Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 227 Like God of War

Chapter 227 Like God of War
The two sides were evenly matched, and even under the intensive attack, Lin Tian faintly fell into a disadvantage, retreating non-stop, and retreated into the depths of the starry sky.

"Has another imperial war broke out?"

Excluding the Heavenly Spirit Realm, in the entire Nine Heavens, countless people were awakened by the movement from the starry sky, and they were startled by the endless fluctuations of the Emperor's War.

The strong man in Shenzhou is even more emotional.

Since the birth of the 'Tomb of Emperor Wu', there has been no peace in the whole nine days.

Every now and then, the aura of Emperor Realm emerges.

This time, it was even more clear.

Some people even opened their divine eyes and pierced through the void, trying to find the place of the great battle from the endless sky.

It's just that the big heavens are too far apart, and they can't observe them at all.

Float and fall in different places.

Therefore, no matter how strong a person is, they can only faintly see a sword light flashing in the dark depths of the universe, but they don't know where it is.

"Funeral Day!"

In the depths of the distant starry sky, Lin Tian shouted loudly.

Immediately, a sword set off a monstrous sea of ​​blood, and cut it out in an instant.

A quasi-emperor was caught off guard by Lin Tian, ​​who had been retreating steadily, and was instantly split into two halves.

"Come here for me!"

With one move, Lin Tian didn't stop for a moment, carrying the essence of this person's blood energy, he immediately retreated.

Immediately afterwards, several terrifying attacks followed one after another, landing on his previous position, blasting a big hole into the starry sky, forming a huge void vortex, filled with terrifying energy.

I'm afraid it won't dissipate for thousands of years.

"Everyone be careful, gather as much as possible, and don't give him any chance to kill."

Snow Emperor shouted loudly.

Although they seemed to have the upper hand, they kept chasing Lin Tian.

But in fact, apart from retreating, Lin Tian didn't suffer any harm.

On the contrary, during this period, the four of them had been killed, and their aura became more terrifying.

However, at this time, after devouring the power of the quasi-emperor and the imperial weapon in his hand, although Lin Tian's strength has not yet returned to the peak, he has already stepped into the emperor's realm again. God, nature is no longer afraid.


Lin Tian directly held the sword and killed him head-on.

This move surprised everyone.

Immediately, everyone sneered.

"Confidence is a good thing, but if you are too confident, you will die!"

The ancestor of Qilin sneered again and again, and the ancient Qilin mirror in his hand, with overwhelming power, went directly towards Lin Tianzhao.

A more terrifying battle broke out here.

Lin Tian's sword flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

The more you fight, the more courageous you become, and the more you fight, the stronger your breath becomes.

There was holy blood spilling in the starry sky, and the quasi-emperor was roaring.

The faces of the Snow Empress and the commoner old man are even more ugly now.

They found that their group was suppressed by Lin Tian alone.

"What did I see? The Heavenly Emperor of All Souls actually came back?!"

In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, someone stared at the starry sky with horror on their faces.

Everyone had disbelief written all over their faces.

In their eyes, this is almost a doomsday situation.

They never thought that Lin Tian could turn defeat into victory.

All they thought about was how long Lin Tian could last with the help of so many terrifying powerhouses.

At the beginning, things were indeed developing in the direction they expected.

Lin Tian was hunted down to the depths of the starry sky by Snow Emperor and his party.

But now, what did they see?
Lin Tian used his own power to fight against seven or eight people, step by step, and killed them from the depths of the starry sky, like an invincible god of war, constantly attacking.

The sword light of that sword after sword shook everyone's minds.

Suddenly, a bloody sword light flashed across.

Immediately afterwards, a few drops of dark green blood flew out from the clothed old man, radiating bright rays of light, sprinkled in the starry sky, caught by Lin Tian, ​​and took away all the essence.

"The Corpse Emperor is injured!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Heavenly Spirit Realm couldn't help but exclaim.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian not only slowly gained the upper hand, but also so fast that he hurt the corpse emperor.

You know, this one is not comparable to people like Qilin Sacred Ancestor.

He was a true emperor.

Even if he cut himself off now, his strength is far superior to them.

Go straight to the real emperor.

But Lin Tian, ​​under the siege of everyone, also injured the corpse emperor.

So how scary is he?
"The Emperor of he really out of shape?"

Someone couldn't help but make a sound, the voice trembling.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words.

If this is not considered to be in the state, then how terrifying is it when Lin Tian is in excellent state?
In the starry sky, another person fell.

Some people have already started to fear, have the intention to withdraw, and want to leave.

Including the ancestor of Qilin, they are all beating drums in their hearts.

It's just that they are all people with a family and a family, and they can run away from a monk but not a temple.

Once they are invincible, they are defeated here.

The forces behind them will be destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, they cannot retreat, nor dare to retreat.

I can only grit my teeth and kill.

The same is true for the ancestor of Jiuqu Tiangong.

Looking at the people who continued to kill, Lin Tian sneered, "Today, I will use your blood to carve formation patterns!"

After all, he took the sword and killed him again.

Duofang and Lin Tian got entangled.

The speed of fighting is also getting faster and faster.

In the end, only Shidi and Xuedi were enough to keep up.

The rest of the people became extremely exhausted.


Another sword light slashed across.

The venerable who came out from the depths of the snow mountain exploded instantly.

He also seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The moment his body exploded, his spirit rushed into the void, trying to escape, but was dragged back by Lin Tian, ​​who reacted faster.

"This old man lost his head and offended the Emperor of Heaven, and hoped that the Emperor of Heaven would save me, an old fool, with my life. This old man is willing to be a servant for generations!"

This venerable who was infinitely close to the emperor no longer had his incomparable appearance at the beginning, with a terrified expression, afraid that Lin Tian would swallow him in one gulp and turn him into a supply.

It's a pity that facing this person's begging for mercy, Lin Tian's face remained unchanged, and he directly shattered the spirit, then waved his hands to gather the power together, and then began to carve formations in the void.

He wants to use blood as a sacrifice, and directly use the souls and blood of these people to awaken the true spirit of the nine-tailed fox.

"He wants to use us as a guide!"

The corpse emperor saw Lin Tian's purpose at a glance, and couldn't help being furious.

Xue Di's face was also extremely ugly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian was so defiant that he regarded them as a kind of sacrificial tribute.

Everyone started to attack Lin Tian again.

Terrifying attacks kept interrupting Lin Tian's formation.

Lin Tian was not annoyed, he still went his own way.

At this moment, the Qilin ancestor who had not moved for a long time suddenly struck Lin Tian from behind, causing Lin Tian's face to change in shock.

Seeing this, Xue Di and the others knew that their chance had come.


The Corpse Emperor and the Snow Emperor shouted at the same time, their auras suddenly became stronger to the peak, and the weapons in their hands erupted into a radiant light.

Without the power of God, it broke out completely.

Just like Lin Tian's sword to bury the sky, the Corpse Emperor and Snow Emperor also struck out their ultimate blows.

The holy ancestors of Jiuqu Tiangong also wielded the ultimate emperor soldiers of their Tiangong, and struck a brilliant blow.

Several tyrannical attacks locked Lin Tian's position, stuck him in the middle, and made him have nowhere to escape, only to resist.

After the attack, the corpse emperor and others, seeing this scene, sneered again and again.

Arrogant people, no matter how powerful they are, are often the easiest to die!

 Chapter 4 is a little bit Calvin, let's update it at [-] o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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