Chapter 370 Dazzling? (Second more)
Lin Tian didn't know that after he left, the Wang family blocked Sky Snow City.

However, even if he knew, he wouldn't really care.

At this moment, he is sitting in the guest room of an inn, practicing cross-legged, refining the medicinal power from the eight-colored spiritual flower and the other two elixir plants.

Nuan Nuan's medicinal power traveled along his spiritual sea, from the meridians all the way to his mind, came to the sea of ​​consciousness, and poured it in.

Lin Tian's original piercing pain that came from his mind from time to time dissipated a lot in an instant.

Gradually, his breathing became calmer.

The whole person fell into a deep sleep again.

Only in this state can he best absorb the power of the medicine and restore his soul.

This sleep lasted for a long time.

It wasn't until the third day that he was awakened by the noisy sound of gongs and drums in the city.

"Are you going to start?"

Lin Tian got up slowly, came to the window, looked down, and saw that the street was crowded with people.

Without exception, they all rushed towards the center of Sky Snow City.

There, there is a large martial arts arena, and it is also the place where the five major families of Tianxue City compete.

Young talents from the five major families, as well as the foreign aid they invited, will make their debut today, and then they will compete there.

Lin Tian thought for a while, and then prepared to go and have a look.

Anyway, in the past two days, he has almost refined the power of the medicine, and his state has returned to normal.

It is not difficult to display a magical power.

And the remaining medicinal power will be gradually absorbed by himself, so there is no need to worry about it.

So, there is nothing to do here.

It's better to go out for a walk and see how the Tianjiao in Xuecheng is doing today.

"Have you heard that this time the Wang family has invited the well-known son of heaven in Northern Xinjiang, Luo Cheng. This time, the Wang family is likely to be number one again."

"That's not necessarily true. As far as I know, the Chen family, the Deng family, and the Ye family have all invited foreign aid that is no worse than that of Luo Cheng."

"It's a pity that the Zhang family originally had a suitable foreign aid, but unexpectedly, they were ambitious. If there is no accident, they will be at the bottom of this class again."

Just as Lin Tian went out and went downstairs, he heard a few diners sitting in the hall downstairs talking a lot.

When he heard Zhang's family, he paused a little.

I saw a young man suddenly smiled and said: "It's not certain, if the Zhang family is at the bottom this year, if they don't get resources, they may fall out of the ranking of the five major families, so this time, they should try their best All out."

"Yes, I have heard that the Zhang family has already sent a letter to their second lady who is practicing in northern Xinjiang. If there is no accident, they should invite someone from that place to take action."

Another person echoed, it seems that he should know some inside information.

Hearing this, Lin Tian almost understood why the Zhang family refused so decisively that day. It turned out that there was already a suitable candidate...

"Ha ha……"

Lin Tian laughed at himself, then shook his head and walked out. He wanted to see what kind of person the Zhang family had invited, and also wanted to know where the place everyone was talking about was.

Could it be that a certain holy place in Beiyuan failed?
Lin Tianhuai walked towards the center of Tianxue City with some curiosity.

"Do you think this person looks familiar?" After Lin Tian went out, the diners sitting in the inn showed doubts, and always felt that he seemed to have seen this person somewhere.

After a while, one of them suddenly slapped his head and said, "Fuck, I remembered, this, this, isn't this the guy who murdered and robbed at Wang's pharmacy the day before yesterday?"

Hearing this, everyone came back to their senses.

"Yes, it's him."

Another person slapped the table, looked at Lin Tianyuan's figure, and yelled strangely: "Today, this guy looks more energetic than that day, as if he was a different person. If you didn't remind me, I almost didn't think about it." get up."

"Isn't the Wang family offering a reward for him? I heard that the reward is quite rich, should we..."

"Nonsense, it's a fool not to take the money."

Everyone got up immediately, ignoring that the rich morning tea on the table was not finished, they hurried out and went straight to Wang's house, intending to report Lin Tian's whereabouts to them.

Of course, Lin Tian didn't know all of this.

When he left, although he felt that someone was staring at him, he didn't care.

After all, those people are really too weak.

There is no danger to him at all.

So, he doesn't care at all.

At this time, Lin Tian has arrived at the Yanwu Square in the center of Tianxue City.

This martial arts square is very large, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people around it.

This number looks terrifying, but compared to the population base of Sky Snow City, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket. Many people simply cannot squeeze in.

Those who can watch in the past are almost all monks.

And the cultivation base is not weak.

Otherwise, they can only stand behind and stare blankly.

When Lin Tian arrived, there were already people standing in front of him, not even a little gap was left, as if inserting it, it was very difficult, but Lin Tian didn't stop, and still walked forward.

Seeing this, someone couldn't help shouting: "Oh, brother, give up, you can't get in."

Hearing this, Lin Tian turned back and smiled at him, without speaking, and continued to move forward.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

As long as Lin Tian takes a step forward, the people in front of him will move to the two sides by themselves, leaving a way for him.

This scene caused everyone behind to stare wide-eyed.

I don't understand what's going on.

Those people didn't even see Lin Tian, ​​so why did they give way to him?

Before everyone reacted, Lin Tian's figure was gradually submerged in the crowd.

"Am...was I dazzled just now?"

The young man who kindly reminded Lin Tian earlier stared blankly at the place where Lin Tian disappeared, rubbed his eyes vigorously, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

The two people on the side also opened their mouths wide, and they didn't know how to answer.

Because this is really too weird...

It's beyond their comprehension.

Just when the people behind were shocked by Lin Tian's tricks, Lin Tian had already walked to the front and saw the general scene inside clearly.

The empty center is a big arena.

There is a large defensive formation engraved on it, with four large stone pillars blocking the surrounding area, as long as enough spirit stones are inlaid, it can be activated.

The defensive power can completely block the full blow of the ordinary emperor.

This is the arena jointly created by the five major families for their three-year competition, which allows the younger generation to fully play on it without being too loose.

(End of this chapter)

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