Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 288 Dragon Carp Demon Emperor

Chapter 288 Dragon Carp Demon Emperor
Feeling the strange atmosphere around him, Xiao Hei Hei was startled, and couldn't help but open his mouth and asked, "Brother, is this the Shangcang Ancient Mine?"

"Yes or no."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Tian pondered and said: "To be honest, this place can only be regarded as a remnant of the ancient mine of Shangcang at most. The real ancient mine of Shangcang is not in this world."

"Not in this world?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Chen Nuo's eyes widened.

Xiaoxue and Xiaohei were equally puzzled, not understanding what Lin Tian meant.

Where can this ancient mine be if it is not in this world?
"You'll know when you come with me..."

In the face of everyone's doubts, Lin Tian did not explain, leaving a word, and then completely stepped into the mountains in front of him, his figure gradually blurred.

Seeing this, the three Xiao Hei did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly chased after him.

The figures of the four melted into the mist all of a sudden, and disappeared in the eyes of the world. No matter what means, they couldn't continue to spy on them.

All magical powers were blocked by the layer of fog in the ancient mine of Shangcang.

If you want to know what will happen inside, you have to go in yourself.

"I really went in..."

In the world of Tianshi, there is an ancient existence. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help shaking his head, his expression was solemn, and deep worry flashed in his eyes.

It's just that you should be anxious if you are in a hurry.

They didn't dare to stop it.

I can only order to recall all the disciples of their respective clans, and make preparations early. If it doesn't work, they will leave this world and escape to Xingyu.

Although the environment there and the resources on the Star of Life are not as good as those of the Nine Heavens, if it is just for survival, there is no problem.

After this day, almost all the major ancient forces in the Tianshi world made the same decision.

Although the rest of the forces didn't understand what happened, they could see that those ancient and powerful forces were recalling their disciples one after another. They looked nervous and smelled something unusual.

For a moment, the entire Tianshi world was panicked.

Everyone looked worriedly in the direction of the Shangcang Ancient Mine.

Many people don't know what happened.

But it can also be guessed that the changes in the Tianshi world must be related to the existence that stepped into the forbidden area.

at the same time.

Lin Tian and others have come to the depths of the Shangcang Ancient Mine.

The laws of heaven and earth here have been completely distorted.

The world is no longer that world.

In other words, this area has already escaped Jiutian's control.

After going deep here, whether it is Xiao Hei, Chen Nuo, or the most powerful Xiao Xue, their cultivation bases are all imprisoned, and they can only rely on walking to go deep. Lin Tian also restrained his strength.

After all, his current state is not good.

Therefore, if you can restrain yourself, restrain yourself.

"This world is very strange, somewhat similar to the battlefield of gods and demons." Xiaoxue looked around and said abruptly.

"Because, like the battlefield of gods and demons, they don't belong to the Nine Heavens, or in other words, they don't belong to the current world." Hearing Xiaoxue's words, Lin Tian spoke slowly.

He looked into the distance with deep eyes, and slowly explained: "People in the world think that the nine heavens and ten lands were originally one, but in fact, the ten lands are farther away than the history of nine days. They were born before nine days, and they were once incomparably brilliant. The presence."

"Now they are all out of the control of the Dao of Heaven, forming a world of their own, free from the interference of all laws, and from the erosion of time. It is precisely because of this that the creatures hidden here can live on year after year."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help opening his mouth and asked, "Isn't that immortal?"


Hearing this, a trace of sarcasm flashed across Lin Tian's face. He shook his head and said, "It's not that easy to want to live forever. They can only be regarded as living at best."

"It's like those Shenfeng old immortals, they can indeed live for a long time, but they still have to die, it's just that this process has become extremely long."

"Moreover, there are a lot of restrictions."

"What are the restrictions?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei asked curiously.

"No matter what they do, they have to pay the corresponding price. If they want to live, what they pay is freedom."

"Because of the self-contained world, their Dao will no longer belong to the current world. If they show up in this world, they will definitely be backlashed by this world."

"So, no matter how strong the existence here is, there is no need to be afraid. They dare not be born easily."

"Like a lion in a cage, no matter how powerful it is, it can only scare people and cannot hurt people."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help thinking of Emperor Wu and the others, and sighed quietly: "Many people can actually do this, but they just don't want to."

"For them, it is better to die than to live like this."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo nodded in agreement, "It's really meaningless to live in such a boring way."

"Let's go..."

Lin Tian waved his hand, not wanting to continue on this topic, and strode deeper.

After half a day, they came to a big lake.

The water of the lake is very clear, like a mirror, surrounded by various kinds of divine flowers, filled with mist, like a fairyland on earth.

"My lord, please stay behind..."

An old voice suddenly sounded in this extremely quiet ancient mine, startling Xiao Hei and the others.

Immediately afterwards, an old man slowly emerged from the lake, with golden scales covering his smooth head.

The pupils are shining with pale gold.

Apart from these, there is no fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, just like an ordinary old man who cannot be ordinary.

But the moment Xiao Hei saw him, he felt a great coercion, which was the oppression from the blood.

This kind of feeling all shows that the person in front of him is a big monster with extremely noble blood.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to give it such a feeling.

"There is a carp in the East China Sea, nine jumps to become a dragon, you are the dragon carp demon emperor?" Lin Tian looked at the old man in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The old man smiled lightly when he heard the words, "Master, I really have a memory. I didn't expect that it was only in a hurry back then. You can still remember me. I am really flattered. But in front of you, Long Li dare not call himself emperor."

"No need to say flattery. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Make way for me."

Lin Tian said impatiently, apparently not paying attention to the so-called dragon carp demon emperor in front of him.

"My lord, I'm sorry, Long Li was ordered to guard this place, and no one is allowed to enter."

The Dragon Carp Demon Emperor shook his head.

"It seems that you are going to stop me..." Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous cold light in them.

"My lord, this is the ancient mine of Shangcang, not Jiutian. You are the king of Jiutian, but how much strength can you show here? In the state of your lord, if you alarm the adults inside, I'm afraid you won't be able to get any benefits. I still hope Young Master, you have thought clearly..."

The dragon carp demon emperor said indifferently, just to be respectful, but at this moment, he quietly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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