Chapter 252

Seeing Zi Chen, Chen Nuolan's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.


Sure enough, the next moment, Zi Chen opened his mouth and surrounded everyone in Yaoshen Valley.

"Second... Stone Emperor, what do you mean?"

Looking at the murderous army of stone men around him, Chen Nuolan forced a smile towards Zi Chen and asked calmly.

"Nothing, just a few things, I want to ask a few people."

Zi Chenyun said calmly: "As long as you are willing to cooperate, I will naturally not embarrass you."

Chen Nuolan naturally knew what Zichen wanted to ask, she said helplessly: "If Shihuang wants to ask about the origin of those two people and one demon, please don't waste your time, because we don't know."

"Do you think I would believe it?"

Zi Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do."

Chen Nolan helplessly spread his hands.

She really didn't know the origins of Lin Tian and others.

All I know is that they are from the Hunyuan Stone Country.

But even this point, she would not say it.

After all, Lin Tian provoked the Amethyst Stone Kingdom because of their Medicine God Valley.

Therefore, she cannot betray Lin Tian any information.

"Since this is the case, let me invite a few of you to stay in the imperial city for a few days. When I find the murderer and put him to death, I will naturally let some of you go back. I hope you can rest assured."

Zi Chen never thought that the people of Medicine God Valley would immediately give Lin Tian's information.

However, this is not in the way.

Because he believed that there would always be a way to make this group of people speak.

Thinking of this, Zi Chen couldn't help but take a look, a sneer flashed in the eyes of Zi Xuan who was trembling not far away.

At this moment, a cold light suddenly appeared from the void.

I saw a man with the appearance of a down and out scholar stepping out of the void. Before everyone could react, a sword pierced Zi Chen's heart. The terrifying power of a real person erupted instantly, shaking his body. broken.

"Sorry, my son said that there is another fish that slipped through the net, let me come back and deal with it."

Chen Nuo looked at the shocked Amethyst Stone Kingdom powerhouse, smiled apologetically, then turned around and disappeared again, as if he had never appeared before.

The surroundings fell into dead silence again.

It was clearly a clear sky, but now, everyone felt that the sky in front of them seemed to be covered with a cloud.

Everyone couldn't help feeling cold.

You look at me, I look at you, looking at each other.

I don't know what to say.

From the end of the alchemy conference to now, it took less than half a stick of incense.

In the eyes of everyone, the Amethyst Stone Kingdom, which looks like a giant, has lost two stone emperors in succession.

This is really unbelievable.

But the facts were in front of them, and they had to believe it.

"It's a good thing I didn't make a move, otherwise..."

Those stone-human monks who had confronted Lin Tian before, looked at the three corpses in front of them, and couldn't help shuddering, a trace of fear flashed in their hearts, leaving lingering fears.

At this time, a terrifying majesty of a real person erupted from the palace of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying divine light suddenly shot into the void.

Then there was a burst of shouting: "Thief, do you really think that there is no one in my Shi country?!"

When everyone heard the words, they immediately understood.

This is the real person from the Amethyst Stone Country just now, who found out what happened here, and acted angrily.

But, can he really stop Lin Tian and the others?

Chen Nolan looked at the void with some worry.

Everyone is guessing.

However, for a long time, there was no movement in this world.

The real person never made a move, but roared with rage, gnashing his teeth: "Human boy, I remember you, this old man swears, even in this life, if you escape to heaven, I will smash your corpses into thousands of pieces!" !!!”

Hearing this, everyone knew that he failed to keep Lin Tian and others.

This also made everyone more curious about Lin Tian's origin.

Everyone wants to know who he is.

To be able to kill people under the eyes of a real person, and slip away easily.

"Let's go, such a person will definitely not be an unknown person, even if you don't know it now, you will know it later..."

Someone glanced at the murderous palace not far away, shook his head, and didn't want to stay here any longer, thinking that this is a place of right and wrong.

Even the strong men of the stone people began to stay away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Nolan's eyes flickered, and he made a decision immediately.

"Let's go too."

If you want to leave, hurry up while no one is blocking you.

Otherwise, no one can predict what will happen later.

Soon, everyone in Medicine God Valley took advantage of the chaos and easily withdrew, no one came to stop them along the way.

This made Chen Nuolan and Elder He feel relieved.

Standing outside the city, they looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

Before coming here, no one thought that things would turn out like this.

"That little friend Lin... really..."

Thinking of Lin Tian, ​​Elder He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

I don't even know what words to use to describe him.

"Don't talk about it, go back quickly, I always feel that something is not right."

Chen Nuolan glanced at Amethyst Stone City suspiciously, frowning slightly, always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him, and felt very uneasy.

Hearing her urging, everyone did not dare to procrastinate.

Elder He took out the flying boat, and after everyone went up, they immediately mobilized at the same time.

The flying boat suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

The moment they left, the space squirmed.

Immediately afterwards, the real ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom stepped out of the void.

He looked at the flying boat that was leaving, his purple pupils were a little bit cold, and the corner of his mouth gradually raised a sneer.

Like Zi Chen's idea, he also planned to use the Medicine God Valley to catch Lin Tian.

However, his method is different.

The ancestors of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom had no intention of forcing the people from the Medicine God Valley to stay, but deliberately let them go back.

Because the former is risky.

After all, no one can guarantee that if the people from Medicine God Valley stay, Lin Tian will definitely come out, right?

If he didn't come out, wouldn't it be a waste of effort.

Therefore, he wants to put a long line and catch big fish.

Hide yourself, sneak into the Valley of the Medicine God, and let them relax their vigilance first.

If there is really a relationship between Lin Tian and Yaoshengu, there will inevitably be a connection again.

At that time, as long as Lin Tian shows up in the Medicine God Valley, with his strength, he will be able to easily catch the opponent.

"Hehe, this secret technique of escaping into the void and hiding the breath is really exciting..."

Thinking of how Lin Tian and others avoided their own detection and then escaped, the ancestors of Amethyst Stone Kingdom couldn't help but look cold, and the next second they escaped into the void, chasing after Elder He and others.

 I went to see a movie in the afternoon, and it’s just two o’clock when I write this.

  The next two more will come out around one o'clock.

  Everyone can watch it in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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