Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 371 I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth

Chapter 371 I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth (third)

Around the arena, there are five parties who stand out the most.

These people set up several rows of grand master chairs, with tea and spiritual fruits in their hands, and maids serving on the left and right. Behind them stood a group of uniformly dressed, energetic guards, majestic, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

They are the protagonists of this drama, the five major families of Sky Snow City.

What makes Lin Tian most interesting is that the members of the Zhang family are right in front of him.

Among them, the younger generation of the Zhang family, headed by Zhang Ziyi, stood at the front, and Zhang Xiong, who was sitting on the grand master's chair, seemed to be explaining something to them.

Next to Zhang Ziyi, stood a young man in white with an extraordinary temperament.

He chatted with Zhang Ziyi one after another, but Zhang Ziyi didn't seem to want to talk to her, her eyes were always on the four big families on the opposite side, jumping back and forth, and rarely answered.

"Ziyi, don't worry, with me here today, Luo Cheng and the others are nothing."

Seeing Zhang Ziyi's appearance, Zhong Qi smiled faintly, looking very confident.

You know, he is a genius who came out of Beili Academy, and it is not easy to deal with a few well-known casual cultivators.

It's just a pity that Zhang Ziyi didn't know what she was looking for, she looked around absent-mindedly, and even forgot to pay attention to him, which made the smile on Zhong Qi's face froze instantly.

"Ziyi, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xiong noticed that Zhong Qi's expression was wrong, and immediately scolded: "Nephew Zhong Xian is the helper invited by your younger sister, and is the hope of our Zhang family now. Is this how you treat him?"

Hearing this, Zhong Qi's face instantly improved a lot.

Complacent, he pretended to be indifferent and said, "Uncle Zhang, don't blame Ziyi, I don't think she did it on purpose, maybe she just doesn't like dealing with strangers, right, Ziyi?"

As he spoke, he showed a very gentle smile to Zhang Ziyi.

It seems to be saying to Zhang Ziyi: "Look, I helped you out."

Unfortunately, Zhang Ziyi didn't appreciate it at all, snorted coldly, glanced to the side, and said nothing, which made the smile on Zhong Qi's face froze again.

"Miss, this person is so annoying, just like that Fan Wei." Standing beside Zhang Ziyi, Xiaocui said in a low voice, thinking that Zhong Qi couldn't hear, but without exception, all of them reached Zhong Qi's ears .

This made Zhong Qi's complexion even more difficult to look.

Zhang Xiong also heard what she said, and couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Xiao Cui.

This little girl is getting more and more courageous.

Just when he was about to speak and wanted to punish him, Zhang Ziyi hurriedly pulled Xiaocui behind him, and said to Zhong Qi first: "I'm sorry, the servant girl is the most stupid and can't speak. I will say it to you on her behalf." Sorry, I hope you don't mind."

"Heh...heh, that's natural..."

When Zhong Qi heard this, he forced a smile, holding a breath in his heart.

It's just that Zhang Ziyi has already said that, and even apologized to him, what else can he say?
In his capacity, he can't really argue with a maid, can he? !
Seeing that Zhong Qi didn't intend to pursue it anymore, Zhang Xiong was even less likely to do anything unnecessary. He snorted coldly, and glanced at Zhang Ziyi and Xiaocui as if warning, then turned his face and smiled kindly at Zhong Qi. : "Nephew Zhong Xian, I will trouble you today. If you need anything, just tell me."

"As long as my Zhang family can be satisfied, I will try my best to be satisfied with you."

Zhang Xiong patted his chest and promised.

Hearing this, Zhong Qi glanced at Zhang Ziyi and thought to himself, I want two of your beautiful daughters, will you give them to me?

However, Zhong Qi only dared to think about these words in his heart, but did not dare to say them out.

Because he knew it was impossible.

Moreover, even if Zhang Xiong agreed, he would only dare to play Zhang Ziyi's idea at most.

Because Zhang Zilan is at the top of the list of Beili College, the inner courtyard, the woman Ye Qing likes, but he can't even make it into the top [-] on this list, even if he is given ten guts, he won't dare Go play Zhang Zilan's idea.

Even, he came to help out this time because of Ye Qing's order.

Otherwise, if it wasn't for Ye Qing's sake, Zhang Ziyi's attitude towards him, he couldn't help but burst out, and then walked away, why would he talk to Zhang Xiong here.

"Uncle Zhang, you're being polite. Ms. Zilan and I are friends. It's normal for friends to help each other. We don't need any compensation."

Zhong Qi declined with a wry smile on his face: "Uncle Zhang, you are really making a fool of my nephew."

"Hahaha, nephew Zhong Xian is right, it was someone who was abrupt, and someone punished himself with a drink."

Seeing Zhong Qi's attitude, Zhang Xiong was immediately satisfied. He couldn't help laughing, picked up a glass of wine, and drank it down. At the same time, he didn't forget to glance at Zhang Ziyi, as if to say: Look, my friend Zhong Qi is so good, as a genius from Beili Academy, he is not proud of being favored.

It doesn't matter if you are strong, and you don't need any reward for helping his Zhang family.

Compared with the Lin Tian you called, I don't know how many times stronger.

Zhang Ziyi naturally saw the meaning in her father's eyes, her face was a little unsightly, she turned her head away.

But when she turned her head, she found a familiar face flashing past her eyes.

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help turning her head again hastily, and looked behind her.

I happened to see Lin Tian who was looking around, and looked over.

Four eyes facing each other.

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help exclaiming: "Lin Tian?!"

"Lin Tian?"

Hearing Zhang Ziyi's voice, Zhang Xiong, Zhong Qi and the others followed Zhang Ziyi's gaze and saw Lin Tian, ​​who was dressed in white, quietly appeared in their line of sight.

Zhang Xiong frowned subconsciously.

The impression of Lin Tian is very bad.

Zhong Qi looked at Lin Tian in the distance with great interest, and then asked casually: "Uncle Zhang, this is the one you mentioned, who wants to exchange the treasure of the Zhang family town, the Jiucai Yangshen Flower, for him." The guy who shot once?"

Zhang Xiong nodded and replied, "Well, that's him."

"The strength is not very good..."

Zhong Qi shook his head, looked away, and said sarcastically: "The fluctuation of spiritual power in his body is so weak, and the strongest is only the appearance of a vision. Who gave him the courage to ask such a price?"

One must know that the Nine Colors Mental Cultivation Flower is a precious medicine for real people.

What's more, it is also the best among the real treasure medicines.

Things of this level are completely enough to invite an ancient emperor to make a move.

The competition of the five major families is important to the Zhang family, but it is also based on the premise of being able to win the championship.If Lin Tian can overwhelm the crowd and come out on top, it will be worthwhile to spend this real treasure medicine, but does he have the ability?

"It's just a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and my nephew doesn't need to pay attention to it."

Zhang Xiong shook his head, too lazy to look at Lin Tian.

(ps: Adding updates will start tomorrow, with a minimum guarantee of four updates, which will continue until the fifth.)
(End of this chapter)

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