Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 239 Arrogant Stone People

Chapter 239 Arrogant Stone People
"Mother, you have to believe in me, I am really sure to win the championship!"

Seeing that her mother didn't seem to trust her very much, Zixuan suddenly became anxious.

"Okay, I believe you."

Chen Nolan said helplessly.

Although she didn't know what ecstasy soup Lin Tian gave her daughter, it greatly boosted her confidence.

But she also knew that by now, she had no way out.

Can only choose to believe.

Anyway, she had already prepared for the worst.

Therefore, whether Zixuan can win or not, Chen Nuolan doesn't really care much about it.

"Okay, it's almost time now, if you drag it on, you'll be late."

Chen Nuolan glanced at the slowly rising sun, and then said to Lin Tian, ​​"Xiaoyou Lin, let's go together?"

"Okay, I happen to be fine."

Lin Tian nodded and agreed.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Chen Nuolan, Lin Tian and others boarded a flying boat.

The disciples of Medicine God Valley, as well as other elders, have been waiting here for a long time.

After Chen Nuolan, Zixuan, Lin Tian and others boarded the boat, they immediately turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the direction of the rising sun, heading straight for the imperial capital of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom, Amethyst Stone City.

This flying boat is very small.

It is a miniature version of those large warships in China.

Sit up, not very comfortable.

But the advantage is that it is fast.

As long as there are enough spirit stones, it won't even be much slower than Xiao Hei's speed.

Thousands of miles away, it only took half an hour.

Soon, Lin Tian and others saw the big purple city under the clouds and mist ahead.

"This is the Amethyst Stone City..."

Elder He looked at the large-scale city in front of him, sighed softly, and then the flying boat quickly descended, and finally stopped at the gate of the city. Everyone jumped off the flying boat and entered the city on foot.

After all, this is the imperial city of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

Flying in, the provocation is too strong.

People from Medicine God Valley dare not do such a thing.

"Lin Xiaoyou, how does this Amethyst Stone City compare to your Hunyuan Stone Kingdom's imperial city?"

After entering the city, Elder He asked curiously.

The Hunyuan Stone Country is also a well-known big country in the Tianshi world.

However, the distance is too far, none of them have been there.

However, Elder He asked Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian didn't know.

Because it has been too long since he came to Tianshi Realm last time.

Not to mention Hunyuan Stone Country.

He had long forgotten when was the last time he went there.

As for the size of the Hunyuan Stone Kingdom's imperial city, it has long been forgotten.

"Well... more or less the same."

Lin Tian groaned and answered casually without blushing.

Elder He nodded when he heard the words, but did not raise any doubts.

Because the status of the Amethyst Stone Country and the Hunyuan Stone Country in the world of Tianshi is similar.

All top countries.

Therefore, the imperial city is almost the same, and it is normal.

Several people chatted one after another, and then walked towards the innermost part of Amethyst Stone City.

That is the direction of the imperial city.

Every refining conference will be held in front of the gate of the imperial city, in a square that can accommodate 10,000+ people.

The Stone Emperor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom will also come out to watch the ceremony.

When Chen Nuolan and others came to the square, the center of the square was already full of furnaces.

In the air, everywhere is filled with fiery breath.

There was a lot of people around, and it was very lively.

"People from Medicine God Valley are here..."

Chen Nuolan and his party also caused quite a commotion the moment they arrived.

Many people looked sideways and looked over.

Although Medicine God Valley is not big, its strength is not strong either.

But in the Amethyst Stone Country, the reputation is not small.

Especially in a scene like this, it is the focus of everyone's attention.

After all, compared to refining medicine, there are really few forces in the entire Amethyst Stone Kingdom, who are the opponents of Medicine God Valley.

What's more, this time, the Amethyst Stone Country deliberately changed the rules for the God of Medicine Valley.

It's hard for everyone not to pay attention to them.

"I heard that the little girl in the God of Medicine Valley is extremely talented and has a unique bloodline. She became a second-rank alchemy master at a young age, but the Emperor Stone took a fancy to her and planned to marry her to the Second Prince. "

"I've heard about this too, but it's just that Medicine God Valley doesn't seem to want to agree to this marriage, that's why this rule appears."

Everyone was discussing in low voices. At this time, a strong man from the Stone Human race interjected with a sarcasm: "Heh...change the rules. This is because the Stone Emperor is kind-hearted now, to give you human race face. Even if Emperor Shi asks the owner of Medicine God Valley to marry, how dare she say no?"

"Hahaha, you're right, what is the Valley of the Gods of Medicine? He dared to refuse the Emperor Shi. He really didn't know what to do. If the Emperor Stone hadn't been kind, he would have sent a large army to level the Valley of the Gods of Medicine."

"Hehehe, the owner of the Medicine God Valley is a very beautiful woman with a plump figure. If you can capture her and ravage her well, tsk tsk, that taste..."

The surrounding stone-human monks burst into laughter.

Some people looked at Chen Nuolan not far away, showing greedy eyes.

Although these people are mocking Medicine God Valley.

But the surrounding human monks still felt very angry after hearing this.

Because everyone understands that even if they are replaced by a stronger human force, these guys will still be like this.

Because, they are not targeting a Medicine God Valley at all, but looking down on the entire human race.

The square is noisy though.

But we are all monks, with keen hearing.

The voice of the stone-human monk did not hide it.

One after another, they laughed and mocked loudly.

The voice naturally fell into the ears of Chen Nuolan and the others.

For a moment, the faces of all the people in Medicine God Valley were extremely gloomy.

"Mother, these guys are too much!!!"

Zixuan glared even more, clenched her fists, and was extremely angry.

Even Chen Nuo, who came from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, was angry at the attitude of those stone-human monks, and stared at those guys with the same hatred as the people from Medicine God Valley.

Only Lin Tian, ​​his face remained unchanged.

His expression was calm, his eyes were calm, as if he hadn't heard anything.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

"Brother, what kind of stone people is this, isn't it too arrogant?"

Standing on Lin Tian's shoulder, Xiao Hei said in a low voice with some resentment.

Those stone-human monks, although they didn't target it, or their monster race.

But the son of his family is a serious human race.

Therefore, Xiao Hei also felt very uncomfortable when he saw the stone people and looked down upon them so much.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a group of mentally handicapped people who thought they had psychics and transformed into a human form. After so many years, they don't have a long memory. Sooner or later, they will be taken away by others for cultivation."

Lin Tian said indifferently.

 Next chapter, probably around 10:30.

  It's fine tomorrow, and the fourth watch will be restored for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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