Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 289 Great Emperor, is it amazing?

Chapter 289 Great Emperor, is it amazing?

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Are you threatening me?"

"Don't dare, Long Li is just telling the truth." The Demon Emperor Long Li smiled modestly, with confidence in his eyes.

Because he could tell at a glance that all of Lin Tian's power now comes from the soul.

Strong is strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is limited after all.

As long as he does not burn his soul, it is impossible to return to the peak.

And as a strong man in the imperial realm who has never killed himself and is constantly improving, the current state of the dragon carp demon emperor can be said to be unprecedentedly strong, which is not comparable to those extreme weapons in Shangcang City.

Not to mention, this is the ancient mine of Shangcang.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven came, he would be sure to deal with it.

Lin Tian's current state is almost in this realm. As for him being able to defeat Chaos Stone Emperor, it is entirely because the opponent cannot descend to the realm.

Therefore, the dragon carp demon emperor was not afraid of Lin Tian at all, he looked at Lin Tian confidently and said, "How about it, son, have you thought about it yet?"

"Go away!"

Since the other party was unwilling to give in, Lin Tian naturally had nothing to be polite about. He looked at the human being in front of him coldly and said, "A mere monster dragon dares to stop me, is it because he is just impatient?"

"Although I'm just a demon dragon, I also have my own responsibilities. I hope you don't make things difficult for me..." The dragon carp demon emperor slowly raised his back.

The terrifying atmosphere slowly spread out at this moment.

The aura of the Great Emperor Wuque instantly filled the world.

Compared with the two self-decapitated Snow Emperors and Corpse Emperors in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I don't know how much stronger they are. The terrifying coercion made the expressions of Xiaoxue, Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo change drastically.

"Is this the real emperor..."

Feeling all this, everyone was secretly shocked.

Apart from Xiaoxue, it was the first time for both Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei to face a real Wuwu Emperor.

The sense of oppression that this dragon carp demon emperor gave them was even more terrifying than when the six extreme emperor soldiers from Shangcang City were born.

After all, Emperor Soldiers will always be Emperor Soldiers.

No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to match their creator.

"My lord, I'll ask you one last time. Have you thought it through?" The Dragon Carp Demon Emperor had a sneer in his eyes, and he was very confident in his own strength.

"get out!"

This time, Lin Tian didn't bother to say a word, so he stretched out his hand and slapped him.

Seeing this, the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor slapped Lin Tian over, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

So slow, want to slap him too?
What a wishful thinking.

It seems that the former king of Jiutian is really old...

The Dragon Carp Demon Emperor shook his head, and took a step back lightly. Just when he thought Lin Tian's palm was bound to fail, he saw a gust of wind.


The dragon carp demon emperor was startled, subconsciously turned his eyes and looked over, just in time to see a white palm, and drew it over.

A loud slap sounded in the ancient mine of Shangcang.

Between the heavens and the earth, the terrifying aura couldn't help but stagnate.

The dragon carp demon emperor covered his face and looked at Lin Tian in front of him in disbelief. He never thought that he couldn't escape the weak slap just now.

"I forgot to tell you something, the person I want to hit has never escaped."

Lin Tian looked at the dragon carp demon emperor with a surprised expression, retracted his palm, patted it, and said in a leisurely manner.

Hearing this, the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor came back to his senses, and his face immediately became gloomy.

The atmosphere around him, along with his mood, became extremely cold, as if an angry dragon was roaring.

Shaking the valley in front of me.

"Since the son insists on going his own way, don't blame the dragon carp for offending!" The dragon carp demon emperor took a deep breath and grabbed Lin Tian violently.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to see clearly.

Just the next moment, Lin Tian disappeared in place.

"You're just an old dog watching the door, what kind of words are you pulling in front of me, get out!"

The next moment, Lin Tian appeared behind the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor, and kicked his ass hard.

The majestic demon emperor was instantly kicked by Lin Tian and fell to the ground. This posture, like a dog eating shit, made the dragon carp demon emperor extremely ashamed, and his eyes turned red instantly.

"I am going to kill you!!!"

He got up and rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​punching out with a golden dragon accompanying him.

In just a split second, he flew back upside down.

"My lord, is it amazing?"

Lin Tian stepped on the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor's chest, stared at him coldly, and said disdainfully: "If I want to kill you, it's like slaughtering chickens and dogs!"

The dragon carp demon emperor was stepped on by Lin Tian and began to struggle crazily, but his whole body strength was destroyed by an invisible force, which made him very frightened.

"No, it's impossible, how can you still be so strong?!" Dragon Carp Demon Emperor roared at Lin Tian hysterically, his eyes full of doubts, unwilling to believe this fact.

"It's not that I'm strong, it's that you are too weak. You don't even have the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, but you dare to stop me. Are you too naive, or am I too kind?"

Lin Tian looked at the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor sarcastically.

With the blood of the Dragon Clan, so what if he has the upper hand, without the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, he is still not qualified to fight against him.

The dragon carp demon emperor still couldn't accept the fact in front of him. He shook his head and murmured like a lunatic: "No, it's impossible, it's impossible, even if you are still so strong, why are you not affected by this world?" What about the impact?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked at the dragon carp demon emperor like an idiot, and said strangely: "Could it be that you came out, your master, didn't tell you that this piece of world can't do anything for my way?" Any effect?"

The worlds of the Ten Forbidden Lands are all independent worlds, and they suppress the Dao of the Great Emperor very hard.

However, Lin Tian's way has already transcended the shackles of heaven and earth. As long as he is willing, he can immediately become a place of his own.

Even the Dao of Heaven cannot suppress him.

Not to mention the rules of heaven and earth in Shangcang Ancient Mine.

Unless, the master of this realm personally takes action to awaken him into the Dao of this heaven and earth.

Otherwise, it would not be able to have any influence on Lin Tian at all.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, his face turned pale in an instant.

He understood that he was being treated as cannon fodder.

It became a victim used to test Lin Tian.

Whether it is life or death, the existence in the ancient mine of Shangcang doesn't care at all.

Lin Tian naturally understood this, and couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "Tsk tsk, using a great emperor as a cost to test my depth, you Shangcang Ancient Mine is really a big hand."

"But I will accept this monster dragon..."

Lin Tian will not stop just because of the pity of the dragon carp demon emperor.

Because of fate, the moment he shot Lin Tian, ​​it was already doomed.

All of this is his own choice.

If you want to be an obedient dog and help others bite people, you must be ready to be beaten to death at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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