Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 238 Turn defeat into victory?

Chapter 238 Turn defeat into victory? (Happy New Year)

Hearing this, Zixuan stopped talking back.

Because she also knew that Lin Tian was telling the truth.

Therefore, she no longer struggled with where Lin Tian's technique came from, and she learned it first.

this night.

In the courtyard, every once in a while, there will be an explosion, and the sound is loud.

Fortunately, Lin Tian had already asked Xiao Hei to seal off the yard.

Otherwise, people like Chen Nuolan and Elder He might be alarmed immediately.

This is not what Lin Tian wants to see.


Just when Lin Tian asked Chen Nuo to change to a new pot of tea, there was another loud noise not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind rushed in all directions with a fiery breath.

Xiao Hei, who had been prepared for a long time, flapped his wings, and instantly dispersed the air current.

Ginkgo leaves are rolled all over the sky.

Then it gradually fell to the ground, revealing that petite figure.

"Brother Lin, look, I succeeded, I succeeded!"

Zixuan was holding a round red elixir, bouncing up and down, happily walking towards Lin Tian, ​​that pretty face that was originally fair and clean, now seemed to be covered with a layer of pot ash, the dancing appearance, It looks ridiculous.


Chen Nuo, who was pouring tea, couldn't help laughing.

Lin Tian couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing the two of them like this, Zixuan paused first, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Then, she seemed to realize something, and couldn't help touching her face.

Then he looked at the black layer of medicine ash on his hand, and couldn't help screaming, then covered his face in shame and anger, and rushed towards the next room screaming strangely.

Women love beauty, even if Zixuan is not old, she is still a little girl now, no exception.

When she was in the room, looking at her dark face, she almost cried out of anger.

"Why are they doing this? I don't know to remind me."

Sitting in front of the mirror, Zixuan couldn't help stamping her feet.

"What's the use of reminding you? Before you succeed, you will be like this sooner or later. It's better to just let it go...Okay, hurry up and wash your face, let me see how you get it."

Lin Tian sat under the ginkgo tree, bathed in the moonlight, and sipped the special spirit tea made by Yaoshen Valley. Hearing Zixuan's words, he couldn't help but speak slowly.

The sound spread into the wing room, although Zixuan still had some resentment in her heart, she didn't continue to hide.

He jumped out quickly, ran to the well behind the yard, and washed his face.

Then, with her mouth flattened, she came to Lin Tian, ​​and handed over the red pill she was holding in her palm.

Lin Tian leaned on the rocking chair, just raised his eyes slightly, glanced at it, and said: "Well, the color is good, and it is only one step away from becoming a pill. There should be no problem with tomorrow's refining meeting. The rest of the time , just take a good rest, think back to the success just now, and see if there is anything else that can be done better."

Hearing this, Zixuan nodded repeatedly, not daring to talk back like before.

Because after tonight, Lin Tian's teaching and guidance.

She has already deeply understood that this seemingly weak and lazy young man in front of her is actually a master of alchemy.

Even if it is not at the master level, but relying on the method of frying furnaces, it is possible to refine a master-level real person treasure pill.

In the Tianshi world, he can definitely be regarded as a master.

However, what makes Zixuan a little puzzled is why such a powerful person like Lin Tian has no reputation at all in the Tianshi world.

"Brother Lin, why don't you participate in tomorrow's medicine refining meeting instead of our Medicine God Valley? This way, it is safer, and, with your ability, I believe that you will definitely be able to make a big splash in tomorrow's meeting. The splendor shocked the entire Amethyst Stone Kingdom."

Zixuan rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Tian with splendor, wanting him to make a direct move.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian has no interest in this at all.

He lay on the rocking chair, closed his eyes enjoying himself, while drinking tea, he said: "Sorry, it's too easy to win you, I really have no interest..."

Zixuan couldn't help being speechless after hearing the words.

Because Lin Tian's words seem to be very arrogant, yes.

If it was placed before tonight, Zixuan would definitely not be able to bear it.

But now, after experiencing Lin Tian's guidance, Zi Xuan understands that Lin Tian is not arrogant, but is stating a fact.

"All right……"

After hesitating for a moment, Zixuan finally gave up the idea of ​​letting Lin Tian play.

Because she also saw that the young man in front of her, who was not much older than her, was not like other people who valued things like reputation very much. He seemed to not care about it at all.

It's like an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, and has already looked down on these things.

"What a strange guy."

Glancing at Lin Tian, ​​who was resting on the rocking chair without any youthful vigor, Zixuan couldn't help but muttered in her heart, and then sat beside her, randomly finding an open space, and under this huge ginkgo tree, aftertaste with previous results.

Time seems to pass very slowly.

But in the blink of an eye it was dawn.

"Zi Xuan……"

Just after dawn, Chen Nuolan and Elder He came to Lin Tian's courtyard.

It's just that Chen Nuolan's face looks a little haggard.

Obviously, last night, she had a very difficult time.

Hearing her mother's voice, Zixuan opened her eyes and responded.

"Little friend Lin, how are you doing?"

Chen Nuolan nodded to Zixuan, then looked at Lin Tian who was lying beside her and asked.

"Chen Guzhu, I have already taught what should be taught. If you are confident, you have to ask your daughter. After all, it is she who is going to compete, not me."

Lin Tian sat up, shook his head and smiled.

Hearing this, Chen Nuolan couldn't help being taken aback, and then looked at Zixuan curiously.

Before she could open her mouth, Zixuan gave full play to the vitality of the young man and rushed to say: "Mom, today's medicine refining conference, the champion is definitely mine!"


Seeing her daughter's serious expression and extremely confident appearance, Chen Nuolan was a little taken aback.

I don't know what happened here last night, which made her, a daughter who had no hope at all, become so confident.

"Zixuan, are you serious?"

After a while, Chen Nuolan came back to his senses, looked at Zixuan in surprise, still couldn't believe it in his heart, Lin Tian was able to wipe out a second-grade alchemy master in just one night. The gap between him and the ninth-rank alchemy master.

After all, such a thing is really incredible.

It would be a miracle if it were possible.

But, how can there be so many miracles in this world?
She agreed at that time to let Lin Tian teach Zixuan, but in fact, she just liked the promise Lin Tian made, and she was willing to take Zixuan away after the defeat of Medicine God Valley.

He never thought that Lin Tian could help the disadvantaged Yaoshen Valley to turn defeat into victory.

 It's late, it's late~
  But today the two shifts are finally here, and tomorrow's time is relatively loose, let's see if there is a chance for the third shift.

  If so, I'll definitely add more.

  There is no way to slow down during this period, after all, it is Chinese New Year.

  It's hard for everyone.

  But I remember these missing updates, and I will definitely make them up.

(End of this chapter)

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