Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 362 The real treasure medicine for nourishing the gods

Chapter 362 The real treasure medicine for nourishing the gods (second update)
If it was before the shot, Lin Tian might still be pretending.

But now, he doesn't need to pretend at all.

Moreover, during this period of time, he has been drowsy and lacking energy every day. In addition, when they found Lin Tian unconscious on the side of the road, Lin Tian was not injured at all.

From these two points, it can be seen that Lin Tian did not lie.

His spirit was indeed traumatized.

It's just that, just like that, Zhang Ziyi was a little unwilling to give up such a strong support like Lin Tian.

She gritted her teeth and asked unwillingly, "Is there no other way?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian shook his head slowly.

"What if I can find you a real medicine for nourishing your spirit?" Zhang Ziyi said abruptly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian, ​​who was about to continue to refuse, was startled.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking.

Zhang Ziyi looked at him nervously, but didn't make a sound to disturb him.

"Okay, I promise."

After a while, Lin Tian sat up, stared at Zhang Ziyi's delicate pretty face, and smiled slowly: "However, I need to get the medicine first."

"No problem, I'll get it for you when I get back."

Hearing this, Zhang Ziyi readily agreed.

The real treasure medicine for nourishing the mind is important, even in the Zhang family, it is the treasure of the town, but compared to this competition between the five major forces, it is nothing.

Because their Zhang family has been at the bottom twice in a row.

If they were at the bottom this time, three years later, they might not be able to see their Zhang family in the next competition of the five major powers. Therefore, this time, their Zhang family is under a lot of pressure.

If Lin Tian can help their Zhang family to stabilize, let alone a real treasure medicine, even if they want a star in the sky, as long as their Zhang family can do it, they have to pick it off for him.

Seeing that Zhang Ziyi agreed so readily, Lin Tian, ​​a big man, naturally has nothing to say, after all, this deal is still very cost-effective.

A few guys who have just entered the Transcendence Realm, or even have not entered the Transcendence Realm, he can solve them with a few gestures, but what he gets in exchange is an extremely rare real medicine that can repair the soul.

For him now, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

Because, with this real treasure medicine and the assistance of the soul-suppressing stele, he can immediately get out of this predicament without hesitating to make a move.

Not to mention, I often feel the tingling from the depths of my soul.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Lin Tian smiled brightly, and stretched out his hand towards Zhang Ziyi.

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi hesitated for a moment, then extended her jade hand, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Both of them immediately let go, without any hesitation.

This made Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but look at Lin Tian more.

You know, in Sky Snow City, she is hailed as the number one beauty. I don't know how many men want to get her idea and fall for her.

If there is a chance to shake hands with her, they will definitely not be willing to let go.

But Lin Tian didn't hesitate at all.

Moreover, Zhang Ziyi also carefully observed Lin Tian, ​​when his own hand held his hand, his eyes didn't even fluctuate in the slightest, they were extremely clear, completely different from people like Fan Wei.

This made Zhang Ziyi involuntarily curious about Lin Tian.

At the same time, for the first time, he had some doubts about his beauty.

"What? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Seeing Zhang Ziyi looking at him with a strange expression, Lin Tian couldn't help asking curiously.


Hearing Lin Tian's words, Zhang Ziyi was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately came back to his senses, quickly waved his hands and said, "No!"

"I just thought of something else, sorry~" Zhang Ziyi said apologetically, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

Lin Tian waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay."

"I... have other things, so I'm leaving first." Zhang Ziyi recalled how she stared at Lin Tian just now, and couldn't help feeling embarrassed, said something in a hurry, turned around and left.

The moment she got out of the carriage, her pretty face turned red.

Even the roots of the ears could faintly see a hint of pink.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Lin Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "Oh, woman..."

Xiaocui was sitting in the tent bored, and when she saw her eldest lady come back, she frowned slightly and asked curiously, "Hey, Miss, why are you so red?"

"Huh? Is it?"

Zhang Ziyi was taken aback when she heard this, and hurriedly touched her pretty face, and sure enough, it was extremely hot.

Seeing the flustered appearance of her eldest lady, Xiaocui's eyes became more curious. Soon, she seemed to have thought of something, took a deep breath abruptly, covered her mouth with one hand, and pointed to it with the other. Looking at Zhang Ziyi, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Seeing Xiaocui's excited appearance, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help wondering, "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Cui didn't answer, she let go of her hand, took a few deep breaths, tried to calm herself down, and then said: "Miss, don't you like that guy?"

"What do you like?"

Zhang Ziyi was taken aback for a moment, but soon after she realized it, she rushed in front of Xiao Cui, covered her mouth, and reprimanded her with shame, "You little girl, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I, I'm not talking nonsense."

Although her mouth was covered, Xiao Cui still murmured stubbornly: "If Miss, you don't like him, why do you go to him every day?"

"Besides, Xiaohong told me that girls will only blush when they meet someone they like, and they will turn into anger when they are mentioned. It's all red..."

"You still said!!!"

Zhang Ziyi stared at Xiaocui in embarrassment, her chest heaved violently, and she was about to explode with anger. This damn girl, I don't know where she learned so many fallacies.

Moreover, it seems to make sense.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to say anything..."

Seeing Zhang Ziyi staring with anger, she was only one step away from transforming into a dominatrix, Xiaocui pursed her mouth aggrieved, and finally dared not speak anymore.

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi slowly took his hand off her mouth completely.

"In the future, if you dare to talk nonsense, you damn girl, I'll sew your mouth shut." Zhang Ziyi warned viciously, then sat aside and became dazed.

After being reminded by Xiaocui, she found that Lin Tian seemed to be a little different to herself.

Is this what you like?

Zhang Ziyi couldn't tell.

She just felt that being with Lin Tian was very comfortable.

Just like today, he will not be like other men, when he looks at himself, his eyes are full of possessiveness, or even lust.

If there are other feelings, she really doesn't have one.

Looking at Zhang Ziyi in a daze, Xiao Cui pursed her mouth, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Duplicate women, if you like it, you like it. Really, there is nothing to hide..."

"Damn Xiaocui!"

Soon, Zhang Ziyi's gnashing of teeth roared in the tent.

Everyone outside couldn't help but stare sideways at him, full of doubts, and didn't know what Xiao Cui had done to make their always cold and quiet lady so angry.

Lin Tian in the carriage shook his head helplessly.

What two funny little girls.

 That's all for today, and I'll make up for it on Sunday.

  Then it will take another period of time until after the Ching Ming Festival. Are you surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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