, a dragon soul, quickly transformed.

Immediately, an ancient dragon chant passed through Qin Yun's body, after nearly 2 years of cultivation.

Qin Yun's cultivation was a successful breakthrough.

No.40 dragon gods have been formed.

"Cultivation has reached the late stage of the sixteenth level main god!"

Qin Yun opened his eyes with a slight smile.

The improvement of cultivation was somewhat beyond Qin Yun's expectation, and it was actually raised to the late stage of the [-]th level main god.

"It is faith that has increased!"

Qin Yun's eyes lit up as if he had discovered something.

With a movement of his mind, Qin Yun's mind entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the rolling beliefs form a vast ocean.

Qin Yun's soul stood above the sea.

Countless powers of faith were swallowed by Qin Yun's golden soul body. Qin Yun's golden body had already risen to more than 4000 feet. After a while, it might reach [-] feet!

"The eye of the sky is about to break through!"

Seeming to have discovered something, Qin Yun smiled again.

Although Qin Yun didn't use Sky Eye much, he never forgot it.

Once the eyes of the sky transform again, the power will inevitably skyrocket again.

"My lord, it's time!"

At this moment, Jiuyou's voice suddenly came.


With a flash of light in his eyes, Qin Yun appeared in the inn with Jiuyou.

But Qin Yun had just appeared, and the coldness in Qin Yun's eyes suddenly shot up.

There were three people guarding outside the room, and five or six people guarding outside the inn.

These people don't need to think about it, Qin Yun also knows who sent them.

"Want to kill me?"

A sneer appeared in Qin Yun's eyes.

This Jingming is quite fast, but it is a pity that these people outside can't kill Qin Yun, they are here to die instead!
"Cedar, kill them!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, Emperor!"

The figure of Cedar disappeared in the inn.

After a few breaths, the figure of Cedar came back.

"Emperor, they are all dead!"

Standing in front of Qin Yun, Xue Song was extremely respectful.


Qin Yun nodded, and sent Xuesong into the time wheel.

"let's go!"

With a few words, Qin Yun led Jiuyou to the holy platform.

Qin Yun would like to see how Shengtai will play in this final round!

"Young Master Yun!"

But it was Qin Yun who had just left the inn.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of Qin Yun.

Those who came were not people, but blood and bones.

"Blood bone girl!"

Seeing the blood bone, Qin Yun smiled slightly, but the blood bone seemed a little absent-minded. Looking at Qin Yun, she looked a little dazed.

"Blood bone girl, have you fallen in love with our emperor?"

Jiuyou took a step forward and said with a wicked smile.

"I didn't..."

Bloody Bone quickly retorted, but Jiuyou's smirking eyes made Bloody Bone's pretty face blush!
"Master Yun, my father!"

"want to see you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Bloodbone finally plucked up his courage and said in a low voice.

"Your father!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

ps: the fifth change

(End of this chapter)

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