Chapter 312 Ignorance
"Did you notice that he looks like a person?" At this moment, someone looked at Lin Tian's side face and said doubtfully.

This is also a former believer of the Human Emperor, who saw Lin Tian's familiar face at a glance.

When everyone heard the words, they all raised their eyes and looked over.

You know, there are not a few people who have seen the statue of the Emperor. Although the Temple of the Emperor has been smashed for three years, some people still remember his familiar outline.

Now, seeing someone mention it, everyone looked at Lin Tian's delicate cheek, and a familiar feeling suddenly arose spontaneously.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

"Then, is that the Emperor?"

Pointing at Lin Tian, ​​he shouted in horror.

"No way..." Some people were not sure, and said hesitantly: "If he is really the emperor, why would he make such a small fuss, why not just flatten the Immortal Court of God?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

"With such a similar face, even if it's not His Majesty, I'm afraid it has a lot to do with His Majesty..." Someone looked at Lin Tian who was gradually disappearing, and shook his head and sighed.

The moment his voice fell, strands of terrifying energy intertwined and fell towards Lin Tian's figure.

Then with a "boom", all the mountains around Lin Tian exploded.

Countless fragments soared into the sky.

Thick dust covered the sky and the sun.

The figures of Lin Tian and others were completely enveloped.

This earth-shattering change caused everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"Hehe, I knew that the Immortal God Court would make a move. Look, now the retribution is coming..." Some people who had completely favored the Immortal God Court could not help but sneer when they saw this scene.

However, as soon as he said this, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. He turned his face to look, and saw countless unkind eyes staring at him to death, as if he was going to eat people.

It felt as if if he said one more word, he would be torn to pieces by these people in an instant.

"You, what are you doing?"

Looking at each of them with a vicious gaze, the person who spoke just now couldn't help taking a step back in fear, with a terrified expression.

Only then did I think about it, although the Temple of the Emperor was destroyed.

But the believers of the Emperor are still there.

It's just that they are inclined to the lustful power of the Immortal Court, and they have no choice but to hide that trace of respect in their hearts.

They can't afford to offend the Immortal Court, but they are more than enough to destroy themselves.

He didn't think that if he knelt and licked the Immortal Court, the Immortal Court would protect his safety.

After all, people don't even know who he is.

All his actions were just wishful thinking.


Not daring to think too much, the man turned around and wanted to leave.

However, he was blocked back by an eight-foot man with a bad look on his face. Just as everyone was rubbing their fists and about to hit them, the dust and smoke in the distance began to gradually disperse.

Three figures loomed in the gray dust and smoke.

"Hey, are they all right?"

Some people who were paying attention there, seeing this scene, couldn't help but exclaimed, and everyone was attracted to them. They looked at Lin Tian and the three who gradually appeared in sight, and slowly opened their mouths wide, with shocked expressions and eyes full of disbelief.

Although they didn't face the previous attack directly, they could feel that the attack just now was at least at the level of a real person, and in their eyes, Lin Tian was at best the king of the Escape Realm.

Because from the time he took the initiative to destroy the Divine Envoy's Mansion to the end, everyone didn't feel any aura of the emperor, thinking that he was acting recklessly here relying entirely on the power of the real treasure.

Therefore, almost no one thought that Lin Tian could survive the attack just now.

Even those believers in the Human Emperor are no exception.

But now, the facts have subverted all of their guesses.

"He survived..."

Someone couldn't help but gasped.

"You are worthy of being the descendant of the Human Emperor, and you really have two tricks..." At this moment, a sneer rang out from the void, and then, an old man came out of it, followed by several people, all of whom were not weak.

At least it is also a real person in Nirvana.

"Heir to the Emperor?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked at the people who appeared in front of him, couldn't help but sneered, shook his head, and couldn't help showing a touch of pity in his eyes.

He believed that his identity had definitely been exposed.

Not to mention everyone, at least the higher-ups of the Immortal Court of God must be clear.

But the people in front of him didn't even know his identity.

Don't think about it, you know, this is a bunch of cannon fodder.

A group of cannon fodder used to test him.

The strength is neither high nor low, just right.

But, is he so easy to tempt?
The corner of Lin Tian's mouth couldn't help raising a trace of incomparable sarcasm, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Seeing the sneer on Lin Tian's face, the face of the real old man in the head suddenly darkened, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in a deep voice: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at your ignorance."

Lin Tian shook his head.

"It seems to me that you are ignorant."

Hearing the words, the old man let out a displeased angrily, took a step forward with a gloomy expression, stretched his momentum, and rushed towards Lin Tian in an instant.

The terrifying coercion caused the surrounding ground, which had already been shattered, to sink again.

"Even if you are the inheritance of the Human Emperor, before you grow up, you are a waste, and you dare to put on airs in front of the old man with a mere cultivation base in the vision realm, you are really overconfident!"

The old man had a sneer all over his face, and he saw Lin Tian's cultivation at once, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The spiritual power around him suddenly froze.

Luo Changdong and Luo Qingwu only felt as if they were being squeezed by the four walls, they were very uncomfortable, and it was difficult to even breathe.

"I think, the person who is it you?" Lin Tian slowly raised his head, and raised his arms accordingly.

Palm facing the real old man.

Suddenly, his palm seemed to condense an invisible shield, and all the coercion was blocked out.

Luo Changdong and Luo Qingwu both breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at the old man in the air, patted their chests with lingering fear, and then looked at Lin Tian involuntarily.

Although they don't know what kind of realm the comer is in, they can tell that these people are definitely not simple.

"Can you resist my oppression?"

Seeing this scene, the real old man looked shocked.

The people behind him also opened their mouths slightly, their faces full of shock.

No one expected that the young man in front of him, whose cultivation was only in the Vision Realm, would be so powerful.

With a wave of his hand, he stopped the coercion released by a peak real person who had passed Nirvana Nine Ranks, which is simply unbelievable.

But soon, they came to their senses again, this is the descendant of Renhuang, it is not surprising to have this ability.

It's just that such a person must not be left behind.

Otherwise, there will be great harm to their Immortal Court.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but glanced at each other, nodded at the same time, and then looked at Lin Tian with killing intent in their eyes.

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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