Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 228 is finally dead...

Chapter 228 Finally Dead... (Fourth update, please recommend!)

At this time, Lin Tian's face changed drastically, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

"Everything... stands still..."

A long voice spit out from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the Wan Ling Emperor Sword flew out.

At that moment, the corpse emperor's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to retreat, but found that he couldn't move at all.

By the time he was able to move, the Wanling Emperor Sword had already arrived in front of him.

"Go away!!!"

The corpse emperor shouted loudly, and his body twisted instantly, avoiding the vital point.

In an instant, the Wan Ling Emperor sword slashed.

The small half of the corpse emperor's body was cut open immediately.

He didn't care about these at all, and quickly retreated with the remaining half of his body.

Precious light shone on his body, and soon, a new physical body swelled out again.

At his level, as long as his soul is immortal and his heart is not broken, he can immediately recast his body.

Of course, the more serious the injury, the more life essence wasted after recovery, but it was extremely huge.

It is equivalent to taking life to recast the body.

Xue Di was also taken aback by this momentary change, and looked at the pale Corpse Emperor, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

If the Corpse Emperor hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he might have been beheaded by Lin Tian on the spot by now.

"The Emperor of Heaven is still the Emperor of Heaven..."

Xue Di suddenly thought in his heart, and regretted making the move.

But there was no turning back when they opened the bow, and the matter had come to this point, and they had no way out except to kill Lin Tian.

The effect of the static stele on Xuedi and his group is only for that moment.

After that, it has no effect anymore.

At the moment when Lin Tian slashed at the corpse emperor with a sword, the fixed attack loosened again and submerged towards him.

However, this momentary pause also bought enough time for Lin Tian.

He had rushed out before the attack came.

Just when he was about to pursue the victory, several terrifying magical powers, with endless destructive aura, shocked the entire heaven and spirit world, shot out from the sea of ​​death, and came behind Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

Although Lin Tian had long been prepared for this place.

However, he never expected that the forbidden land, which has always been silent, would choose to do it at this moment.

At this time, he was at the time when he was relaxed, and it was also the moment when his defense was weakest.

The Wanling Emperor sword flew out when it was already cutting towards the Corpse Emperor, but has not yet returned.

"I'm careless..."

A trace of solemnity flashed in Lin Tian's eyes, then he turned around quickly and greeted him with his physical strength.

In an instant, Lin Tian was completely engulfed by those rays of divine light.

The endless starry sky, at this moment, is extremely bright.

Everyone in the Heavenly Spirit Realm couldn't help closing their eyes.

Even the Snow Emperor and the Corpse Emperor couldn't help retreating.

This fluctuation is too terrifying, comparable to a joint attack by several heavenly emperors.

Even in their heyday, they couldn't bear it.

Perhaps, only Lin Tian in his heyday, the mighty Heavenly Emperor of Myriad Souls who overwhelmed the creatures in the forbidden land and dared not fight, had a chance to resist.

It's just a pity that although Lin Tian is not weak now, compared to his heyday, he is still far behind.

Otherwise, killing them would be as easy as killing a chicken.

As the Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor who survived the same era as Lin Tian, ​​they are very clear about this.


Looking at the dazzling light group in front of them, Xuedi and Corpse Emperor looked at each other in dismay, and at the same time felt a little regretful that they could not kill Lin Tian with their own hands.

The ancestors of Qilin and Jiuqu Tiangong were full of joy.

I feel that the creatures in the forbidden land are at the right time to make a move.

Otherwise, if the fight continues, God knows what the result will be.

Even if the Snow Emperor and the Corpse Emperor are sublimated to the utmost, they may not be able to win Lin Tian.

"The Emperor of Heaven...has fallen?"

In the heavenly spirit world, someone asked tremblingly.


Someone looked at the starry sky and replied uncertainly, his face was full of embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a result in the end.

Feng Qishan forcibly opened his eyes, looked at the dazzling light ball, his face was extremely pale, and he clenched his fists.

In this short period of time, it can be said that he has experienced too many ups and downs.

From Lin Tian being weak to being besieged.

His heart sank to the bottom.

Until later, Lin Tian came out of the starry sky fiercely.

This made Feng Qishan's heart suddenly alive and excited.

I feel that the Heavenly Emperor in my mind is back again!
It wasn't until before, when the Qilin ancestor made a sneak attack, and Xuedi, Corpse Emperor and others hit the strongest blows one after another, that Feng Qishan sweated for Lin Tian again. Even he felt that Lin Tian was underestimated.

Unexpectedly, with just a blink of an eye, things started to reverse.

Lin Tian not only had nothing to do, but also chopped off half of the corpse emperor's body and escaped.

This made Feng Qishan extremely excited.

But just when he was so excited that he couldn't help shouting, the scene in front of him appeared again.

Feng Qishan clutched his chest, he felt that if he was not a holy emperor, this series of ups and downs would be enough to cause him to die suddenly on the spot.

"My son is invincible, he is invincible..."

Xiao Hei muttered to himself, staring at the sky, refusing to move away.

Even it, which is extremely confident in Lin Tian, ​​still can't help but worry about him at this moment.

After all, the ones who did it just now were all terrifying existences in the forbidden area.

The dazzling light gradually dissipated.

Everyone held their breath.

The same is true for Xue Di and others.

When the light ball dissipated completely, there was only a bottomless black hole left in Lin Tian's position just now, and the sharp light of the void flowed in it, and his aura, also here, gradually dissipated.

Feng Qishan's eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground.

Little Hei's eyes were also full of shock, and he couldn't believe it.

"My son will not fall, he is invincible, even the Dao of Heaven can only tremble in front of him!"

Xiao Hei screamed like crazy, flapping his wings to rush to the starry sky.

But its strength is too weak to break through the barrier and go to the starry sky.


Only Chen Nuo stood there blankly, his face full of doubts.

Just now, he also felt that Lin Tian would fall on the spot.

Because the ball of light in his mind almost exploded just now.

But soon, it stabilized again.

It stands to reason that Lin Tian should not be dead.

But he didn't die, where did he go?
Chen Nuo was very puzzled.

"Has a generation of legends just fallen like this?"

In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, everyone couldn't help but speak out in a daze, with extremely complicated emotions in their hearts.

In an instant, the Wanling Emperor Sword in the starry sky was extremely bright. With overwhelming anger, it directly ignored Xuedi and the others, turned into a stream of light, and slashed towards the sea of ​​death on the edge of the heavenly spirit world.

"The emperor soldier is angry, that invincible guy should be dead..."

Xuedi, Corpse Emperor and the others looked at each other when they saw this scene, and they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.

The Wanling Emperor Sword that exploded completely was no less powerful than a great emperor.

It directly turned the sea of ​​death upside down.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, cutting all the way.

"Even your master died in our hands, what kind of storm can you stir up with this mere weapon?"

In the sea of ​​death, there was a disdainful cold snort, and then I saw a big hand that covered the sky condensed from the pitch-black sea water, soaring into the sky, and grabbed the Wanling Emperor Sword, "Since you are here, stay Here it is!"


A faint sound came out from the Wanling Emperor Sword, the sword body trembled, with infinite killing intent, it turned into a stream of light, and collided with the big hand condensed by sea water.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Spirit World shook.

The emperor's power was so powerful that it felt as if countless people had been hit in the chest from a distance, and they couldn't help but stop breathing.

The Wanling Emperor Sword finally came out from that big hand.

But there was another big hand and patted it.

Immediately, the Wanling Emperor Sword flew out, piercing through a mountain.

Immediately afterwards, that big hand flew out of the sea of ​​death, trying to snatch the Wanling Emperor Sword.

After all, the materials used to make this sword are extremely precious.

Even their existence cannot be ignored.

But at this moment, there was a loud shout in the starry sky: "If you want something from this seat, have you thought about how to die?"

Everyone was shocked by this voice.

Xiao Hei raised his head in astonishment, countless surprises burst out of his red eyes, he looked at the starry sky, and said excitedly: "I knew it, I knew it..."

Snow Emperor, Corpse Emperor and others above the starry sky were also full of astonishment.

They searched for their reputation, and saw a figure slowly stepping out of the incomparably deep void, wrapped in white flames.

He raised his head slowly, his pale face was extremely indifferent.

In the eyes, there is a cold light surging, reflecting a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

A terrifying breath slowly spread from the soles of his feet.

The starry sky began to tremble violently.

The sky is full of stars, so sad.

The Heavenly Emperor of All Souls who shocked the nine heavens...

It's back!

Not only did he not die from the blow just now, but he became even more tyrannical.

The breath seemed to be even more terrifying than that of him in his heyday millions of years ago.

Under this terrifying coercion, Xuedi and Corpse Emperor looked at each other, and their hearts couldn't help shaking violently.

 come on, come on~
(End of this chapter)

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