Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 311 Looking for Death?

Chapter 311 Looking for Death?

The powerhouses in the Immortal Court of God were awakened one after another.

Different from others, they all know the existence of Lin Tian, ​​and they also know what happened three years ago.

However, to their disappointment, Lin Tian did not fall into the world of Tianshi as they had imagined, but survived tenaciously after smashing the world and exhausting all his strength.

Moreover, he also came to the world of heaven and man.

This has to be taken seriously.

"From my point of view, this guy must have come here seeking revenge. It seems that the events of that year have been completely exposed. Otherwise, how could he have come here as soon as he woke up with the vastness of the Nine Heavens?" What about here?"

Someone speculated with a serious expression, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, who is Lin Tian?
That is the emperor who has been famous for nine days and shattered the world of heaven and stone!
Others don't know, don't they know? !

If he came to the door, it was not certain whether they could stop them from the Immortal Court.

Therefore, it is inevitable that everyone feels a little uneasy.

However, there are also many people who are full of confidence.

They said with disdain, "So what if we came to seek revenge? Now we have destroyed all the Human Emperor Temples, large and small, in the Heaven and Human Realm as ordered."

"Even, anything about him has been almost destroyed."

"According to the young master's words, today's Human Sovereign, without the power of faith, is nothing more than an empty frame. What do we have to be afraid of?"

"Besides, let's talk about it, it's really not possible. I don't believe that the young master is still there. With the young master's talent against heaven, he can't deal with his mere human emperor."

These people said disapprovingly, full of confidence, and did not take Lin Tian seriously at all.

But more, or conservative.

"Don't take it lightly. Although the young master is powerful, it is not in vain that he can look down upon the ages. We should be careful."

They feel that Lin Tian's achievement today is definitely not in vain. Although their young master is powerful, he was born millions of years late after all.

The gap between them is almost irreparable.

If you want to challenge Lin Tian, ​​you still have to be cautious.

Otherwise, their young master wouldn't need to participate in the incident ten thousand years ago.

After all, if he is strong enough, he can just kill Lin Tian directly, so there is no such trouble.

Soon, after some disputes, everyone reached a consensus, and they were going to send a few strong men to test it first, and then make a decision.

Time flies like a white horse, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past half a month, Lin Tian went all the way to the north, towards the center of the human world that day, Tian Lanyu, where the Immortal Court of God that Chen Wuneng talked about was established.

Moreover, it was built on the ruins of the Great Temple of the Human Emperor.

The implication is self-evident.

For such forces targeting him, Lin Tian was naturally not polite. Along the way, wherever he went, he would bloodbath the local so-called God's Mansion on the spot.

Luo Qingwu also gradually grew up in this bloodbath.

Now with the help of Lin Tian, ​​he has successfully gathered Qi.

During this period, she consumed a large amount of elixir.

Among them, there are quite a few special elixirs that can only be taken in special places, which are almost rare to see.

Fortunately, each of these divine envoys' mansions is extremely rich.

There are many treasures and elixir.

Therefore, Lin Tian didn't spend much effort, and easily put together the medicinal materials Luo Qingwu needed, and even prepared a copy for Luo Changdong along the way.

Anyway, these things are of no use to him, so it is better to help them.

After all, it was Luo Changdong who really 'saved' Lin Tian.

Moreover, Luo Qingwu is his disciple, and Lin Tian knows her background, so he is not willing to see his disciple say goodbye to his relatives too early.

This is a very painful thing.

Lin Tian worked hard to find the method of longevity, or the technique of eternity, for this purpose, so that all relatives and friends can live smoothly.

Therefore, Lin Tian naturally would not let it go.

After Lin Tian's training, Luo Qingwu woke up the next day and opened her eyes, and found that she had broken through, and there was a trace of aura in her body.

It's warm and comfortable.

And it has no harm to human body.

"Is this the legendary cyclone?" Luo Changdong stood on the ruins, staring at his old hands, dumbfounded.

Just now, he smashed a rock with one punch, which was unimaginable before.

"It's these three guys again, what is their origin, they even picked the territory of the Immortal God Court, are they all impatient?"

Someone watched Lin Tian's trio stepping over the ruins of the God's Mansion from a distance, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

In their eyes, although the establishment of the Immortal Court of God is not long, its strength is not ordinary.

It is like today's human world, recognized as the leading force, no one dares to challenge their dominance.

But now, Lin Tian is trampling on the dignity of this overlord time and time again, which is simply tolerable and unbearable.

"They have destroyed the Twelve God's Mansions in succession along the way. I can assure you that this kid is definitely over!"

"Hehe, who doesn't know that he is going to be finished soon? After killing so many people in the Immortal Court, do you think he can escape?"

Everyone looked at the three of Lin Tian in the distance, sneered again and again, thinking that they were bound to die.

Someone crossed his arms and said, "Look, there's such a big commotion, the people from the Immortal Court are probably already on their way."

Hearing this, someone looked at the back of Lin Tian who was gradually leaving in the distance, with a puzzled face, and asked puzzledly: "By the way, why did he attack the God's Mansion? Could it be that he is crazy?"

"Heh, who knows?"

Someone heard the words, and replied disapprovingly: "Maybe he is a loyal believer of the Emperor."

Hearing this, many people suddenly became enlightened.

Human Sovereign, he used to be the faith of this world, the pride of the entire heavenly and human world, so naturally there are many devout believers in him.

At the beginning, when the Immortal Court of Gods destroyed the Human Emperor's Temple, they did not take much action to stop it.

It's just that the opponent is too strong, they can't resist at all.

Then Renhuang temples were destroyed one by one, and there were fewer and fewer such people.

The rest of them either temporarily gave up their faith, hid, or chose to die at the hands of the Immortal God Court.

After all, these are the only options they have.


Someone couldn't help but let out a sigh.

He was also a loyal believer of the Human Emperor.

Only now, in order to survive, he had to give up his faith.

Now, seeing someone attacking the Immortal Court, although he didn't dare to help, he couldn't help praying silently in his heart, hoping that Lin Tian could turn evil into good fortune and live tenaciously.

 The second one is here, sleep~
(End of this chapter)

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