Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 229 One Eye Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 229

"You... want to kill me?"

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to people like Xuedi at all, and swept his eyes straight towards the sea of ​​death. The moment his voice fell, the calm sea of ​​death exploded again and again in an instant, setting off huge waves.

This time, Lin Tian was really angry.

If it wasn't for his coincidence, when he opened up the second meridian, he cultivated the ability of the undead phoenix.

No matter how strong his spirit power is, and there is a soul-suppressing tablet guarding him, the blow just now is enough for him to drink a pot.

At least, this body must be ruined and needs to be rebuilt.

It doesn't take a hundred years to slow down at all.

"It seems that you have forgotten about the burial of gods and demons millions of years ago..."

Without waiting for the response from the existence of the sea of ​​death, Lin Tian spoke again, his voice was cold, his figure stepped out of the void, his breath continued to soar, a long river full of the breath of time, meandering from the depths of the starry sky, falling At the foot of Lin Tian.

"Is this the power of time?"

Seeing this scene, the faces of Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor paled in horror.

If we say, what power is the most terrifying in this world.

Time is definitely ranked first.

No matter how magnificent you are, in the face of time, you will be powerless to resist.

Only by the passage of time, the years are getting old.

The two of them did not expect that Lin Tian still possessed this kind of power.

Qilin Sacred Ancestor and the others were also horrified, and they turned pale with shock: "It turned out to be the power of time. Isn't this the power that is said to be controlled by immortals? Could it be that he really became an immortal?"

In the world of all spirits, everyone was full of horror.

In an instant, the sea of ​​death was covered with a layer of dignified atmosphere.

However, Lin Tian hadn't made a move yet, but the Qilin ancestor above the starry sky couldn't help it, and made the first move.

There is no way, Lin Tian's performance is too strong.

Strong enough to make them feel intense fear and anxiety.

If I feel that if I don't do it, I am afraid that I will not have any chance.

Seeing the movement of the Qilin ancestor, Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor also came to their senses one after another, and shot at the same time, pouring all the strength into their bodies.

Several imperial soldiers suddenly shone brightly, bursting out with incomparable power again.

It looked like it was about to shatter the starry sky.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help snorting coldly.

I saw that his expression was indifferent, and with a glance, all these attacks exploded halfway, and they couldn't fall on him at all.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Is that too strong?"

Seeing this scene, countless people in the Heavenly Spirit Realm couldn't help but gape, their faces full of shock.

No one thought that with so many attacks, they couldn't match Lin Tian with a single glance.


The Snow Emperor and the Corpse Emperor looked at each other, and they couldn't help but panic for a while.


Without thinking too much, Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor immediately turned around and fled towards the depths of the starry sky.

Anyway, they are lonely and widowed, and now they don't have any foundation in the heavenly spirit world, so they leave as soon as they leave.

The world is so big, if you find a place to hide, Lin Tian may not be able to find them.

But as soon as they left, Qilin Shengzu and others would be miserable.

Almost all of them dragged their families along, unable to leave even if they wanted to.

Seeing Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor abandoning them and running away on their own, they couldn't help scolding their mothers.

"These two sons of bitches!"

The Qilin ancestor even yelled curses, jumped his feet in anger, and his voice pierced through the entire starry sky, without any image at all.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura came out from the depths of the starry sky, and a long ruler was seen, blocking the two people who fled far away, the Snow Emperor and the Corpse Emperor.

"Thieves the sky to help the Heavenly Emperor!"

The long ruler breathed out the black and yellow air, and a phantom gradually condensed in the starry sky.

"Is it Thief Heaven Great Emperor?!"

Everyone was surprised.

Surprised by the appearance of this ruler.

Especially Chen Nuo in the Heavenly Spirit Realm was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Unexpectedly, his grand master would manifest at this time.

Moreover, he also brought Xuanhuang Chi, his natal emperor soldier.

You know, this imperial weapon has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years.

If it weren't for this, people in the Heavenly Spirit Realm wouldn't dare to steal the Heavenly Sect against them, and everyone would shout and beat them.

"It seems that the Heavenly Emperor really has something to do with my master..."

Chen Nuo recalled what Lin Tian had said to him back then, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Taotian, you are just a remnant spirit now, how dare you stop me?"

Seeing the imperial soldier blocking the way in front of them, Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor looked ugly and couldn't help roaring.

The young scholar who was gradually condensed in the dark and yellow atmosphere couldn't help but smile lightly when he heard this, "Although I'm just a crippled spirit now, but you've also cut yourself, so why don't you dare to stop me?"

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, Snow Emperor and Corpse Emperor's expressions were gloomy, and they shot at the same time.

The war broke out in an instant.

At this moment, another terrifying breath revived from the heavenly spirit world.

In Daolin City, a young man in a Taoist robe, with a book made of stone on his head, soared into the sky.

In the book, there is a terrifying aura of avenues, shaking the heavens and the earth.

"This is the imperial soldier of Daolin City, the Daoist Book of Heaven!"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing this terrifying weapon.

"But who is this young man?"

Someone was puzzled and couldn't help asking.

At this moment, the young man who soared into the sky let out a long cry, "The forbidden area is domineering, Daolin is ordered by my father to come to help the Emperor of Heaven in a battle, please calm down the forbidden area."

Hearing this, everyone reacted.

"Is this the son of Emperor Daolin?"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the figure rushing towards the starry sky.

Unexpectedly, there is such a person alive in Daolincheng.

"Okay, I'll leave those two to you!"

Lin Tian nodded, and then looked towards Qilin Sacred Ancestor and the others.

In an instant, a terrifying power of time shrouded them, and the years kept passing by.

In an instant, a few of them became old without knowing how much.

Lives are being lost rapidly.

Qilin Sacred Ancestor and the others turned pale with fright, and their spiritual power surged out, wanting to resist.

Unfortunately, their strength is really too weak.

Haven't become emperor yet.

In front of Lin Tian, ​​it is not worth mentioning at all.

To counteract this power of time is simply a fantasy.

In addition, they have lived from a distant era to the present, and they don't have much longevity to say.

Therefore, in just a moment, these saint ancestors and quasi-emperors were all reduced to dry bones in Lin Tian's eyes.

Everyone in the Heavenly Spirit Realm couldn't help trembling when they saw this scene.

Feel the terror of the power of time.

"One glance at ten thousand years is really one glance at ten thousand years!"

There was an ancient existence, and said in a trembling voice, thankful that he controlled his greed and did not attack Lin Tian.

Otherwise, the dead must also have his share.

The ancient unicorn mirror and the ultimate weapon of the Jiuqu Tiangong felt the crisis, and the true spirit of the emperor contained in it immediately revived, the divine light was bright, and the emperor was mighty.

However, they were not prepared to go to war, and without even thinking about it, they directly abandoned the members of the clan and fled into the void in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the ancestor of Qilin and the powerhouse of Jiuqu Tiangong couldn't help but despair.

(End of this chapter)

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