Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 222 Lin Tian goes out, still strong

Chapter 222 Lin Tian goes out, still strong

"I'll go..."

After a long time, Feng Qishan sighed quietly and made a decision.

Almost all the strong men of the Feng family are almost dead now.

As the head of the Feng family, he is also the head of Wanling City.

At this time, if you don't make a move, I'm afraid people's hearts will be scattered.

However, upon hearing this, Feng Qing'er's eyes immediately turned red, and she kept shaking her head, not wanting Feng Qishan to go.

Because the current Tianshan Mountain is already stained red with blood.

Under the obstruction of Wanling City, the strong men of all major forces also turned red-eyed one after another.

If Feng Qishan went, no one would care about his status as the Lord of Wanling City.

After all, even Lin Tian has people who dare to attack him now.

What a big deal it is to attack the lord of the city lord of Wanling City.

Seeing Feng Qing'er with red eyes and sparkling eyes, Feng Qishan smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Qing'er, you will be fine as a father, you can stay in the city with peace of mind. Wait for the news."

Having said that, he raised his eyes and glanced at the east.

It has been a month and a half since Lin Tian disappeared.

I don't know when he will come back again.

"Presumably, the Emperor of Heaven must have a way to solve this encirclement, right?"

Feng Qishan murmured in his heart.

Even now, most of the entire heaven and spirit world are no longer optimistic about Lin Tian, ​​but Feng Qishan still believes that Lin Tian can turn the tide.

There is no other reason, just because he is the Emperor of All Souls.

It is the city of all souls, the supreme belief.

Even if the whole world speaks ill of him, this place will still be full of praise for him.

Feng Qishan left, took away the last batch of experts from Wanling City, and headed for Tianshan Mountain.

Not only to protect the demon spirit of the nine-tailed fox.

It is also to maintain the dignity of the Emperor of Heaven.

When this group of people came to Tianshan with the belief that they must die, the golden gate far away on the coast of the East China Sea opened again.

At this moment, countless people cast their eyes on the past.

All I saw was a white figure stepping out of the golden gate calmly, with a sharp-eyed crow standing on his shoulder.


Seeing this scene, the coast of the East China Sea, those cities that have been paying attention to this place all the time, suddenly boiled.

"It's the Heavenly Emperor of All Souls!!!"

Countless people exclaimed.

At the same time, looking at the disappearing golden gate, they all understood that those strong men who killed in before may have returned to heaven and earth long ago.

"This guy really has a backup..."

In the Nine-Aperture Kylin Cave, there is an ancestor of the kylin saint clan. After seeing this scene through the kylin ancient mirror, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help being afraid for a while.

If he had rushed in recklessly because of greed before, I am afraid that at this moment, he would disappear with that golden door forever.

"Hmph, I originally thought that this guy Wan Ling would hide in there for hundreds of years, at least to stabilize his strength before coming out. I didn't expect this guy to be so confident that he dared to go out at this time. He really didn't know what to do."

The mirror spirit of Qilin Ancient Mirror saw Lin Tian's appearance, and sneered again and again.

"Then shall we do it?"

The patriarch of the Qilin Saint Clan asked with some expectation.

"Wait, let others test his depth."

Even though he lost a big face in front of Lin Tian last time, the mirror spirit of Qilin Gujing is still very calm at the moment, and he is not in a hurry to act.

Not only him, but many people are also watching the changes.

Because they all know that sooner or later someone will not be able to resist Lin Tian.

For now, they just have to watch.

If you act early, you may not get any benefits.

On the contrary, it is easy for others to benefit from it.


Not long after Lin Tian walked out of the golden gate, before he was far away from the coast, a black shadow rushed towards us from a distance.

That familiar breath made Lin Tian pause.

Immediately, there was a strange cry, followed by it.

"Boss, help!"

Lin Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the person who came was none other than Chen Nuo.

It's just that the current Chen Nuo looks a bit embarrassed, with disheveled hair, tattered body, and the blood on his thigh is still blurred.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian was a little astonished, subconsciously ignored his address, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Before Chen Nuo had time to answer, there was a tyrannical aura from a distance, with a biting murderous aura, rushing towards him quickly.

Lin Tian immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that he was hunted down by someone.

He looked at the person who came, this is an old man in a gray Taoist robe, exuding the breath of Nirvana, he is a genuine real person.

"This person stole the quasi-emperor medicine from my Jiuqu Tiangong. His crime is unforgivable. I hope the Emperor of Heaven will hand him over to this old man."

The old man saluted Lin Tian, ​​and then asked for someone directly.

The etiquette seems to be in place, but the demeanor, any fool can see that there is no respect.

Hearing his words, Lin Tian was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nuo really got things done.

However, before he opened his mouth, the old man next to him continued to say: "Your Majesty, you are a person who is famous throughout the ages, but now you want to cover up this notorious thief?"

Hearing this questioning, Lin Tian was very upset, and subconsciously frowned.

"who are you?"

Lin Tian glanced coldly at the old man.

"The old man is the Jiuqu Tiangong, the Supreme Elder who is in charge of guarding this Resurrection Grass, this time he was ordered to come and catch this thief."

The old man pointed to Chen Nuo who was hiding behind Lin Tian and said.

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but sneered, and said with some self-deprecation: "In your eyes, is this seat so unbearable now? Even a small real person dares to show off his power in front of me, haha ..."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the old man didn't make a sound, but he couldn't hide the contempt in his eyes.

Now in the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm, no one knows that he, the Heavenly Emperor of All Souls, has long since lost his former courage.

Now, they can only rely on the treasure house left over from the past to kill people.

Out of there, out of Wanling City, he is not a fart.

Seeing the contempt in the old man's eyes, the sarcasm on Lin Tian's face became more intense, and he asked lightly: "If you say, what will happen if I don't make friends?"

"The Resurrection Grass is the treasure of our Jiuqu Tiangong. If the Emperor of Heaven is unwilling to return it, then our Jiuqu Tiangong will have to resort to extraordinary measures!" The old man replied disapprovingly.


Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but sneered, "Are you going to start a war with me?"

When the old man heard the words, he didn't make a sound, and acquiesced in noncommittal.

Seeing this, Lin Tian shook his head, with a sarcastic look on his face, and immediately made a move, grabbing the old man of Jiuqu Tiangong in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the old man's face changed drastically.

"God, what are you doing?"

He retreated in stature and shouted loudly.

"I didn't do anything, since you feel that you have the strength to fight with me, then let's fight!"

Lin Tian's expression was indifferent, and with just one palm, he was slapped to pieces amidst the real man's terrified roar.

After withdrawing his palm, Lin Tian looked towards the sky, knowing that there are countless Taoist spirits peeping here, and there must be Jiuqu Tiangong among them, so he was not afraid that the other party would not hear him, so he said lightly: "Jiuqu Tiangong, right? You want to start a war with me , this seat is waiting for you.”

After that, he turned around and walked towards the north.

Now that the Resurrection Grass is in place, he has also found other things from the treasure house. It is also time to resurrect the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, and then go to liquidate it.

(End of this chapter)

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