Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 1 Madman Lin Tian

Chapter 1 Madman Lin Tian
In the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms, everyone respects martial arts, and the strong are respected.

Those with a high level of cultivation can lift mountains with power and surpass the world. They can move mountains with a wave of their hands, fill the sea with a flip of their hands, and travel in the starry sky.


Eastern China.

Yunyang City, a small border town in Yanyang County, is famous for being adjacent to the Yunyang Mountains.

The Lin family was extremely lively on August [-]th, and everyone gathered at the Yanwu Square in front of the Lin family compound.

Every year on this day, the Lin family will hold a coming-of-age ceremony here for children who have reached the age of 16. At the same time, they will test the cultivation achievements of the younger generation over the years.

Therefore, this is also a day when a hundred flowers bloom for the younger generation of the Lin family.

As one of the three major forces in Yunyang City, the coming-of-age ceremony of the Lin family can definitely be regarded as a grand event in Yunyang City, and important figures from other forces will also be invited to watch the ceremony.

Because today, young people who perform well enough here will basically become influential figures in Yunyang City in the future.

There are dozens of people in the new generation of the Lin family under the age of 20, among which Lin Ao, the grandson of the elder of the Lin family; Lin Hong, the grandson of the third elder;

Among them, Lin Ao, the grandson of the great elder of the Lin family, practiced in the inner courtyard of the Yanyang Academy in Yanyang City this year, and was among the best.

As for Lin Hong and Lin Muyu, both coming of age ceremonies will be held today, which is also the biggest highlight of this ceremony.

of course.

In addition to the three of them, there is another young man in the Lin family who is well-known and has also come of age today.

This one is Lin Tian, ​​the son of Lin Longxiao, the head of the Lin family.

The reason why Lin Tian is famous is not that he has shown extraordinary aptitude since he was a child like the previous three, but because he is a fool.

There are even rumors that Lin Longxiao carried him out of a monster lair in the Yunyang Mountains.

With the addition of many public opinions, he also became a famous figure in Yunyang City.

"The sky won't allow me, so I will destroy the sky. If the earth doesn't keep me, I will crush the earth. What about gods, what about immortals, they are just ants under my feet, hahaha..."

In the Yanwu Square, there was a wild laughter, and after hearing it, people couldn't help but feel excited.

It's just that the Lin family was quite speechless when they heard these words.

Looking around, I saw a disheveled young man who looked like a beggar, looking at the sky with empty eyes, laughing wildly there.

This person is none other than the famous lunatic Lin Tian.

The words just now came from his mouth.

Standing beside Lin Tian was a beautiful young girl. When she saw Lin Tian started talking nonsense again, she couldn't help tugging at his sleeve worriedly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, many people are watching. Promise me, don't Talk nonsense, okay?"

"Hehehe, good, good..."

Lin Tian smirked and nodded, the expression on his delicate face remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Lin Muyu knew it when she saw it, but Lin Tian didn't listen, so she couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Tian has had this disease since she was a child, and her IQ is worse than that of a three-year-old child. For this reason, her father spared no expense and invited all the famous genius doctors from Yanyang County. Order tranquilizers and let people take him when he goes crazy.

"Lin Hong!"

On the martial arts stage not far away, the voice of the second elder of the Lin family instantly attracted everyone's attention and pushed the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax.

On the high platform, Lin Longxiao sat in the first place, his face expressionless, not angry but mighty.

On the left and right of him, sat two old men in green clothes.

Seeing a 16-year-old, handsome boy in a white robe, jumping vigorously onto the martial arts stage, the third elder on the right stroked his white beard, and said with a smile on his face: "Last time I took Hong'er to the stage in private. At the time of the test, he had already reached the seventh level of Qi Gathering, and he didn't know how much progress he could make in the past two months."

"Qi Gathering Seven Layers?"

Hearing this, everyone around couldn't help but look sideways, showing surprise, even Lin Longxiao, who was as stable as Mount Tai, couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Heaven and earth have spirits, and all things have spirits.

If you want to practice, the first step is to sense the elusive spiritual energy in the world, and then collect them through suitable exercises and use them for your own use.

This step is known as Qi Gathering by the world.

According to the strength of the cyclone, everyone divided the gas gathering environment into nine levels.

The stronger the talent, the better the cultivation method, and the faster the speed of gathering Qi.

Being able to cultivate to the seventh level of energy gathering at the age of 16 is definitely considered a rare genius in Yunyang City.

What's more, this is the result of two months ago.

As long as there are no accidents, there will be a place for him, Lin Hong, in Yunyang City in the future.

"Congratulations to the Lin family for producing another genius..."

Next to him, the Patriarch of the Wang family cupped his hands in congratulations, smiling a little forcedly.

The rest of the people also followed suit.

But most of them are not sincere, because the stronger the Lin family is, the weaker their status in Yunyang City will be.

Hearing everyone's congratulations, no matter if they were hypocritical or not, the third elder's face was full of smiles.

He looked at Lin Tian and Lin Muyu under the stands, and said modestly: "My Hong'er is nothing, but the children of Long Xiao's family are all geniuses, especially Lin Tian, ​​who has great ambitions. There are bound to be monstrous achievements in the future.”

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became strange.

Lin Muyu's talent is not bad. Everyone knows that she is a famous genius girl. It is rumored that she is at least at the sixth level of Qi Gathering. With her natural beauty, she has the potential to overwhelm the country at a young age. The dream lover in the hearts of countless young people in Yangcheng.

But Lin Tian...

Hehe, who doesn't know, is this a fool?
The grand plans and lofty ambitions in his mouth are completely crazy words, and no one takes them seriously. How can the third elder of the Lin family not understand?
Thinking of this, everyone's eyes could not help but fall on Lin Longxiao. Seeing his gloomy and ugly face, they knew it instantly.

Sure enough, according to rumors from the outside world, during this period of time, there was no harmony between the elders of the Lin family and the head of the family.

As for the reason, almost everyone knows it.

It was nothing more than Lin Longxiao looking for medicine for Lin Tian outside, but in the end he offended a big force. Not only was he injured, but his strength was damaged by half, and his family was also implicated, compensating more than half of the Lin family's heritage over the years. In the face of others, this matter can only be considered a let-down.

As a result, the elders in power of the Lin family were naturally unhappy.

After all, the family's things belonged to everyone, not Lin Longxiao alone. Seeing that he paid more than half of it for his son, who could bear it?

No, just yesterday, several elders headed by the Great Elder were still working together to impeach Lin Longxiao from the position of Patriarch, trying to drive him off the throne.

It's just that Lin Longxiao's position was determined by the strongest and only Supreme Elder of the Lin family. Now that he has closed the death test, no one dares to disturb him, so Lin Longxiao's position as Patriarch is still stable for the time being. .

"The third elder is being humble. My Tian'er and Mu Yu are not comparable to your Lin Hong."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Longxiao glanced coldly at the third elder, and said flatly, ignoring the sarcasm in his words.

The third elder smiled when he heard the words, a trace of arrogance flashed across his face, he cast his eyes on Lin Hong on the martial arts stage, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he didn't make a sound.

"Come on, Lin Hong, test it..."

The Second Elder looked at Lin Hong kindly, pointed to the one-foot-high black stone tablet next to the martial arts platform, and said with a smile.

This black stele is called Juling Stele. It is made of a special ore from Shenzhou, and it can test the strength of monks in the Qi Gathering Realm.Although expensive, as long as the family has a little strength, it will always have one.

Hearing the second elder's words, Lin Hong took a step forward, a smile appeared on his handsome face.

"That kid, I'll make a fool of myself..."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he pressed his hand to the Spirit Gathering Tablet. At that moment, a suction force came from the stone tablet, sucking all the spiritual energy in his body.

Lin Hong's expression remained unchanged, as if he was used to this scene.

The next moment, the dark Juling Monument trembled suddenly, and then the light shone brightly. The pitch-black body of the monument gradually turned emerald green, crystal clear, like a piece of fine jade.

Only the top of the stele was left with a wisp of black.

"So strong..."

A gleam of surprise flashed in Lin Muyu's eyes.

Even Lin Tian, ​​who was next to him, couldn't help staring at this scene.

"Nine layers of energy gathering..."

Many important people in Yunyang City stared wide-eyed. Looking at this scene, they couldn't help but gasped. They didn't expect that Lin Hong's talent was so strong. One step away, you can step into the body training realm and become a real monk.

"This Lin family, after Lin Ao, there is another monster..."

The Patriarch of the Wang family and the others couldn't help but look solemn, and felt a pressure in their hearts.

If this situation continues, it won't be long before the so-called tripartite confrontation in Yunyang City may become the dominant family of the Lin family.

"Hahaha, last time I found a second-grade elixir, purple spirit grass, in the outskirts of the Yunyang Mountains. I thought it would be good if he could break through to the eighth level of energy gathering after taking it. I didn't expect this kid to be so upbeat. I have broken through to the Ninth Level of Qi Gathering."

Seeing the shocked crowd, the third elder laughed loudly, and the pride in his heart was unabashedly shown on his face.

"not bad."

The Second Elder stroked his beard, nodded with satisfaction with a smile, and asked, "Lin Hong, do you have anyone you want to challenge?"

Challenge is the most critical part of the Lin family's coming-of-age ceremony.

The disciples of the Lin family who have grown up today have the opportunity to challenge anyone.

As long as you are strong enough, you can even challenge Lin Longxiao.

And the challenged cannot refuse.

Hearing the second elder's words, Lin Hong looked around as if he had been prepared, paused at Lin Muyu, and finally jumped on Lin Tian next to him.

"I want to challenge... Lin Tian!"

Lin Hong slowly raised his hand, pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and said loudly.

The voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

In the next second, Lin Longxiao who was sitting on the high platform couldn't help shouting: "Lin Hong, what are you doing?!"

Looking at the gloomy Lin Longxiao, Lin Hong showed no fear on his face. He bowed slightly to him, saluted, and then smiled slightly: "Uncle, according to the family rules, I have the right to challenge anyone in the family. In the Lin family, who I don’t know, Brother Tian is so proud? I, Lin Hong, have long admired him, and today I just took the opportunity to learn something..."

Hearing this, Lin Longxiao's face was extremely gloomy, his hands on the grand teacher's chair were clenched tightly, with veins bulging faintly, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

In the entire Yunyang City, who doesn't know that Lin Tian has never practiced before, challenging him, isn't this bullying?
The point is, the Lin family still has a rule.

That is, in private, private fights are not allowed, but on the martial arts stage, life or death does not matter, as long as you don't admit defeat, even if you die on top, the elders will not be held accountable.

Although Lin Longxiao believed that Lin Hong didn't dare to kill Lin Tian yet, he could still do such things as cutting Lin Tian off, seriously injuring and humiliating him.

"How about it, Lin Tian, ​​do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Lin Hong pointed at Lin Tian with an arrogant and provocative look.

Lin Longxiao clenched his fists and stared at the third elder next to him.

The third elder god was there, ignoring Lin Longxiao's angry gaze, and looked at Lin Tian in the audience playfully, sneering in his heart.

He wanted to see what kind of expression Lin Longxiao, a father, would have after Lin Tian was trampled and humiliated by his grandson in front of so many people.

I don't know, when the time comes, will he still have the face to continue to sit in the position of the head of the Lin family.

Those big figures in Yunyang City who were invited to participate in this ceremony also looked at Lin Longxiao one after another, with weird expressions and a hint of playfulness. They did not expect to see such an interesting scene when they came to the Lin family today. It was really worth it OK.

(PS: The pretentious mode will start from Chapter 2, it’s not good to see you come and hit me, everyone remember to fasten your seat belts and drive~)

(End of this chapter)

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