Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 363 The Zhang Family

Chapter 363 The Zhang Family (First Update)
Five days later, Sky Snow City.

Because of the approaching competition of the five major powers, Sky Snow City is overcrowded these days. The streets and alleys are crowded with people, most of whom are foreign monks watching the excitement.

After all, this is a rare event with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.


As soon as Lin Tian and others arrived at the gate of the city, a group of people rushed up. They wore shiny silver badges on their chests, and the word "Zhang" was engraved on the badges.

You don't need to guess, it's someone from Zhang Ziyi's family.

Around the carriage of Zhang Ziyi's carriage guarded by members of the Zhang Family, a group of hundreds of people, with a long convoy, marched into Tianxue City in a mighty manner, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.

"Look, Miss Zhang is back..."

"It is said that the young lady of this family is beautiful and beautiful. She is a rare beauty. I don't know if it is true..."

"Hehe, aren't you talking nonsense? Who doesn't know Miss Zhang's reputation? If it's not true, you think Fan Wei, who is known as the number one genius in Tianxue City, would risk his life. Does she make a move?"

"Ah? What else?"

"You don't know? Hehe, that's because you are ignorant..."

"Brother, tell me?"

"Well, it's actually like this..."

Everyone looked at the carriage coming out with a faint fragrance, and talked a lot.

A few days ago, although Zhang Ziyi and the others stayed at the same place to rest, Fan Wei's matter had already been reported by her quickly.

And there is no wall through which the wind can pass through.

No, not long after, even Zhang Ziyi hadn't returned to Sky Snow City, the matter between them and Fan Wei spread like wildfire, and now almost everyone knows about it.

The speed of transmission can be described as terrifying.

Not long after, Zhang Ziyi and the others stopped at the entrance of a large courtyard with an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

Zhang Ziyi got out of the car, then ignored the suspicious eyes of the guards, walked to the carriage, and said softly, "Young Master Lin, we are here."

"I see."

Not long after, Lin Tian's voice came out, weak, and Zhang Ziyi didn't even need to look to know that this guy must be sleeping again just now.

"Miss, the Patriarch is waiting for you in the hall..." At this moment, a servant stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away."

Zhang Ziyi nodded, and then said to Lin Tian: "Let's go, come with me to meet my father."

Hearing this, the servant from Zhang's family looked at the carriage in front of him curiously, not knowing who was sitting here, and he wanted their eldest lady to invite him in person.

"Let's go..."

Soon, Lin Tian, ​​who was pale and listless, appeared in front of him.

Zhang Ziyi subconsciously held Lin Tian by his arm.

Lin Tian waved to her, and then slowly got out of the carriage, still like a seriously ill patient, and together with Zhang Ziyi, walked towards Zhang's courtyard.

The wobbly appearance always makes people feel that he can fall down as long as the wind blows gently.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiajia Ding was puzzled and couldn't help muttering: "What's wrong with Miss? Why are you so nice to a sick guy?"

At this time, Uncle Wang happened to walk by him.

Hearing this, he stopped in his footsteps, then couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

He also thought so at the beginning, what can a sick young man do.

But when he saw Lin Tian make a move, he realized that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake. This young man who seemed sick and might even collapse at any time was definitely not a patient with no hands.

Uncle Wang still can't forget that shocking swordsmanship.

However, he didn't remind the servant how powerful Lin Tian is. Some things can only be understood by himself when he sees them with his own eyes. It's useless to just tell them.

Seeing Zhang Ziyi and Lin Tian about to disappear around the corner, Uncle Wang hurriedly chased after them.

After nine bends and eighteen bends, Lin Tian finally came to a large courtyard.

At this time, an old man was waiting at the gate of the compound. Seeing Zhang Ziyi and others coming, he immediately smiled and went up to meet them.

"Miss, the Patriarch is waiting for you inside, and I have something to discuss with you, so go in quickly."

"Okay, Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Ziyi nodded and walked quickly towards the compound.

Lin Tian followed slowly.

Looking at him, the old man known as Uncle Zhang couldn't help asking: "By the way, miss, this is..."

"Oh, he is my friend, Lin Tian."

Zhang Ziyi turned around and introduced: "It was he who saw through Fan Wei's plan and saved our lives."


Hearing this, Uncle Zhang's eyes brightened slightly, and he immediately became interested, and couldn't help but look at Lin Tian a few more times.

Obviously, the matter about Lin Tian was also reported back to the Zhang family.

Just seeing you today...

But Uncle Zhang was a little skeptical, could this person in front of him really stop the tide of beasts?
In fact, it's no wonder Zhang Bo has such doubts.

After all, with Lin Tian's current state, he really doesn't look like a young genius who can stop the tide of beasts and force Fan Wei back, but rather like a sick child.

Moreover, the aura fluctuations all over his body were not strong.

I can't find anything special about it.

Before Uncle Zhang could speak, Zhang Ziyi saw the doubt in his eyes, and took the initiative to explain: "Lin Tian was injured."

Hearing this, Zhang Bo suddenly realized.

It turned out to be injured, no wonder it happened.

However, facing such a horde of beasts alone, and a strong man like Fan Wei, injury is inevitable.

Uncle Zhang subconsciously linked the reason for Lin Tian's injury to Beast Tide and Fan Wei, and then warmly smiled at Lin Tian: "It turned out to be Missy's savior, Mr. Lin, thank you for your kindness. If you have any troubles in the future, just come to the Zhang family, although I don't have the right to speak, the old man, the owner of the house, will definitely solve it for you."

"Then thank you in advance..."

Lin Tian smiled and said disapprovingly.

"Since it's all right, Uncle Zhang, I'll take Lin Tian to see his father first." Zhang Ziyi was in a hurry to see her father, so she didn't intend to stay here. She waved to Uncle Zhang, then pulled Lin Tian, ​​and walked quickly Go to the hall inside.

After all, the competition between the five major powers in Sky Snow City will start the day after tomorrow.

She needs to discuss with her father immediately, take out the real medicine that can nourish the spirit at home, and give it to Lin Tian. If Lin Tian recovers sooner, they will be more confident.

So, time is running out.

When Zhang Ziyi and Lin Tian came to the hall, there were already many people sitting in the hall of the Zhang family. They seemed to be discussing something, and their voices were noisy, but after Zhang Ziyi and Lin Tian arrived, they tacitly stopped their voices , quietly cast his gaze over.

 The remaining two more will be at 10:30, together.

(End of this chapter)

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