Chapter 253 Back to the Carbine

After the ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom left, the space where he was before squirmed again.

Immediately afterwards, two people and one monster appeared here.

This group of people is Lin Tian and others.

After they killed Amethyst Stone Emperor and Zi Chen, they didn't stay away, they stayed nearby.

As for why, the ancestor of Amethyst Stone Country couldn't find it.

It can only be said that his realm is too low.

"Brother, it seems that the old dog is determined to kill you. He actually followed behind the people from the God of Medicine Valley, and even thought of a way to wait for a rabbit..."

Xiao Hei looked into the distance and couldn't help laughing strangely.

"Stand by and wait? I think he is looking for his own death!"

When Lin Tian heard this, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help sneering.

He is right now in a bad state.

But to kill a real person, he still has countless ways to do it.

However, in this Amethyst Stone City, there is an imperial formation left by the Amethyst Stone Emperor, so he doesn't want to make a big move here, for fear that it will startle the snake.

But that old fellow ran to Medicine God Valley desperately.

Isn't this courting death?
"let's go."

Lin Tian's eyes were cold, and he disappeared instantly.

Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo quickly chased after him.

After going out of a certain range, Xiao Hei turned into a body, carrying Lin Tian and Chen Nuo to the Medicine God Valley.

Because the secret technique of so close to the horizon requires strong spiritual power to support it.

Lin Tian has pure spiritual power in his body, and can easily absorb the spiritual energy of the world to supplement himself.

When he used it, he naturally felt no pressure.

But Chen Nuo couldn't do it.

Even Xiao Hei, who has practiced the method of Kunpeng, finds it very difficult to use this secret technique.

After all, this is an existence similar to the ultimate imperial art.

In their realm, ordinary people can use it once or twice, which is already very good.

The two of them, one monster, rushed towards Medicine God Valley without any haste.

The ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom never imagined that the person he wanted to arrest would follow behind him.

Not long after, several conveniences arrived at the Valley of the Medicine God.

Moreover, when Lin Tian arrived, he was very high-profile.

Just like that, it landed in the Valley of Medicine Gods with great fanfare.

Deliberately exposed in front of everyone.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing Lin Tian and the others, Chen Nuolan looked anxious, and couldn't help urging: "Hurry up, it's best to leave the Amethyst Stone Kingdom directly and go to other places!"

"Yes, Lin Xiaoyou, hurry up..."

Elder He also looked worried.

The ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help sneering when he saw this scene.

"Go, where are you going?"

The moment Elder He finished speaking, he walked out.

Seeing the ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Country, everyone in Medicine God Valley changed their expressions.

"It's over..."

The faces of Elder He and Chen Ruolan were even paler.

They urged Lin Tian to leave just now, and they were worried that this real person would come to their door.

Unexpectedly, he was always there.

Just hid in the dark.

"Well, you didn't expect me to be here, did you?"

The ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom couldn't help but feel a little proud when he looked at the Yaoshengu group who turned pale with shock.

It's true that it's true to sit on the sidelines.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that you would come out of Amethyst Stone City so stupidly."

Lin Tian showed a strange smile following the words of the ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

The ancestors of the Amethyst Stone Country were a little confused and couldn't understand what Lin Tian was talking about.

"It's okay, you'll find out soon..."

Lin Tian smiled lightly, and then made a move.

A stone tablet with a strange aura suddenly appeared in his hand.

Seeing this stone tablet, the ancestor of Amethyst Stone Kingdom subconsciously felt a trace of fear.

He wanted to turn around and leave first, but before he moved, Lin Tian spit out slowly: " still!"

The next moment, the whole world fell into a state of stillness.

Even Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo are no exception.

was fixed in place.

The whole body cannot move.

Only the mind works.

This weird scene terrified the ancestors of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom to the extreme.

He looked at Lin Tian who was slowly walking towards him, and wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't make a sound at all.

In the whole world, only Lin Tian can move freely.

"The guys from the stone people are always so annoying!"

Lin Tian said something with disgust on his face, then swung the Celestial Sword he had just taken out, without any hesitation, and directly chopped it down.

The sword light slashed across, but did not leave any traces on the body of the ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Country.

The sword just now seemed to have never been cut from him.

The only thing that has changed is the patriarch of the Amethyst Stone Country, whose purple pupils gradually faded.


At the next moment, Lin Tian muttered again.

Imprisonment in all directions dissipated instantly.

Immediately afterwards, with a "poof", the intact body of the ancestor of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom split apart suddenly, and then fell to the ground.

Viscous thick purple blood gradually flowed out.

Then turn the ground into stones.

"A real person, just like this... died?"

Looking at this scene, Elder He opened his mouth wide and rubbed his eyes vigorously, feeling that all this was like a dream.

Chen Nuolan also had a dull face.

Up to now, she still hasn't realized what happened, let alone other people.

The entire Medicine God Valley fell into a strange silence.

"Lin, Lin Xiaoyou, you, what kind of treasure is this?"

After a long time, Chen Nuolan came back to his senses, pointed to the stone tablet in Lin Tian's hand, and couldn't help asking curiously, a little incoherently, thinking of everything that happened before, he couldn't help being startled.

Everything is still, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

"It's nothing, it's just a gadget, it won't be used a few times."

Lin Tian smiled vaguely, afraid that Chen Nuolan would be frightened by speaking out.

After all, this is something snatched from the depths of the sea of ​​death.

However, he did not lie to Chen Nuolan at all.

That is this static monument, and it really won't be used a few times.

Because it also needs to accumulate strength.

But this process is very long.

When Lin Tian was in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he almost used all of its power to empty.

The remaining power is enough for him to use it twice at most.

Chen Nuolan was not stupid either. After hearing Lin Tian's careless answer, she knew that the other party didn't want to tell her, so she didn't ask any more questions.

After all, even a person with no eyesight, after experiencing the scene just now, will know in his heart that this is definitely not a mortal thing.

As for what kind of existence it was, she couldn't imagine it.

"Everything that happened today, you just pretend you didn't see it, did you hear it?"

Chen Nuolan looked at the people in Medicine God Valley, and scolded with a serious expression.

Worried that the stele in Lin Tian's hand would spread from the mouth of their Medicine God Valley, causing trouble for him.

 I originally wanted to write the fourth update, but I was too sleepy.

  In just over two hours, one chapter was written.

  If I continue to write, I will not be able to code.

  So here we go...

(End of this chapter)

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