Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 221 Hunting and killing 9 spirit foxes

Chapter 221 Hunting and killing the nine-tailed fox
The Resurrection Grass of Jiuqu Tiangong was stolen by someone, and this incident immediately caused a sensation in the Heavenly Spirit World.

After all, this is a quasi-imperial medicine!
Soon, another news came out.

The thief who stole the Resurrection Grass possessed the Nine Heavens peak movement technique, and he came from Thief Heaven Sect.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Spirit World was in an uproar.

Thieves Heaven Sect, although it is also a sect.

But this sect, in the heavenly spirit world, has only a name, without any foundation.

It is an existence that everyone shouts and beats.

If it weren't for its strong foundation, I'm afraid it would have been wiped out in history long ago.

Now, after several years, it has been dug up again, and everyone's memory has been awakened immediately.

All of a sudden, the entire heavenly spirit world began to search for traces of Chen Nuo.

I want to get back from him the lost things of the respective sects.

I even want to get that Nine Heavens Peak Movement Technique - so close to the end of the world.

Moreover, by the way, you can also take the Resurrection Grass in exchange for a favor from Jiuqu Tiangong, so why not do it.

Just as Chen Nuo was using various methods to shield Jiuqu Tiangong's detection methods and hide from XZ, another major event happened in the Tianling world.

It is rumored that someone saw a nine-tailed fox spirit active on the top of the Tianshan Mountain in the extreme north.
This time, everyone went crazy.

If it was a real nine-tailed fox, perhaps no one would dare to mess with it.

After all, this is only one step away from being able to rival the existence of real beasts.

It's a pity that this nine-tailed fox has only one demon spirit left.

This is equivalent to a real dragon losing its power and claws and falling in front of everyone.

Few people can resist this kind of temptation.

After all, the demon spirit of the nine-tailed fox is a great tonic.

Not to mention the emperor, even if a saint swallows it, the power of the soul can be greatly improved.

On this day, everyone flocked to the extreme north.

All major ethnic group forces sent people there one after another.

The attention of Lin Tian and Chen Nuo was greatly dispersed.

Just a few days later, another astonishing news came. Wanling City, in defiance of the world, blocked the footsteps of the Qilin Saint Clan on the top of Tianshan Mountain, and let the demon spirit of the nine-tailed fox go away.

This time, everyone was in an uproar.

"Even Wanling City has taken action. It seems that the rumors should be true. That nine-tailed fox is the one next to Wanling Tiandi. People in this world dare to take action against his spirit fox. It's really bold. ah!"

Some people can't help but sigh with emotion.

Hearing this, some people didn't take it seriously, "Is there anyone who is not bold? Now the Emperor Wanling can't protect himself. The major forces even have the courage to attack him. To him, the one who used to be What does it matter if Linghu makes a move?"

Hearing this, countless people couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking back to those days, what a majestic existence the Wanling Heavenly Emperor was.

In just a few short months, it has evolved into this.

A few days ago, on the coast of the East China Sea, after the group of saints attacked him, the reputation of the Emperor of Heaven plummeted.

Countless people have expressed doubts about his invincible reputation.

Many people began to think that Lin Tian, ​​the Emperor of All Souls, just had a good time, and there were not enough rising stars and geniuses, which made him dominate.

In fact, he is comparable to the strength of only the Emperor of Heaven, and he is not stronger than the Emperor of Heaven in other eras.

There are even conspiracy theorists who believe that the reason why Lin Tian, ​​the emperor of all spirits, can dominate an era is entirely because he is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and he acts domineeringly and fiercely, making the geniuses of the entire era fail to grow. Before getting up, kill directly.

In order to prove this statement, these people also took the matter of the Qilin Saint Clan as an example.

He believed that Lin Tian was deliberately provoking the Qilin Saint Clan, and then found an excuse to plunder the imperial medicine of his clan.

Regarding this statement, Wanling City and many believers in Lin Tian expressed their rebuttals one after another.

It's a pity that it's like a pair of invisible big hands are pushing the darkness. Not only has the matter not been explained clearly, but it has become darker and darker.

In just a few days, Lin Tian was scolded in the entire heaven and spirit world.

"Hehe, the way of faith?"

There was a 'pushing hand' who secretly pushed all of this. Seeing the chaos in the heaven and spirit world, he couldn't help but sneer.

In their eyes, Lin Tian relied on the power of faith to return to the peak.

Now that he has no faith, even if he uses methods against the heavens, it will be difficult for him to cause any big storms.

"Now the Emperor is standing on the cusp of the storm..."

Feng Qishan stood in Wanling City, looking at the imperial palace in the sky, muttering to himself, he couldn't hide the worry on his brows.

Now any fool can see that all the turmoil is heading towards Lin Tian.

As long as he shows up again, the spirit world may change immediately.

"Father, the Qilin Saints are still chasing the demon spirit of the nine-tailed fox, what should we do?"

Feng Qing'er came over and asked with a worried face.

Following Lin Tian, ​​their Wanling City is also in turmoil now.

The reason why no one has touched them now is entirely because those people feel that as long as Lin Tian is cleaned up, their Wanling City is not worth mentioning.

"Ten thousand years ago, we made a mistake once, this time, we can't do it again."

Feng Qishan looked up to the sky and sighed, and murmured: "Our Wanling City and the Emperor of Heaven are one body, one is prosperous and the other is damaged. Since the demon spirit of the nine-tailed fox is the person next to him, then we should take care of ourselves." Do everything you can to protect it.”

"I understand."

Feng Qing'er nodded slightly, then turned around to convey Feng Qishan's meaning.

Not long after, several real-life figures in Wanling City left the customs one after another and went to the sky, trying to stop the group of people from being rounded up.

It's a pity that although they tried their best, there are too many people who want the nine-tailed spirit fox demon spirit.

After several battles, two real people from Wanling City lost their lives.

It can be described as a serious injury.

As for the sages above the real people, although they all know what happened here.

But everyone maintained a tacit understanding, and no one dared to make a move.

Because for a powerhouse of their level, as long as they make a move, it must be an endless battle.

It's not a good thing for anyone.

Especially now, when the situation is still unclear and Lin Tiandu is not dead yet.

These people are more cautious.

"Father, I can't stop it..."

In Wanling City, Feng Qing'er found Feng Qishan again, her pretty face was full of exhaustion.

After just half a month of fighting, their Feng family had lost more than a dozen emperors, including several ancient emperors and holy emperors, not to mention, two real people fell.

In this difficult era for nearly a thousand years, except for Lin Tian's last shot.

This is the first time such a tragic war broke out in the heavenly spirit world.

It was almost impossible for Defeng's family to bear it.

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(End of this chapter)

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