Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 2 Yanyang Academy

Chapter 2 Yanyang Academy
"Lin Hong, don't bully others too much, if you want to hit me, I will fight you!"

Beside Lin Tian, ​​Lin Muyu blushed pretty and said angrily.

Lin Hong glanced at Lin Muyu's beautiful face, then looked at Lin Tian who was standing beside her, a flash of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he laughed strangely twice, and said, "Mu Yu, it is Lin Tian who I want to challenge , it has nothing to do with you, if you want to fight with me, you can challenge yourself later."

Lin Muyu was out of breath, and jumped onto the stage directly, her slender and fair palms were printed on the Juling Monument.

Soon, the Juling Monument burst into brilliance. Although it was not as good as Lin Hong, it was almost the same.

"Gathering eight layers of spirits..."

Everyone's eyes froze.

Even Lin Hong was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lin Muyu, and couldn't help but become more and more fiery.

A talented and beautiful girl like this should belong to him. Lin Tian, ​​that trash, what right does she have to be so close to her?

Outsiders are only guessing about Lin Tian's identity, but Lin Hong, as the Lin family, knows very well that Lin Tian is not his own at all.

The rumors from the outside world are all true.

Therefore, Lin Tian and Lin Muyu walked very close, which will inevitably make people feel uncomfortable.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, he is a fool, why should he get involved in the first talented girl of their Lin family?
"Elder, I want to challenge Lin Hong."

Lin Muyu pointed at Lin Hong and said angrily.

The Second Elder frowned slightly, then shook his head immediately: "Girl, this is against the rules. Lin Hong came up first, so he should be the first to initiate the challenge."

"If you want to challenge him, let's talk about it after it's over..."

Hearing this, Lin Muyu glared at Lin Hong angrily, gritted his teeth and warned, "Lin Hong, if you dare to hurt my brother, I will never end with you!"

After all, she stepped off the stage unwillingly, returned to Lin Tian, ​​and said in a low voice: "Brother, you will admit defeat when you go up later, remember?"

Lin Tian nodded again and again with a smirk on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Muyu's eyes became more worried.

Because she knew that Lin Tian didn't listen to her own words at all.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you still not coming up?"

Standing on the stage, Lin Hong shouted impatiently. Seeing Lin Muyu and Lin Tian being intimate, he was very upset. He couldn't wait to trample Lin Tian under his feet and humiliate him. Let Lin Muyu take a look. Heaven is not good enough for her, only myself is her good match.

"Lin Tian, ​​why don't you go up soon? Aren't you going to destroy the sky and the earth? Hurry up and kill brother Lin Hong, hahaha..."

Beside Lin Tian, ​​several young people booed and laughed.

"Shut up!"

Lin Muyu stared at them, her face was livid with anger, and her small breasts that had begun to take shape violently heaved.

Lin Longxiao's face was also extremely ugly, and at the moment he was not at all happy about the talent that Lin Muyu had just shown.

After all, his son has been bullied like this, who can be happy?

Under Lin Muyu's worried gaze and everyone's laughter, Lin Tian walked towards the martial arts stage with a smirk, ignorant.


Suddenly, at the moment when he was on the stage, Lin Tian roared, his face became ferocious, which shocked everyone.

"Pain, pain!!!"

Lin Tian covered his head, lay on the ground and rolled over, his head was aching as if he was struggling.

"Is this guy pretending to be sick?"

Seeing this scene, the head of the Wang family couldn't help laughing.

It is said that Lin Tian is a fool, why does he think that this guy seems to be extremely smart, and he actually knows how to pretend to be sick to avoid fighting.

The rest of the people also showed doubts, thinking that it was too coincidental that Lin Tian was ill.

Only Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu's expressions changed, and they rushed forward at the same time.

Lin Longxiao quickly took out a delicate jade bottle from his bosom, and poured out a delicate and small pill from it.

The pill has a medicinal fragrance, just taking a sip can make people feel calm and peaceful.

"Jing Xin Pill?"

Someone exclaimed and recognized the pill.

Except for the Lin family, no one thought that Lin Longxiao would take out such a treasure and give it to such a fool as Lin Tian.

Lin Longxiao ignored the shocked gazes around him, quickly fed the pill into Lin Tian's mouth, and fed two pills at a time, then looked at him quietly, with some worry on his brows.

Since he brought Lin Tian back, in the past 15 years, every August, he would go crazy once, with a splitting headache, as if he had been stimulated by something.

According to the genius doctor in Yanyang County, his brain should have been traumatized.

These elixirs were specially refined by the divine doctor for Lin Tian at the beginning. They are rare third-grade elixir. They are used when monks break through the ranks. They have extraordinary effects and are invaluable.

Since ten years ago, every time, Lin Tian needs to rely on Jingxin Dan to get through this day safely.

Only last year, Lin Longxiao discovered that even Jingxin Pill seemed unable to suppress Lin Tian’s pain, so he went to the doctor again, and learned that Lin Tian should be immune to this kind of elixir in his body. , you need Concentration Grass to suppress it.

It is precisely because of this that he went out to search for medicine, and finally offended a young master of a family who also needed the 'Concentrating Grass', and almost died outside, which also implicated the family.

"God, you have to hold on!"

Lin Longxiao looked at Lin Tian who was struggling on the ground with anxious expression, distressed but powerless.

Lin Muyu also shed tears in distress.

Although Lin Tian was a fool every day, he had absolutely nothing to say to her since he was a child, and gave her all good things.

Even because she likes to eat honey, she foolishly went to dig out the honeycomb by herself, and was almost stung to death by the bees in the end.

Lin Hong and the elders of the Lin family watched this scene quietly, indifferently, and even wished that Lin Tian would just die like this, but they coveted the Jingxin Pill in Lin Longxiao's hand.

Especially the Great Elder, who is now on the verge of breaking through.

If you can get the Jingxin Pill in Lin Longxiao's hand, at least there will be [-]% more chances.


Lin Tian's pain was not the same as before, and it ended with the effect of Jingxin Pill, but intensified.

It's just that no one noticed that his empty eyes would gradually become full of energy on this day.

It's just that in the past, this ray of expression was short-lived.

But today, Lin Tian's eyes became more and more solid, and even started to flicker.

But because of the pain, he mostly closed his eyes tightly so no one noticed.


With a scream, Lin Tian passed out and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Lin Longxiao looked solemn, ignored the others, picked up Lin Tian, ​​and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight after a few dodges.

Seeing this, Lin Hong couldn't help feeling a little regretful, he failed to challenge Lin Tian successfully, and couldn't beat him like a dead dog, trampling him on the ground.

Lin Tian was in a coma, and Lin Muyu naturally lost the mood to argue with Lin Hong. She glanced at Lin Hong coldly, then turned around and quickly chased Lin Longxiao away.

At this moment, an extraordinary young man in a white robe walked in, guided by a servant.

He glanced at everyone present, and asked lightly: "Who is in charge of the Lin family now?"

The Great Elder sitting on the high platform got up and asked indifferently: "The Patriarch just left for something, what can you do?"

"I am the inner court disciple of Yanyang Academy, Zhao Yu!"

The youth showed an identity token.

Seeing this, everyone was startled and looked at the young man in surprise.

Yanyang Academy is the only training school in Yanyang County, where all the talents of more than a dozen cities, big and small, gather in Yanyang County.

Among them, the inner courtyard is the place where only the arrogance of arrogance can enter.

Almost everyone who walks out of the inner courtyard of Yanyang Academy will become a famous figure everywhere.

In the future, as long as they don't die, their names will definitely be resounding in Yanyang County.

Lin Ao was cultivating in this inner courtyard, and it was precisely because of this that the status of the Lin family was able to rise from the weakest one to faintly above the other two major forces, becoming the leading force in Yunyang City.

"Little friend, I don't know why you came here this time?"

Seeing that it was someone from Yanyang Academy, the First Elder didn't dare to trust him any more, he hurriedly stepped down from the high platform, and came to the young man, his expression was no longer indifferent, but extremely enthusiastic.

"Don't be nervous, old man. I passed by here this time, but I heard from Senior Brother Lin that today is the time for their family to hold a coming-of-age ceremony. I was specially ordered by him to help come to the Lin family, pick a few people with outstanding talents, and bring them to Yanyang. Academy training."

The young man laughed.

Hearing this, the First Elder was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

The juniors of the Lin family were even more excited.

Yanyang Academy, this is their dream place.

It's a pity that, except for the annual spring and autumn, the college does not recruit students individually.

Unexpectedly, Brother Lin Ao was so generous that Yanyang Academy could recruit them in advance.

"Then thank you Xiaoyou Zhao, please, please..."

The Great Elder's smiling eyes were narrowed, his face was full of pride, and he led Zhao Yu to the high platform with his head held high, gave him his seat, and then sat in Lin Longxiao's seat.

Zhao Yu didn't refuse, just sat down, smiled and looked at the young people in the audience, racing against time to perform himself.

The big figures in Yunyang City who were invited saw the Elder Lin talking and laughing with Zhao Yu, and felt jealous in his heart.

In their family, there are also juniors who have entered Yanyang Academy, but unfortunately, no one has ever been treated like this.

Although, at this time, there is only one month left before Qiu Wei, and the talents of the juniors selected by the Lin family this time can basically be admitted to Yanyang Academy.

However, being able to be specially recruited in advance is a great honor compared to being admitted by oneself. I don't know how much face I have.

Lin Tian failed to challenge Lin Hong, and Lin Hong changed to a stronger disciple of the Lin family to challenge, with Qi Gathering Level [-], and both of them were favored by Zhao Yu.

In particular, the aptitude displayed by Lin Hong was judged by Zhao Yu, and he would definitely be able to enter the inner courtyard to practice within a year.

In this way, the Lin family has two inner disciples.

Moreover, Lin Muyu is not counted here. With the talent Lin Muyu showed just now, it may be a matter of time before he enters the inner courtyard.

You know, there are only dozens of inner disciples in Yanyang Academy.

Now, the Lin family has taken at least three of them.

The most important thing is that these big figures in Yunyang City, including the Lin family themselves, don't know that Lin Ao actually became one of the few direct disciples of Yanyang Academy as early as half a month ago.

You know, Yanyang Academy's identity as a direct disciple is comparable to that of ordinary elders of the academy, and the future is boundless.

If it weren't for this, Zhao Yu, who is also a disciple of the inner court, might not have come here in person.

At noon, Zhao Yu stayed in the Lin Mansion to attend the ceremony, then left in a hurry and returned to Yanyang College.

Before leaving, he left a token.

Anyone who is selected by him can go to Yanyang Academy to find him to sign up within three days.

On this day, under the eyes of countless people who envied and envied him, the Great Elder's face was flushed and full of vigor, while Lin Longxiao never showed his face again.


the next day.

Lin Mansion, Dongyuan.

Lin Muyu squatted in front of the bed, looked at Lin Tian who was lying on the bed with a frowning frown, caressed his delicate cheeks with a tender hand, her eyes were flushed, and murmured: "Brother, I'm going to the academy to study, in the future you Take care of yourself..."

Yesterday, although Lin Muyu didn't appear behind, everyone noticed the talent he showed.

Although the elders of the Lin family didn't like Lin Longxiao's deeds, and the elder of the Lin family even coveted the position of Patriarch, they didn't want to deal with Lin Muyu. After all, it was only a matter of time before she entered Yanyang Academy, so there was no need to deliberately stop her.

In addition, no matter in the eyes of the First Elder or the Third Elder, Lin Muyu is their best candidate for a grandson-in-law.

Therefore, she was naturally selected by Zhao Yu into Yanyang Academy.

"Brother, you must be good, remember me..."

Lin Muyu hugged Lin Tian reluctantly, and as he spoke, tears fell down uncontrollably, dripping on Lin Tian's face.

No one noticed that Lin Tian, ​​who had been in a coma and hadn't moved for a whole day, his fingers jumped at this moment.

"Mu Yu, it's time to go..."

Outside, came Lin Longxiao's somewhat helpless voice.

"Father, I'll come right away."

Lin Muyu replied, stood up and looked at Lin Tian reluctantly.

After hesitating for a moment, she seemed to have decided on something. She mustered up the courage to close her eyes, then bowed her head and kissed her.

With a light touch, Lin Muyu hurriedly jumped away with a red face, then turned and left.

When she reached the door, she couldn't help but turn her head again, looking at Lin Tian who was lying quietly on the bed with red eyes, her eyes were blurred, and she murmured: "Brother, if you remember me, come to Yanyang City to see me ..."

After all, Lin Muyu took a deep breath, and then opened the door to go out.

Lin Longxiao, who was waiting outside, glanced at Lin Tian lying inside, and then at Lin Muyu who looked gloomy, sighed, and said, "Mu Yu, don't worry, rest assured you can practice in the academy, I will take care of your brother Okay, big deal, I just don't want the position of the head of the family."

At the end, Lin Longxiao smiled carefreely.

Lin Muyu had a sore nose, looked at his father, and nodded heavily.

She also knew how much her father had endured for Lin Tian, ​​and half of his cultivation had already gone.

Otherwise, no matter how courageous Lin Hong is, he would not dare to challenge Lin Longxiao openly on the martial arts stage.

The two took one last look at Lin Tian who was lying quietly, closed the door gently, and left quietly.

At the moment when the door closed, Lin Tian, ​​who was originally unconscious, had a wry smile on his face.

"I didn't expect to be taken out of the formation as an abandoned baby while I was in deep sleep..."

Lin Tian sat up helplessly, and then cursed through gritted teeth: "Where did that damned dead dragon go? Let him guard me, but he threw me around. Could it be that while I was in a deep sleep, another Which female dragon did you find? What a whore, if I knew this, I should have castrated it in the first place!"

(PS: Brothers, have you got on the bus and sat still? The train is about to start!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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